I love the songs to Thomas' smol musical "Ultimate Storytime" X33
Even though it's not available for UK iTunes....
But it's fINE- ;-;
Anyways ^-^
(Crappy doodles XDD)
(This songs fits the child so well- so obviously I sketched it and digitalised it XDD
I guess he's singing it? Pfftttt I don't knowwwww ^^")
Virgil: *In his room, singing the song quietly to himself*
I don't knowwwww ;-;
I promise I can draw things that aren't something to do with Sander Sides XD
I Swearrrrr ;-;
But to completely prove that I probably can't-
(Look at this art-
A R T-
This is everything. I love the fact that people are now drawing more of Roman fighting things- ahhhhh X3)
(By: cayannamon-Tumblr)
Roman: *Standing in front of Le Dragonwitch, glares and smirks, mutters* You're screwed...Royally.
I'm dying-
Hope you guys liked this!
See ya later bunnies~!
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