First day of the new year.
Everything should be awesome
And it hasn't stopped in h o u r s-
...I freaking love England- .-. XD
(Found it on Pinterest. Don't know the original artist..;-; but there's a signature so if anybody recognises it please tell me?? ^^)
Virgil: *Just woke up and is wearing an oversized shirt*..
Patton: Oh my goodness, Virge your pyjamas are adorable! X3
Virgil: *huffs, crosses his arms* These are my EVIL Pyjamas. They are NOT Cute ;-;
(By: Unmarked-Boy-DA)
Roman: *Puts a Pocky in his mouth and looks to Virgil* :3
(By: Unmarked-Boy-DA)
Patton: *Bby starts crying and holding his phone out, runs to Logan* lOGAN-
Logan: ? *Gets tackle hugged and looks to Patton* oh. Emotions. Okay .-. Uhmmm...What's wrong?
(By: Fukalli-Tumblr)
(To make this fuuuunnnn imma go with Le school AU- XD)
Virgil: *walking down Le halls and Listening to music, humming quietly along to Le song*
Patton: *Relatable dad pose* ^^"
Logan: *Sighs, face palming* .-.
Roman: *Holding Virgil tightly trying to make sure he doesn't fall* viRGIL NU-
Virgil: *Passed out*
(By: Mokeia-Tumblr)
(There was a question XD So imma say the question to make more sense of this >:3)
Hooman Beeing: "What happened to Virgil? Did he faint from how high up they all were?"
Virgil: Pfft- O-Obviously no-
Roman: *Sighs* Yes. *nods* He panicked.
Virgil:..I'm not used to heights! *huffs and crosses his arms, embarrassed Boi*
(By: encinaaa-Tumblr)
Roman: But Anxiety is the fairest of them all~! *Smiles innocently*
Roman: What? It was a pale joke! Because he'*Nods slowly* G-get it...?
Logan: It was bad-
Patton: He tried! It was a good joke kiddo :3
(By: The Art of the Fox- Pinterest)
(From the song "What is this feeling?"- Wicked :33)
Roman: Your face!
Virgil: *Smirks* Your voice-
Roman: Your CLOTHING! *huffs*
(By: PrincePhantom-DA)
Patton: tACKLE HUGS X3 *Smiles brightly and hugs Logan happily*
Logan: U-Uhh- Wait- *Gets hugged tightly by dad guy* Okay .-. *Sighs*
(By: MaLeLo-Tumblr)
Roman: *looks to Virgil and smirks* Hey creepy cookie~
Virgil: *rolls eyes and shakes his head* You're a moron.
Aaaanyways :3
That's all the pictures I have .-. ;-; XD
Hope you guys liked this!
See ya later bunnies~!
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