I am so c o l d-
So as I'm suffering, have good art XD
(By: NezueWe-DA)
Roman: *Excited precious bby* X3
Virgil: I swear to God-
Logan: Virgil no- Let them be- *Sighs* It wing be that bad.
Virgil: I don't want one-
(I forgot the artist I'm sorry! ;-; )
Virgil: *Sitting on Le couch watching TV, toying with Le strings on his hoodie*..
(I'm too lazy to find the beginning but it was
"Why'd the chicken cross the road?"
Patton: To get to his best friend's house!
Patton: Knock Knock!
Virgil: *Looking at his phone* Who's there..
Patton: *Cutie* The Chicken! *Giggles* :3
Virgil: ! *Just realised it and blushes embarrassed*
Patton: *Snickers* >:3
(The signature of the artist is there ^^ They're on Tumblr ^^)
(By: thesandersidesgroup-Tumblr)
Logan: *Mad at Virgil*..
Virgil: Lo, think about this... I'm your hottest friend-
Virgil:...No, Roman...Uhh- I'm..Oh!
Virgil: I'm your nices-...Patton...
Virgil:...*Huffs and mutters annoyedly* I'm your friend .-.
Virgil: I'm not ALWAYS The bad guy- *rolls eyes and shrugs slightly*
(No your not c h i l d- ;3;)
(By: jintard-Tumblr)
(By: fandersunite-Tumblr)
Patton: Hey, so um- I was checking your browser history yesterday and-
Roman: Dad, I can explain-
Patton: It's just- Pages and pages of Prinxiety-
Roman: HHHHHHHNNNGGGGG- *Covers Le face embarrassed boi*
(By: availe-Tumblr)
Virgil: *Hugs Logan tightly* Don't. EVER. Leave. Again.*Huffs*
Logan: *Blinks surprised but smiles slightly and hugs back* You know very well I wasn't gone completely. But physically I will avoid leaving you. Especially whilst you're experiencing high levels of anxiety. *Nods*
(This is cute :3)
(By: prinxietys-Tumblr)
Roman: And this is Mr. fluffybunnings >:3 (don't even know if that's right but shhhhhh XD)
Virgil: *Chuckles and nods* I remember him- *smiles*
(Credit is there already- This is Tumblr)
Jimmy: Well..This guy walked in..
Toast: Yes..?
Jimmy: so I walked up to him...
Toast: Go on...
Jimmy:...And I stabbed him 37 times in the chest-
Toast: *Gasps and huffs* Casket! That kills people!
Jimmy: Oh- Ohhh- H-Ha! I..Pfft- I didn't know that-
Toast: HOW Couldn't you have known that?!
Jimmy: Yeah I'm in the wrong here...IIIIIIII Suck..*Nods*
Jimmy: This is unfair. What have I EVER Done to you?
Toast: you tried to kill us and killed hundreds of people-
Jimmy:...Well yeah- but apart from that.
(I know it says ate but- I want it to kinda make sense and I'm pretty sure Jimmy isn't a cannibal- XDD)
(Doggygirl456 's sisters fabulous art X3)
(By: neyrthil-Tumblr)
(This is the only art I could find without it just being Max- XDD)
Jasper: *Just told Le joke, laughing*
Davey: *Laughing as well*
( I love them-)
(I'm stupid I forgot one I ish sorreh ;-;
This was gonna be an example of what I said about just being Max- XDD)
(By: neyrthil-Tumblr)
Max: *Sitting in his tent and listening to music, sad boyo*
Y u p-
Anyway ^^
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