Random Art Dump #13

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(Of course the first picture is Prinxiety- XD)
(By: Foxyloverr2-DA)
Roman: *Snoring softly, smiling in his sleep*
Virgil: *Smiling softly in his sleep as well, snuggles slightly into Roman's chest*

(I just liked the artstyle of this artist- There's a lot of Prinxiety I'm sorry- ;-;)
(By: tiny.mudkip- Tumblr)
Roman: *Being all cheesy and stuff*
Virgil:..*Looking at Roman with no expression on his face*...*mutters* I just wanted to get a snack- *Sighs and rolls eyes*

(By: tiny.mudkip-Tumblr)
Roman: *Smiles* Your music tastes aren't as awful as I assumed, *shrugs and nods*
Virgil:..Uh- T-Thanks..?

(By: tiny.mudkip-Tumblr)
Patton: You look so cool with black nail polish-
Virgil: Thanks, Patt- *chuckles quietly* You know you didn't have to-
Patton: This is officially father-son bonding time! *Smiles brightly*
Virgil: I'm not- *Sighs not wanting to ruin his happy mood* Yeah. Sure. *nods*

(By: Fukalli-Tumblr)
Virgil: *In his room, hugging Le pooh bear plushie, blushing softly*..

(By: Rubythetuesday- DA)
Virgil: *sleeping*
Roman: *Sees him and sighs* Don't you do anything else? *Raises a brow*
Virgil: *says tiredly* Buzz off Princey- *Huffs*
Patton: *smiles and messes with Virgil's hair* it's so soft-
Virgil: *le purring*
Patton: ._. well..That's adorable and kinda...not normal- *Nods slowly and giggles* You're like a caaattt! >w<
Logan: *sighs* Virgil. There's a chair...RIGHT Next to you.
Virgil: *Hisses*
Logan:...Nope- *Walks off*

(I just found this on Pinterest- I don't know who drew it- ;-;)
Roman: So...did you sleep last night..?
Virgil: *painting his nails* Nope.
Roman: Panic attack..?
Virgil: Yup..
Roman: This calming you?
Roman: Then I'll help you sleep later.
Virgil: *Smiles slightly* Thanks..
Roman: Love you ^-^
Virgil: love you too..
(This is pure-)

(More Princey angst- I'm sorry- ;-;)
(By: Pastel-Princey)
Roman: *Le got stabbed, eyes widen and groans in pain, holding Le stomach*

(By: sir-tostwat -Tumblr)
Roman: See?! It fits :3
Virgil:..Ignoring the fact I'm uncomfortable- Did you design this yourself? *Raises a brow*
Roman: Indeed I did! I added little messy patches like the ones on your hoodie! *smiles brightly* don't you like this-? ;-;
Virgil:..*Sighs* Its not horrible-
Roman: YESSS! X3

(By: laragrillo- Tumblr)
Nikki: *Snickers and laughs happily* The best part of Christmas is you guys! X3
Neil: *Smiles, chuckling quietly*
Max: *Wasnt prepared, looks to Nikki confused, soon just chuckles and smiles*

(By: laragrillo- Tumblr)
(No it's not MaxVid- it be Dadvid-
The author said before hand that Max had called David dad- X3)
David: *hugs Max, smiling happily* X3
Max: *rolls eyes and looks away, soon tears up slightly and smiles*...
Max: Okay stop- I'm starting to feel weird. *huffs and pushes David away*
David: *Sniffles* Okay, Max. *smiles*
Max: Y-You're still dumb. *Huffs and nods*
David: *Chuckles and nods* Whatever you say.

(By: tammyhaart-DA)
Neil: Not doing anything stupid or dangerous is weird...
Nikki: Yeah..*Nods* I mean, it's kinda abnormal not nearly dying every five seconds-
Max: Guys. We never get to relax and not die! *Rolls eyes and takes off his sunglasses* Enjoy the peace while it lasts..
Nikki:...You have a point..*nods*
Neil: *Nods* I guess....*Shrugs*

(This made me laugh- Especially the bottom right- XDD)
Max: *looks at Preston and huffs, blushing, thinking* Gross, he's cute...*Rolls eyes*
Preston: *Wearing Max's hoodie, talking about him, smiling happy boi*
Max: *Probably punched someone out of annoyance let's be honest*
Preston: *Dramatic boi* He's such a BADASS!!! X3

(God I love Preston- XDD)
Hope you guys liked this ^^
There's no VT Fanart that I could find ;-; But I'll make sure to add any that people have drawn or are planning to draw if you want :33
See ya later bunnies~!

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