Random Art Dump #18

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(Ayyyeeee XDD)
(By: ShoobaQueen- DA)
Aimee: It's AIMEE Mario~! *Giggles, goes to Ghost* It eez a funny joke, no?
Ghost: No. *Rolls eyes* I get enough of these freaking puns with Jimmy and Spooker. *Huffs*

(By: EGardanier-Tumblr)
Patton: *screaming and jumps into Logan's arms* ITS A CREEPY CRAWLY DEATH DEALER!
Logan:...It's tiny-
Roman: I gOT THIS-
Thomas: *hiding behind Virgil* ;3;
Virgil:..It's not even that big- *Sighs and moves away from Thomas, walks past them all and grabs the spider carefully, not hurting it and puts it outside, walks back* It's gone. *Shrugs*
Patton: wOAH-
Thomas: You're brave for someone who's the embodiment of Anxiety-

Logan: See, Thomas? This is why dogs wag their tails-
BbyThomas: Puppies~! *Giggles*

Patton: Now, remember that everyone is different and we have to respect that, okay kiddo?
BbyThomas: *Pouting and looks down* Okayyy...

Roman: *chuckles, running around with Thomas on his back* Off to slay that DragonWitch!
BbyThomas: *holding a wooden sword* Adventure!

BbyThomas: *Sniffles* I-I'm scared..!!
Virgil: *Says quietly* Shh...You're gonna be fine...
BbyThomas: *Crying more* N-No I'm n-nottt!
Virgil: Yes, you are. You're over thinking everything. Just breathe...

(By: ravenfox95-IG)
Roman:..? What? Why're you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong? *Raises a brow confused*

(By: eat.draw.sleep.repeat-IG)
(That username is everything- XDD)
Virgil: *In Le cat-like pose for no reason, bored*

(By: walkinqdiaster-Tumblr)
Patton: *Smiles happily and wipes one of Virgil's tears* Its okay, kiddo..! Just try to think happy things..!! *Nods*
Virgil: *Le sniffles and nods slowly* O..O-Okay..??
Patton: Oh! Think of cute puppies! :3

(By: Sarcastic-anxious: Tumblr)
Logan: What was that..?
Patton: My shirt fell.
Logan: It sounded a lot heavier than that...
Patton:...*Hangs his head down and says quietly* ...I was in it...
Logan:..So you fell.
Patton: *nods* ;3;

(By: Virgildarling-IG)
Logan: Good job.
Virgil: You're giving me a sticker..?
Patton: Not just a sticker! It has a kitten that says "me-wow!"
Virgil: I'm not a kindergartener (that's so weird to type-)
Logan: Alright, I'll just take it back-
Virgil: *Hisses* Hey, back off I earned this! *huffs*
Patton: *proud father moment* >w<

(By: Doggygirl456 )
Logan: *Smiling boi* ^-^
(I can't fit your sister's art I'm sorry- I'll add hers in the next Doggygirl456 ^^")

(By: fanticsucksatart-IG)
Spooker: *ate the last cookie that Jimmy was gonna have*...I can explain-
Jimmy:..You DISGUST me.
Spooker: I'm sorry!
Jimmy: I'm never speaking to you again. *Shakes head and walks off*
Spooker: ;w;

(By: lux_does_stuff-IG)
Jimmy:..? But- wha- *confused boi*

(By: theghostlytoaster-IG)
Ghost: This is terrifying- why am I even doing this- I don't want to do THIS As a solo mission- *Huffs, looking for Lights Zeron*
LightsZeron: *Creeping up behind Ghost, smirking crazily*

(By: jenny_the_phantom-IG)
Jimmy: *normally walks down Le path, everyone running away*..
Jimmy: *huffs* Everyone abandoned me..;3;
Jimmy: *Narrows eyes, more annoyed than upset now* jUST LIKE MY PARENTS- ;^;

(By: theghostlytoaster-IG)
Ghost: *Standing around out of boredom*..
Jimmy: *Runs up to him and hugs him from behind* Johnny I'm bored!
Ghost: No.
Jimmy: But Ghostieeeee-
Ghost: No.

(By: theghostlytoaster-IG)
Ghost: *Annoyed* stop being so tall!! I hate being the smallest!
Toast: Sir, being the shortest isn't a bad thing.
Ghost: yes it is! You're tall and you look like you could like....do something cool! And it's not even that I'm short. I'm the SHORTEST In the entire HQ!
Jimmy: *Walks into Le room, shorter than them both*.. Why the yelling?
Ghost:..I'm okay now. *smiles innocently*
Toast: *Snickers*

And now for some angst.
SandersSides angst.
Princey angst.
I'm sorry.

Not thaaattt sorry but-
I'm still sorry- ;3;

Also- I've seen a few people RP this and instead of acknowledging that it's a Tangled!AU, they just make it so the Sides see Roman really badly hurt?? Imma go with that- ;w;)
Patton: *was in front of the others, looking for Roman, sees him* Hey- *Eyes widen realising there's blood* !! GUYS! *ran to Roman, trying to wake him up, shaking him weakly*
Logan and Virgil: *Runs to Patton and Roman and eyes widen*
Virgil: *shaking slightly*..P-Princey-
Logan: O-Oh..my G-God...

Anyways >:3

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