(Not counting the Holdiay one ^^")
(By: fukalli-Tumblr)
Virgil: *On Le phone and looksto Roman*
Roman: *Kinda talking to Virgil, Kinda in his own world* And then BOOM. I. Killed. The. Dragonwitch.
Virgil:..Was I meant to be listening?
Roman:..Did you hear the last thing I said?
Virgil: Yea-
Roman: Then that's fine. *Shrugs* Just wanted to make it clear how talented and perfect I am~ ^-^
Virgil: *rolls eyes*
(By: 2Queer2Deer-Tumblr)
Roman: *Having a bad day, starts to cry*
Virgil: *Sees and sighs, takes off his hoodie and puts it on Roman, then hugs him* It'll be okay, Ro. *Nods slowly*
Roman: *Crying still, sniffles* t-..T-thank you..
(By: 2Queer2Deer-Tumblr)
(Imma say it's a school AU)
Virgil: *Was just insulted for like teh 50th time, growls and turns around, flips the meanie off* SCREW YOU! *huffs and walks off annoyed*
(This is everything-)
(By: MDazzle-Tumblr)
Virgil: *Listening to music, smiling softly and humming along*
(Yaaayyyy X3 XD)
(By: 2Queer2Deer-Tumbr)
(Pretty sure this isn't following the sad Boi Princey? XDD)
Roman: *Stole Virgil's hoodie and chuckles* I wear it better anyway. *Shrugs*
Virgil: *Rolls eyes and takes Le crown, putting it on*
Roman: Theif!
Virgil; *Snickers* I wear it better anyway. *Smirks and shrugs*
(By: foxtielart-Tumblr)
Patton: *Put his cat hoodie on Virgil* See? It makes everything a bit better...Right?
Virgil:..*sighs* I-I guess...*Nods slowly* Thanks...
Patton: *Giggles* Its fine. You look adorable in this anyway- X3
(Y e s.)
(By: foxtielart-Tumblr)
Logan: *just woke up, yawning and goes to drink Le coffee*..? What..? W-why are you looking at me that way?
(I honestly love this- XDD)
(By: ritardlemon and yellowlens-Tumblr)
Roman: *Smirks and keeps Virgil where he is, holding his chin* Heyyy prettyface~
Virgil: *Sighs and crosses his arms* are you seriously hitting on me because we have the same face you self-obsessed moron? *Huffs*
(The following pictures are all from vvvvvv)
(By: abd-illustrates-Tumblr)
Roman: *catches Virgil and smirks* Don't worry, everyone loves the villain~
Virgil: *Rolls eyes and huffs* Oh brother-
Virgil: Y'know Princey, I know I can be kinda mean to you sometimes, but words can't describe how cute you are~
Roman: *Eyes widen slightly and smiles, blushing* Really? Why Anxiety, that must be the nicest thing you've ever said to me!
Virgil: True- but hey, even if words can't do you justice, numbers sure can:
Virgil: *Looks back to his phone, says with no expression* 3/10.
Roman: *gasps offendedly* how daRE YOU-
(By: Varilia-Tumblr)
Roman: *smirks* How's the most beautiful man in the world doing?
Virgil: *Doesnt even look up* I don't know, how are you?
Roman: *Voice cracking, didn't expect that* F-Fine-
Logan: We all have the sAME FACE-
(By: Prinxietys-Tumblr)
Logan: Are you made up of mass?
Patton: Hm? ???
Logan: Because you matter.
Patton: *smol squeal* !! >w<
Logan: *leans to Virgil* Did I do the flirt right?
Virgil:..*looks to Patton who's watching Logan dreamily*..
Virgil: *chuckles softly and nods* Well you're doing something right- *Shrugs*
Roman: *Sips Le tea*
Virgil: *Doing a crossword* sometimes annoying, but still manages to be somewhat adorable, and is always incredibly beautiful-
Virgil: "Roman"...
Virgil: It fits-
Roman: *Choking on his tea, bright red*
Logan: Patton made me feel things-
Virgil; what things?
Logan: *disgusted* Feelings-
Virgil; He made you feel feelings?
Logan: *Nods*
Virgil: How dare he.
Logan: rIGHT?!
(By: incorrectsandersidesquotes-Tumblr)
Virgil: I can't believe we're locked in this stupid room together! *huffs*
Roman: *Throws Le key out the widow* Yes. It is truly unfortunate- *Nods slowly*
That's to make up for not doing anything yesterday.
It was my grandad's birthday and he recently passed a few months ago so...I wasn't really in the best mood for doing anything..I tried though.
Anyway! So I don't make this anymore sad-
Hope you guys liked this!
Sorry it's all Sander Sides
See ya later bunnies~!
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