Just to clear the folder I have XD
I may not have all of the sources just because I've had these for a long time and I couldn't find them again ;-;
(Source: Tumblr- danidery)
Daniel: *Drops deer teeth into Max's hands* Deer teeth, for you, kid! *Smirks*
Max: *eyes widen and drops the teeth* Dude! What the hell..?!
(Source: DeviantArt- Hetalialover543)
Daniel: *Smiles nervously and chuckles lightly* Hey..."Kiddos"..
David: *Smiles oblivious and proud* :33
Daniel: *Sighs and bumps into Max*..
Max: *Glares* I'm onto you, freak show. *Huffs*
Daniel: *chuckles* Got it. *Nods slowly and smiles nervously again*
(Source: ??)
David: *Puts an arm around Max* Come on Max! It'll be fuuun! ^-^
Max: *Sighs* David, I'm going to kill you someday...
(Source: dystopiangraffiti- Tumblr)
Max: *sighs and rolls eyes* This place blows....
Jasper: I know right! F*ck Camp Campbell! *Nods*
Max: *chuckles and nods*
(Source: Saint Pepsi- Pinterest)
Max: *Sighs, wearing the same outfit/costume*...Are you done..?
David: *Taking pictures* Nope!! You haven't smiled in any of these. ;-; I'm taking these to show you how nice you can be to me...>:3
Max:...It's only because you made me feel bad with your stupidness. I still hate you. *huffs*
David: Okay Max. *Chuckles*
(Source: sinisterspooks- Tumblr/Pinterest)
-I know he is, but imma pretend that he isn't wearing sunglasses just because I can-- XDD)
Max: *glances to the side, walking off somewhere*
(I don't know what to put for this, all I know is that I skipped this picture and it's too cute to miss XDD)
(Source: CampeCampe- Tumblr)
--oh god XD So many people 0.0--
Nerf: *Glares at David*
David:..H-Hiiii...*Smiles slightly*
Gwen and Ered: *Smoking*
Nerris: *Talking to Nikki* Y-Yeah!! And then I won the game >:3 Harrison lost soooo badly! :3
Nikki: Good job, Nerris! *smiles and chuckles*
Nerris: RIGHT?! I'm pretty awesome :3
SpaceKid: *Asleep*
Dolph: *Looks at SpaceKid, confused*...how are you even asleep..? ._.
Harrison: *Rolls eyes at Neil* You yelling at me doesn't do anything to me...
Max: *Rolls eyes* You're both idiots--
Preston: *Runs up behind Max, excited boi* I GOT THE PART! X3
Max: Good job..*Nods and smiles*
Preston: I mean, I knew I'd get in, I'm a genius, BUT. STILL-- X33
(Wow that was a lot XDD)
(Source: Sugarplumpofweirdness- Tumblr)
Max: Oh! Nikki I--
Nikki: *Snickers and boops his nose* Boop :3
Nikki: *Snickers more* Your face is great when you're confused *Laughs*
(Source: Rii- Amino)
((I don't know, but I somehow see this as a cute ship?? XDD They both have pretty similar personalities and both kinda think of themselves as the better leader out of the small group....Eh. XDD
Imma just say that it was a mission or something to steal something of Max's from his Camp..?? And...she wore it..? ._. I'm trying XDD))
Sasha: *Put on Max's hoodie and huffs* This is gross. ewww...
Max: *Looking for his hoodie* Where the hell is it..? *Huffs* I swear to God if Nikki-- *Sees Sasha wearing his hoodie*...
Sasha: *looks at Max*...This is like....not what it looks like.
Sasha: STOP YELLING AT ME! *huffs*
I don't know XD
Hope you guys liked this???
I don't know what this even was..XD I'm tried and not in a drawing type of mood ;-; So take this for tonight XD
See ya later bunnies~!
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