Random Art Dump #16

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I know I did the last one super close but I'm a tired hooman-

(Finally some VT Art ^^")
(By: LarryDaCat-DA)
Katrina: *Angry Ghostie girl*
Jimmy: Uhh- Heeeyyyyyy *Chuckles awkwardly* Uh- N-No hard...feelings?
Katrina: Seriously?

(By: LuckyInGold-DA)
Toast: *Picked up Ghost and walks back to Le HQ* You're not leaving.
Ghost: *Sighs* Toast put me down-
Toast: Nope.
Ghost: *Groans* Johnny I need to get into my flight in like- 30 minuets!
Toast: Well then you'll have to miss it, sir. *Nods slowly*

(By: Chibr-DA)
Virgil: *drinking Le slushie*
Roman: *Notices and smirks*
Virgil: *Stops and raises a brow*..What?
Roman:..*Snickers* Freeze your brain-
Virgil: Princey No. *rolls eyes and chuckles*

Roman: *Picked up Virgil and huffs* "Go get Virgil" they said. "It'll be easy!" They said. This is NOT Easy. *rolls eyes*
Virgil: *Groans tiredly*

Logan: *made Le dad joke*
Patton: *Hugs Logan happily* you made a dad joke!
Logan: Wha- I did? Well it wasn't intentional! *Huffs*
Patton: riiiiight. *Chuckles*

Roman: *Yelling* dRAGONWITCH! *huffs*
DragonWitch: You Suck >:3
Roman: HEY! *Glares*
-Roman is STILL Trying to get Virgil to go to Le others-
Virgil: *Smirks and says sarcastically* Oh my prince has come to save me~!
Roman: *Groans* Virgil seriously- You're gonna make me drop you! *Rolls eyes*
Virgil; Well you're a lousy prince then. *Shrugs*
Roman: Rude!

(all were by: Colorful-unknown -Tumblr)
Patton: *Hugging Virgil and squishes his cheeks* Look at my dark strange son! X3
Virgil: Patt- Sop-

(Bby nu-)
(By: Colorful-unknown-Tumblr)
Virgil: *Was in his room and his negative thoughts were getting to him, stats to panic, believing any of the mean thoughts*

(Just wanted to include this because. I love this part- XD)
Roman and Patton: *Playing with puppies, giggling*

Logan:...Well...This is just too precious to process...
Virgil: *Nods slowly* I literally can't think of anything cynical or bitter to say about this...

Logan: Virgil. You're in charge while I'm away.
Virgil: Alright, I'm your man.
Logan: Don't do anything stupid.
Virgil: Okay, I'm kinda your man...
Logan: And keep the other two out of any trouble.
Virgil: You need another man.

Virgil: Why are you squeezing me with your body..?
Roman: It's a hug. I'm hugging you Virgil.

(By: thesides-Tumblr)
Logan: Patton said he loved me today..
Virgil: And what did you say?
Logan:..I told him I was taken.
Virgil: By who?
Logan: *says quieter* Isaac Newton...
Virgil: *Sighs* Buddy-

(By: xprinxiety-Tumblr)
Roman: Virgil? What's a "ship"?
Virgil: It's a big boat. Like the Titanic.
Roman: But why would people want us to be a boat..?
Logan: *laughing in Le corner*
Roman: People say they ship us. I was wondering what that means..?
Logan: *Falls on the floor from laughing*

(By: incorrect-sanders-quotes -Tumblr)
Roman: My head hurts...
Logan: That's your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.

Virgil: You...gave me a plant? *raises a brow*
Patton: Yes. *Nods*
Virgil:...I can't even take care of myself, how the hell do you expect me to take care of a plant?
Patton: *mutters quietly*..It's good thing I didn't get you a puppy then...

(By: xprinxiety-Tumblr).
Patton: What's it like dating Virgil?
Roman: Once, I asked him for a glass of water while he was pissed at me, and he came back with a glass full of ice and said "wait"...*Nods slowly*

Logan: Name one thing that'd change in Shakespeare's Hamlet if it were set in modern times.
Virgil: Hamlet would probably be listening to My Chemical Romance between monologues...

(By: thesides-Tumblr)
Roman: How do you want your coffee?
Virgil: As dark and as bitter as my soul.
Roman: One vanilla latter with extra sugar coming right up. *Smiles innocently*
Virgil: *huffs, rolling his eyes* Moron.

(By: Aivemewi-Tumblr)
Virgil; I just want someone to take me out...
Roman: Like..on a date or with a sniper..?
Virgil: Surprise me....
Roman: Uhh-
Virgil: *Chuckles* Nah I'm just kidding.
Roman: *Sighs* Thank goodness. So you want to go on a da-
Virgil: I wanna be taken out with a sniper. *nods*
Roman: Virgil no. *Sighs*

Aaaanyways :3
I'm tired XD
Hope you guys liked this ^^

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