Yeah XD
(Used a base comic thingy ^^)
Ethan: *Heard a bunch of noises from let other room, looks and rolls eyes* Aaaaaand what do you think you're doing? *Raises a brow*
Ash: *Jumps and looks around* E-Ethan! U-Uhh- N-Nothing! ^-^
Ethan: I can tell when you're lying...
Ash: *Sighs in defeat* Okay okay fine. But...Can I at least give you a hug...? B-Before you get suuuper mad..? *Smiles innocently*
Ethan: No.
Ash: *Hugs Ethan anyway* >:3
Ethan: A-ASH! I SAID "NO"! *Huffs and rolls eyes*
I don't know- XD
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