It was the next day. You were laying in bed talking with Kobayashi.
Kobayashi: So f/n. I noticed something yesterday.
You: What is it?
Kobayashi: Whenever Elma crashed through our wall, you were staring at her and smiling. You rarely smile. Mind explaining that?
You: It was nothing. It was
You started to blush. Kobayashi noticed this and smiled.
Kobayashi: You like her don't you?
You: What?! N-No!
Kobayashi gave you the "dead fish eye glare". When you were kids that's how she got you to tell the truth. And it still intimidates you.
You: Fine! I like her. Are you happy now?
You turned away in embarrassment. You heard her giggle behind you. Suddenly you heard people yelling in the living room. Kobayashi opened the door. You followed behind her.
Kobayashi: What's going on?
Tohru: The freak decided to come back.
Elma: Oh yeah I'm the freak?! You're trying to take over this world just admit it!
Tohru: You're wrong! I-
Elma: Shut your mouth! No more excuses!
You all heard a loud growl. Elma fell to the ground on her stomach and groaned. You knelt down beside her.
You: You haven't had anything to eat since yesterday have you?
Elma: I can't. I'm not from this world. So I'm not allowed to interfere.
Kanna was about to grab the cream bread but Kobayashi stopped her. You saw Kanna and grabbed the cream bread off of the counter.
You: Here eat this. It's cream bread.
Elma looked at you and blushed. She sat up.
Elma: I'll take it only because you offered. If only to restore my strength.
Elma took a bite and chewed for a little bit. Suddenly her face lit up and she smiled brightly.
You: It's good isn't it?
Elma nodded and took another bite. You gently pet her head. She flinched back.
Elma: W-What are you doing human?!
You jerked your hand back.
You: S-Sorry...
You saw that Elma was blushing. She ate the rest of the bread and stood up.
Elma: Okay I'm energized now! Time for our rematch Tohru!
Tohru: Or I'll give you all of these if you go away!
Tohru grabbed the bag of cream bread from your hand and held it in front of Elma's face. She quickly snatched the bread and ran towards the door.
Elma: Sorry for the intrusion!
You blushed and smiled. You stood up and turned around to see Kobayashi and Kanna smiling at you.
You: What?
Kobayashi pulled you into a hug.
Kobayashi: I'm proud of you.
You smiled and hugged her back.
You and Kobayashi were at work. It was the usual. Angry boss, annoying workers, tons of work blah blah blah. But that quickly changed when you all heard the door open. And Elma stepped in wearing a suit and tie. But her massive chest prevented her from buttoning the suit all the way.
Elma: My name is Elma. I'll be working with you all starting today.
Kobayashi: No way!
You didn't say anything due to your shock. You quickly got up and walked towards Elma.
You: Follow me.
She did as you asked and followed you out the door. You shut the door and faced her.
You: What are you doing here?
Elma: I could be asking you the same thing human.
You: This is my job so I get to ask stuff.
Elma: I uh...
Elma started to sweat. You immediately knew what was going on.
You: You can't get home can you?
Elma gasped and sighed.
Elma: I can't open portals in between words like Tohru. I came here through her portal.
You: I thought your power was equal to hers.
Elma: It is, just in a different way.
You: I see. Well since your stuck here, have you figured out a place to stay?
Elma stayed silent and looked down.
You: Would you like to stay with me?
Elma looked up at you.
Elma: Really?
You: Yeah.
Elma squealed and jumped up and down.
Elma: You have my gratitude human!
You: F/n.
Elma: Excuse me?
You: My name is F/n. Not human.
Elma: Oh! Uh sorry f/n.
You: It's fine. But do you know what to do here? You can't use magic.
Elma huffed and smiled confidently.
Elma: I can do human work better than any human! You'll see!
Elma walked back into the office and sat down at the computer next to yours. She immediately froze up and looked around her desk.
Elma: What the heck is all of this? I can't understand any of it! And what are these boxes for?
You pressed the power button and the computer turned on.
Elma: Oh I think I did something!
You chuckled and grabbed her hand and placed it on the mouse.
You: Watch.
You used your hand to make hers move the mouse.
You: See the pointer? When it's on something you want, you click down.
You made her finger click the button. You let go of her hand, allowing her to move the mouse. You pointed to the work that she was supposed to do.
You: Click on that.
Elma moved the mouse and clicked, opening up a blank page. You handed her some papers with letters on it. You then pointed to the keyboard.
You: Whatever button on here that you press will appear on the screen. So type everything on this paper onto this computer. Understand?
Elma: I do. Thank you hu-I mean F/n.
You: No problem.
You sat down and got to work with a smile on your face.
You and Kobayashi were walking home.
Kobayashi: You invited her to stay with us?! You know her and Tohru are going to wreak havoc! Plus we don't have enough room for anyone else!
You: Actually, our neighbor just moved out of his apartment. So maybe me and Elma could stay in that one.
Kobayashi: Yeah I guess that could work.
Elma: F/n!
You looked behind you and saw Elma running towards you. You nodded to Kobayashi and she walked home while you waited for Elma. Once she caught up you both started walking.
Elma: I apologize for what I said. You humans do some pretty difficult work.
You: No worries.
Elma: So when do I get my payment?
You: At the end of the month.
Elma: You mean I won't be getting paid tomorrow?
You: Nope. We get our pay at the end of every month. And today's the first so we'll have to hold out for a while.
Elma: Well what am I gonna do about food?
You: Kobayashi taught me how to cook. We'll be fine.
Elma stayed silent and smiled. You saw her blushing, making you blush too.
And there's part 2! BTW this is going to be just a short story. Once I'm done with this book I'll continue the Blake story. Hope you enjoyed!
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