Chapter 7

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As a vampire, your emotions are heightened. What you feel is multiplied by ten. Your love is unconditional, your pain is unbearable, your anger is destructive, and your fear is absolutely consuming. That is every vampire's experience, including mine. I became overprotective of my parents after my transition. I grieved their deaths like no other. My hatred over powered me, controlling my life, yet I still lived in fear.

For years I had hidden, scared to face the one who had betrayed me. I didn't deserve what he had done to me. I was sure that he would pick up where he left off had I ever faced him again. I kept my existence a secret from him. Time went on, and so did I. I had loved, lost, and hurt over the centuries, but never like Niklaus. I grieved the love I lost for the human boy, but I absolutely despised the monster he had become.

I never knew what to do with my time as a vampire. Not until the fifties, when I met Damon. He had become my best friend and we went everywhere together. Now we were back in Mystic Falls with a Tatia look-a-like and a love sick Stefan. Oh, and I haven't even mentioned the best part. The doppelgänger has somehow mentioned to get herself kidnapped and Damon and Stefan are off playing hero while ole witchy and I are forced to standby and wait for their return.

"I could send her message to tell her they're coming to save her," Bonnie suggested. "It might help her calm down a little."

"I think that'd be kind of you," I smiled nervously as I sipped on some blood out of a coffee mug. "I wonder who has her and why."

"I have no idea," she shook her head. She grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a message on it, clutching it tightly in her fist. The paper burst into a flame before vanishing.

"I'm guessing that means that she got it?"



"Are you alright?" I asked as the brunette walked through the door. "You look a little pale."

"Well I was just kidnapped," she laughed lightly. "But I'm alright, I guess. Just glad it's over with."

Another girl followed behind Damon and Stefan and I grew confused. I had known her from somewhere. She looked so familiar. Her eyes met mine and I noticed the same look of recognition. Then it hit me.

"Rose?" I asked. She quickly hugged me. "I can't believe it's you!"

"Madeline, it's been ages!"

Rose and I had met a few years after she had began running from Klaus. We ran together for a while with her friend, Trevor, but we were eventually separated by Mikael. I hadn't seen her in centuries.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned her.

"Rose here is the one who kidnapped Elena," Damon frowned at her.

"Hey I already explained myself. I was only trying to get myself pardoned. I'm tired of running," she defended herself.

"Pardon yourself?"

"From Klaus. He needs a doppelgänger. I had set up an alliance with Elijah, but he killed Trevor, so I no longer care for our deal. Besides, Elijah is dead anyways."

"Elijah is dead?" My eyes widened.

"You knew that guy?" Damon asked in disbelief.

"He turned me, Damon," I said without emotion. "I was the first person he ever turned."

"Don't tell me he did it for love?"

"No, it was an accident. If he would've been in love with me, all hell would've reigned loose."

"I don't follow," Stefan joined in.

"Klaus and I were together at one time," I gulped, cringing at the thought. "But that's all in the past now. We have another problem at hand."

"Well if Elijah knew about Elena, Klaus must know as well," Rose spoke up. "Word will get to him and he will find you."

"Not if we find him first," Elena shook her head.


Damon, Rose, and I found ourselves inside a vampire infested cafe. We were trying to get some information out of one of Rose's friends about the original family, but he seemed to be a dead end. I grew frustrated and more anxious by the second. All this talk of Klaus made me sick. I excused myself for some fresh air, exiting the restaurant. The light strums of a nearby guitar slowly calmed me, and I found my eyes fluttering closed. That only lasted for a few seconds before the shattering of glass echoed.

I opened my eyes and found myself staring at the man in horror. Our eyes met and he seemed surprised by my presence. His eyes flickered to the spot where Damon and Rose had previously occupied before going back to me. I was frozen in horror. He was supposed to be dead. How was this possible? He quickly sped to stand in front of me.

"Madeline," he said softly in amazement.

"E-Elijah," I stuttered. "I-I have to go."

But it was too late. Elijah easily wrapped his arms around me before snapping my neck. I collapsed into his arms out cold.

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