Random Art Dump #17

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Y u p.
Also because I'm lazy- if I don't do the normal (by:) thing it's because there's already the name there. ^^

Roman: You know, I have very high standards-
Virgil: I can sing Disney songs...
Roman: Oh no! He's meeting all of my standards!! ;3;

Virgil: I'm at the point where I don't really care if my foot is hanging off of the edge of my bed- Come get me demons, I'm already in hell-

Roman: I'm doing such a good job of keeping my crush a se-
Virgil: *Humming quietly, walking into Le room*
Roman: I have to gay- I mean go!

Roman: *suddenly screams* THE FLOOR IS HATING VIRGIL!
Patton: *Latches onto the ceiling*
Virgil: *Laying on the floor*
Everyone else: VIRGIL N O-

Patton; I hope he thinks I'm cool-
Roman: Who is "he"?
Patton: The dog across the street-

Patton: I'm quick at math.
Logan: Alright, what's 38 times 76?
Patton: 24.
Logan: That's...not even close-
Patton: But it was quick :3

(By: licayly-IG)
(Imma say they're having a Disney marathon because I am right now- XDD)
Roman: Told you this would be fun.
Virgil: *Huffs and looks to Roman* S-Shut up and watch the stupid movie- *Huffs quietly, pouting slightly*
Roman: *chuckles softly and goes back to watching the movie*

(By: youtuberspam101-IG)
(One day I'll stop with teh Princey angst- ;3;)
Roman: *Coughing up blood, groans and huffs, trying to get up but his arms give up, getting too weak up help himself up*

Roman: Hey remember when you dared me to lick that swing set?
Virgil: no, I said "Roman don't lick that swing set," then you said "Don't tell me what to do Hot Topic," and then you proceeded to lick the swing set..

(By: shooting.cosmos-IG)
Roman: Hot chocolate helps you sleep better, try it. *smiles and nods, putting an arm around his shoulders*
Virgil: *blushes lightly and smiles softly* T-Thanks Ro..

Virgil: If you're a sweetheart and you know it clap your hands-
Patton: *In a nearby closet, claps*
Virgil: Every time.. *Chuckles and finds Patton*
Patton: I want a rematch-

(By: youtuberspam101-IG)
Roman: Greetings Hot Topic~ I got a rose for you!
Virgil: *Sighs* Princey out of my room now.
Roman: Not until you accept my rose~ *Smiles innocently*
Virgil: If you start getting "extra passionate" like when I ducked out I swear I'm going to kill you-
Roman: I won't! *Rolls eyes and chuckles* C'mon Virge I got this one just for you!
Virgil:..*Rolls eyes* Fine whatever- *Sighs and takes it* Thanks. Now leave.
Roman: I'm satisfied *Smiles and Le poof he's gone*

(Just in case those who find fancy handwriting hard to read ;-; Like me- XD)
Roman: Yes! Write like me!
Logan: No problem.  "I am an egotistical, narcissistic, self-aggrandising moron-
Virgil: They meant his handwriting, Lo.
Logan: Oh, I uh...*Attempts to make his handwriting more loopy* "I am an egotistical, narc-
Roman: That's enough of that. Virgil?
Virgil: Do I have to?
Patton: Let me try! "Hi! I'm Patton!"
Logan: He actually got loopier...

Roman: He did- Hey! Didn't I take your pen?
Logan: You think I dint carry around spare pens?
Roman: Ugh. Whatever, Virgil?
Virgil: Ugh- Really?
Patton: *Still writing fancily* Come on, Virgil! It's fun!
Logan: You have to stop that now-
Virgil: Fine. But no one can laugh, ok?
Patton: Of course we won't, Kiddo! Pinky promise!
Logan: Certainly not.

Roman: I solemnly swear I shall not laugh. After all not everyone can have perfect, beautiful, flowing-
Virgil: *writes fancily* "Virgil Sanders."
Patton: O h- wowie!! Kiddo that's amazing!
Patton: Whoopsie! Roman you dropped your pen. I'll just grab it for ya!

(By: bossatronia-Tumblr)
Patton: *Drawing the picture he gave to Virgil, smiling and humming happily, trying his best with it*

(People noticed that Logan was putting his hand out as well as the other two looking super confused about why there isn't any rain getting on them- Virgil's wings are invisible ^-^" It's a cute concept ^^)
(By: randomslasher-Tumblr)
Virgil: *Covering the three from the rain, only him getting wet from the rain, smiling softly*
Patton: Huh..?? *Confused boi*
Roman: Wha-? How.....
Logan: *Puts his hand out, confused* I am confused- it's impossible for the rain to just..dodge us-
Patton: *Glancing to Virgil* Hey Virgil, c'mere! You won't get as wet ^-^
Virgil: *Cant move without getting them in the rain, chuckles quietly* Nah. I'm good, Patt. Stay there til the rain stops...I've got a hood, I'm fine. *nods*

Roman: Hey Virgil, can you pass me that please?
Virgil: *Huffs* Don't talk to me! I'm mad at you!
Virgil: *Passes it to Roman anyway*
Roman: *Smiles* Thanks
Virgil: I'm not talking to you!

Virgil: *Sees someone doing something stupid, chuckles* What an idiot...
Virgil: *Realises its Roman, eyes widen* wait that's my idiot- Goddamnit-

Yeah XDD
I did this all while listening to a bunch of Disney movies in the background- XDD

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