Simon Says part 3

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*Italics + underline mean whispering/muttering*
*Italics + bold mean video/call speak*

(Y/n's Pov)

After a while, we made it to the mansion.

Me and Ladybug let go of Nino and Adrien when we landed in the courtyard.

Adrien opened one of the front doors to his house.

"Nathalie, where's my father? He's in danger."

Wow, this place is pretty big.

Nathalie stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"He knows already."

And there stood Mr, Agreste, looking pompous.

"Good evening, Ladybug, Frostine."

Gabriel started to walk to the bottom of the stairs.

"Father, you've gotta get outta here. The hypnotist, Simon Says is coming after you."

"What? And be dictated by a madman? Certainly not."

Great, stubborn old mule can't take a hint.

"But father, he's dangerous! Who knows what he'll do!?"

"Head up to you're room, now. You've had enough excitement for today. Nathalie, make sure they stay there."

Oh, you are lucky there are laws stopping me from kicking your ass, Gabriel.

Nathalie began taking Adrien and Nino up to his room.

"I have to apologize for my son. He's like his mother, way too overly dramatic."

"He wasn't wrong though, and he was only looking out for you, you are his flesh and blood."

Gabriel looked at me judgementally, and I looked at him the same way.

You think you know everything just because you're an adult and a father. But you don't always now best, you old windbag!

"But he's right, you know. Simon Says is a real threat, you're in a lot of danger."

Gabriel looked down at us, in confidence and stubbornness.

"What could possibly happen with you two here..."

He put a hand on Ladybugs shoulder, while I gave him a look that said 'Touch me, and I'll maim you'.

" protect me."

Gabriel then took us to his study, why? I don't know.

But the next moment, we were looking at pictures of Adrien he hung on a wall.

"Isn't he flawless?"

Ladybug started stammering, clearly distracted at staring at the pictures.

"What? Uh-what? Flaw what?"

Way to keep a low profile, LB. *Sigh*

"Adrien, my son. He's the image of perfection, don't you think?"

"Oh yes, he's perfect. I mean, um, I-I don't know him very well but he seems, uh..."

"I've never noticed your earrings before. They really are quite unique, may I?"

I grabbed his wrist before he could touch Ladybug's earrings.

"We're here to protect you, not to exchange jewelery, Mr. Agreste."

Ladybug's yo-yo beeped, signalling Chat Noir must of finally called her.

I released my grip on Mr. Agreste, but kept a stern eye on him.

"Um, excuse me. Chat Noir, where were you?"

"I-i was um, keeping Simon Says at bay."

"And? Chat Noir."

"I couldn't keep him away. He's coming and he's got company."

As soon as Chat ended the call, he come through one of the windows in a hurry.

"Close off all exits, they're coming from every direction! Do as I say, engage the defence system, we need total lockdown!"

Mr. Agreste pressed some buttons on a pad and scanned his hand, engaging the lockdown system.

I feel like I'm in a zombie apocalypse.

"How do you know so much about the system?"

"With how you are, all this isn't really surprising."

Gabriel game me that look again.

"What? Am I wrong? I mean unless you want them to get inside."

"They won't get in, this house is built like a fortress."

As if karma itself struck down at those words, the zombie like army destroyed the gate instantly.

The lights in the house flashed red, an alarm went off, and the house started it's emergency power.

"Wow, talk about bad karma."

"There are too many of them, you're defence system is failing!"

"Adrien and Nino... I'd better go get them."

"Hey Chat, mind if I help LB?"

"No, go on ahead."

"Here Nathalie, take the controls Incase you need to unlock an exit. She's coming with you two."

Gabriel pressed a button and a panel on the wall opened up, showing two remote controls.

Talk about living in a movie, there must be a bunch of secrets here.

Ladybug, me, and Nathalie ran to Adrien's room, only to find Nino and no Adrien.

"Ladybug, Frostine? What's going down?"

Ladybug ran up to Nino.

"We need to get to safer ground. Where's Adrien?"

"Taking a shower."

"What! Now?"

"He said 'It's the model in him', Whatever that means."


Ladybug went to knock on the bathroom door, then listened in to hear for Adrien.

"Frostine, Nathalie. Take Nino to the atrium, i'll get Adrien. Leave the remote control with me, please."

Nathalie gave Ladybug the controls. Ms Nathalie took us back to where Mr. Agreste was.

Nathalie shut the doors once we were inside the room.

"Where's my son?"

"He'll be here, he's with Ladybug."

"Do you know where Chat went, Mr. Agreste?"

"He said he went to go reinforce the outer defences."

"Hm, alright in the mean time we should barricade the doors. It won't stop that army, but it should slow them down. Nino, Nathalie help me move this desk."

I gestured to the desk by the door. Me and Nino went behind the desk and pushed it forward while Nathalie pulled it.

It took a few seconds, but we were able to push it front of the door.

"It was a bit difficult to move, but hopefully heavy enough to keep them at bay. Nino, Nathalie, Mr. Agreste, I feel it would be best if you moved to the atrium."

"No one tells me what to do, not even a superhero."

"With all do respect, sir, this isn't up for debate. We are trying to protect you from a threat. It is my job as a superhero that everyone is safe before dealing with the real problem at hand."

Gabriel looked at me surprised. Before looking down at his control panel.

I could hear the static from the cameras being turned off from his panel.


"Ms Nathalie, Nino get to the atrium, quickly! They're coming!"

I looked up at Gabriel on his little pedestal, while Nathalie and Nino went to the atrium.

"Either go with them, or get captured. Your choice, Mr. Agreste."

I leaped out the window to catch up to Ladybug and Chat Noir.

When I got to the top of the house, there were hypnotised civilians all around me!

I readied my baton whip.

"Let's dance."

One soldier ran at me, but I slid under them, grabbed their ankle with my baton whip, and swung him around, knocking the others down.

They'll be out for a while.

Chat Noir leapt up over a fence covering the circular windows.

He looked surprised to see the unconscious soldiers surrounding me.

"Wow, you really showed them what for, Frosty."

"Lives were at stake, Chat. I was just doing my duty. Do you know where Ladybug is?"

"I think she's still with that boy, Adrien"

"Let's go help her, there's a lot of hypnotized people in that army Simon Says created."

"Lead the way."

Me and Chat swooped in through one of Adrien's bedroom windows, just in time to help Ladybug.

After we escaped the zombie like soldiers, we went back to Mr. Agreste's study, only to find it trashed!

"Well that's just great."

"Frostine, where are they?"

"I told them to hide in the atrium, but I think Mr. Stubborn didn't get the message. What about Adrien?"

"He's alright, just hiding."

"So Simon Says captured Mr. Agreste, now what?"

*Sigh* "We're gonna have to go get him."

Me, Ladybug and Chat all lept out the Mansion and headed for the TV station.

When we got inside, we waited by the entrance doors to the studio.

"Welcome to another exciting hour of The Challenge, good evening again from Simon Says. Viewers, I've kept my promise, here's Gabriel!"

"Doesn't he look ecstatic."

"Well, you were meant to protect him Frostine."

"I tried to! But that man was as stubborn as an ox! I told him, either go hide or get caught. And he made his choice."

Simon Says began talking again

"Simon Says you are, a butterfly."

In an instant, Mr. Agreste began jumping and fluttering around like butterfly.



"What? He looks so silly and ridiculous!" *Wheeze*

*Sigh* "Whatever, we've got save him."

"Tomorrow, butterfly, you will be no more."

"The akuma's gotta be in one of those cards."

"But which one? There are so many of them."

We all took a step back and prepared to burst open the door.

Once we did though, he was already waiting for us.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, Frostine. You can save him by giving me your miraculouses. Do the right thing."

"In your dreams. Lucky charm!"

Ladybug threw her yo-yo into the air, only for the lucky charm to be a normal yo-yo?

"That's interesting."

"A regular yo-yo? But you've got a magical one."

"Double the damaged I guess."

"I'll figure it out later."

Ladybug ran at Simon Says, yo-yo swinging, while me and Chat followed suit.

"Simon Says your yo-yo is useless!"

Simon Says threw the card at Ladybug, but she retaliated by hitting the card with her yo-yo!

Ladybug no!

After Ladybug hit the card, her yo-yo wouldn't work!

"That might of been a bad call LB."

Me and Chat ran at Simon Says since LB's weapon was down.

"Simon Says your stick is..."

Before he could finish, me and Chat struck his wrists before he could do anything.

"Useless? We don't think so."

While Chat kept attacking Simon Says, I defended LB.

Chat kicked some cards out of Simon's hands.

"I'm not gonna let you get a word in edge wise!"

While Chat kept fighting LB started ripping some cards.

"Uh, LB, don't mean to sound rude but, this just seems tedious."

"It has to be one of these cards!"

"What about..."

Simon started talking again, only for Chat to interrupt him.

"It doesn't matter if you can here we or not. All that is important is what Simon Says! Simon Says remove your miraculous and give it to me!"


Chat ran at LB to protect her, while I fended off some the cards.

I looked back slightly to see Chat and Ladybug had rolled a little back.

I jump back to protect them better.

"If you two are down with the love fest, I could use a bit of help here, Whiskers."

"Oh, uh, hehe."

Ladybug pushed Chat's face away from her's.

I looked back to Simon to see him glance at Gabriel.

"Simon Says, take off little airplane!"

Oh no

Mr. Agreste stopped flapping his arms like a butterfly and started zooming around like a child imitating a plane!

Shit, I know I didn't like him, but I don't what him dead from jumping off the top of the building!

He went through one of the exit doors to head to the roof.

"He's gone to the roof, he have to stop him!"

Chat started running for the door but Ladybug grabbed his tail.

"Chat, it'll be easier if we stop Simon Says, than running after Mr. Agreste."

"Then let's not waist another minute!"

"And how will you defeat me without your yo-yo? Simon Says, it's over!"

The cards he held turned black as he threw them. Me and Chat deflected them before they could hit us.

"Wait, Frostine! What were you gonna say earlier!?"

"Why don't we go for his whole deck of cards, I mean it only made sense we'd go for all of them in there case instead of one at a time."

"Nice thinking, Frostine! Chat, help Frostine cover my flanks!"

"On it!"

While me and Chat covered Ladybug, she threw her lucky charm at the deck of cards and kicked Simon Says to the floor.

I helped give Chat a boost to get to the cards easier.


Chat landed and threw the cards Ladybug so she could capture the akuma.

"That's not possible! I made your yo-yo useless."

"This one yes, but not that one."

"Miraculous Ladybug!"

Ladybug's yo-yo was restored to it's original state.

"No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilise!"

"Gotcha. Bye-bye, little butterfly."

I walked over to Simon while LB and Chat pounded it and eventually left to make sure Mr. Agreste was alright.

"Are you alright, Mr. Grimault?"

"I'm fine, thank you Frostine."

"Would you like me to escort you home?"

"If it isn't too much."

*Chuckles* "Not at all, as a superhero it's my duty to make sure all parisians are safe."

After Mr. Grimault told me where he lived, I looked it up on my baton and took him home. Once he was safely home, I went back to my room.

"Taani, Attack done."

"Wow, that was riveting! You didn't even need to use your power!"

"Yeah, that was surprising."

"It was really nice of you to help Mr. Grimault after Ladybug de-akumatized him."

"I'm a superhero. It's my job to protect the citizens of Paris, and I want to do a good job."

"I'm glad you're my new holder, Y/n! So chivalrous and thoughtful!"

*Laughs* "Thanks Taani."

-Time skip to next week-

Nino called me saying he's going back on the show, I told him I had to do homework though, but I would watch.

I turned on my computer and started doing some math homework while watching.

"Welcome back to everyone's number one game show, The Challenge! Last week, out cool DJ friend Nino won the challenge. So, let's welcome him back again. Come on out, DJ Nino!"

"He's one of your friends, right?"

"Uh huh, last week he won so he's on the show again."


So we've upped the challenge for you tonight, Nino. You're gonna have to get, not one, not two, but three celebrities to dance! But, you get to choose your opponents!"

"Oh, I got this one in the bag! I'm gonna pick three buds I know won't let me down. Ladybug, Chat Noir...and Frostine!"

"Well, I guess homeworks gonna have to wait. Ready Taani?"


"Taani, Let's ambush!"

Once I transformed, I swung off to the TV station once again.

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