(By: Pangerfly-DA)
Josh: *Gasps and smiles widely* yOU LOOK ADORABLE!
Ghost: *Groans and hides his face with his hand* Just go shopping or something and stop saying that. *Rolls eyes*
Josh: *Chuckles and nods* Fiiine. Don't get your dress too dirty~! *Smiles innocently*
Ghost: I am going to hit you with this broom if you don't leave-
Josh: I'm going! I'm going! *Huffs and leaves, snickering*
(By: LarryDaCat-DA)
Spooker: This is so cool-
Colon: *Nods* You think Toast will let us keep Woah?
Woah: You follow orders from...toast..?
Spooker: No no! His name is Johnny Toast! He's our new boss *Nods slowly*
Colon: Not for long though...! I have a plan to get Ghost back >:3
Woah: I thought my name was Woah...? And I'm here-
Spooker: No! His naaame is Johnny Ghost..! He- Nevermind .-.
(By: ???)
Roman: *Was teasing Virgil and called him Damsel In Distress*
Virgil: *Picks Roman up bridal style, smirks* Who's the Damsel in distress now~?
Roman: *Huffs and doesn't say anything, bright red*...
Virgil: *Chuckles*
(By: ChibiPris-DA)
Patton: *Fell asleep leaning against Logan*
Logan: *smiling softly and blushing lightly*
Roman:...That's cute- *Looking at the two*
Virgil: *Happily watching Steven Universe* :3
Thomas: *Also watching Steven Universe* :3
(The credit is in the corner ^^ Their Tumblr, DA And IG :3)
Virgil: *Wearing a flower crown, sighs* Shut up. Nobody speaks of this..*Rolls eyes*
(Schoolllll AUUU X3 by: aa.leesii- IG??)
Roman: *saw Virgil and quickly caught up to him and walked next to him so he wasn't in the rain anymore* Hey.
Virgil: *blinks and looks to Roman* Uh- H-Hi....Thanks..Roman..*Nods slowly*
Roman: *Smiles* No problem my chemically imbalanced romance~ *Chuckles*
Virgil: *Chuckles quietly*
That's it- I'm tired and there weren't many picture I could really find .-.
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