I have nothing better to do at this point ._. XD
David: My son! :3
Max: *Growls and huffs* I am going to f*cking kill you David!
Nikki: *Gasps* Awww! X3
Neil: *Just as shocked as Max*
Max: Woah, woah, woah...You have a DATE?! *raises an eyebrow*
(Source: ??? --There's the signature so...Hopefully if anybody recognises it they can give me the artist's Tumblr or something? ._. ;-;)
David: *Sighs and sits next to Max*..I can't change your past, but I want to improve your future, Max..*Looks to him*
Max:..*Looking down*..T-Thanks...*Nods slowly*..
(Source: campecampe- Tumblr)
Max: *Sitting against Le tree bored*
Preston: *walks up to Le tree and sees Max, blushes lightly*...Um..I didn't know you came here.
Max:..*Blushes lightly as well* Only when I'm bored...
Preston: O-Oh..That makes sense...*Nods* it's a nice spot here..*Smiles*
(Source: that-lonely-alienboy -Tumblr)
Max:...*looks at Le birds that are sitting on him and rolls eyes* Do I look like a goddamn tree to you? *Huffs*
(Source: spookyfishcakes-Tumblr)
Preston: Soooo? *Excited for Max to read Le script for his new play* What do you think?!
Max:...*Looks to Preston with no expression on his face*...
Preston:..;-; You don't like it do you? ;w;
Max: *Shrugs and smiles slightly* Nah it's pretty good. *nods, passing the script back*
Preston: *huffs and hits Max with the script* Dont scare me like that! I thought you hated it. *Rolls eyes and chuckles*
(Source: gigason-Tumblr)
Daniel:...What and why? ._.
David: *Smiles and snickers* You can't always wear you Spooky uh...outfit...People will still be scared of you..! So a batman hoodie is your new outfit! *Smiles brightly*
Daniel:..But I never wanted a batman hoodie. I want to wear my Cultist outfit. It shows off my personality. *Shrugs and smirks8
David: Bad Daniel! *Huffs*
(Source: spacespriinkles-Tumblr)
Preston: *Smiles in Le Red Riding Hood costume* I'm the best Red Riding Hood >:3
(Source: corinnamariedrawsstuff- Tumblr)
Patton: *Takes Le picture, smiles* Best shirts :3
Logan:..I hate this shirt. I made ONE Mistake-- *Huffs*
Virgil: You look stupid. *Pokes his tongue out at Roman*
Roman: *Narrows eyes and huffs* I think you meant I look fabulous.
Virgil: *Snickers* I know what I said *Smiles innocently and shrugs*
(Source: laragrillo-Tumblr)
-imma say Virgil was feeling anxious...;3;-
Roman: *Put on one of Virgil's songs on his phone and gave him one of Le earbuds, smiling*
Virgil: *Smiles as well, looking to Le side and holds Roman's hand* T-Thanks...
Roman: No problem creepy cookie *Snickers and shrugs*
Virgil: *Chuckles quietly*
(Source: Lestroodlemctroodle-Tumblr)
-so...the newest Sander's Sides...;-; Um, yeah. It looks like that's the reason they're hugging to me anyway ;-;)
Virgil: *Goes up to Patton and says quietly*...Random weird question...c-can I have a hug..?
Patton: *Sighs and smiles sadly* Of course, kiddo. *Nods and hugs Virgil*
Virgil: *frowns and looks to the side*..T-Thanks, Dad. *Hugging back*
To not end on a sad part..!
heRE YOU GO-- X33 XD
They're so fluffy and--
Imma end it XD
Hope you guys liked this!
See ya later bunnies~!
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