Max: *Complaining about Preston's script*
Preston: *Glaring slightly*..
Max: *Still complaining*
Preston: *Rolls eyes and sighs annoyed*..
Max: *STILL Complaining*
Preston: *Getting angrier*..
Max: And-
Preston: You know what, Max?
Preston: *grabs the script from Max* If you only come here to insult, complain and talk sh*t about my plays, it would probably be best if you would just F*CK OFF then waste your goddamn breath here.
(I got uncomfortable with all the swearing-- ^^")
Max: *Eyes widen and frowns* W-Wait-!
Max: Preston I'm so-
Preston: Just go away, Max. *Huffs*
Preston: *walks away*
Max:..*Looks down, feeling bad*
Max: *looking down and glances back to look to Preston*..I-I'm...sorry..
(Wow ;-; By: Lingmal443-Tumblr)
(There's a few sad ones- ;-;)
(By: justcallmesabby-Tumblr)
Max: looking down, not caring that he's crying* They didn't care...
Daniel: *Smirks* I can finally achieve my FINAL FORM~! *Laughs darkly*
Max: *Scared boyo* ..!
Daniel: >:| *Scary boi. Be terrified.*
Max:...*Looks at him*...Huh. Cute effort. *Shrugs and kicks him*
Daniel: *squeak* ._."
(By: justcallmesabby-Tumblr)
Daniel: *Cleaning his knife, glances to the side and looks up* !
Jen: *Looks to Daniel*..
Daniel: *Looking at Jen*...
Jen: *Waves happily and smiles* same crime!
Daniel; *Smiles and does the same* Same Crime! ^-^
(By: rariteehee-Tumblr)
(By: SisterOfMine-DA)
(I haven't shown their bootiful art in ages-- ;-;)
Toast: *Crosses his arms, glaring at Casket*...
Jimmy: Oh calm down. I'm innocent!
Toast:...Your knife is bloody.
Jimmy:...That doesn't prove ANYTHING! *Shrugs*
Toast:...You stabbed Spooker. *Rolls eyes* And now I'm stuck here watching you to make sure you don't run off onto a damn killing spree while Colon takes his WOUNDED FRIEND to the hospital!
Jimmy:...So maybe not so innocent...*Nods slowly*
Toast: I hate you. *Sighs and shakes his head*
Jimmy: Ouch. *Sarcastic boi*
(By: Doggygirl456 ^^)
Ghost: *being a cutie* :3 >3<
Hope you guys liked this!
See ya later bunnies~!
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