Riposte part 3

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*Italics + underline mean muttering or whispering*
*Italics mean thoughts*

*Italics + bold mean TV talk/video speak*

(Y/n's Pov)

Riposte continued to attack Ladybug down the stairs.

"Chat, use your Cataclysm! We've gotta help Ladybug!"

"On it! Cataclysm!"

Chat summoned his power and wiped his hand on the bars.

I kicked them down and helped Chat walk.

We made it the Egyptian exhibit with Riposte behind the security bars.

"They're gone!"

"Uh, who?"

"Riposte is trying to get revenge on Adrien Agreste and Y/n L/n. I hid them inside the sarcophagus!"

"Maybe they were feeling claw-strophobic?"

Ladybug gave a look that said, 'Shit, I fucked up'.

"It's alright, at least we know they didn't get sliced in half."

*Sigh* "True."

"Let's look for them together, Ladybug, and finish this match!"

Riposte swung in the direction of the bars and they broke, one almost hitting Ladybug.

"Lucky Charm!"

Ladybug summoned her Lucky Charm and a radiator fell.

"A radiator!"

"Great! That should really heat things up!"

"Not bad for a pun."

"Oh come on."

Ladybug intently stared at Riposte.

"The akuma has to be in her sword!"

"Then why don't we get to the point?"

We all charged at Riposte and Ladybug used the radiator to protect herself.

Chat tried to hit her but Riposte blocked.

"She's too quick!"

Me and Chat covered Ladybug so she could figure out what to do.

"I need your belt, Chat Noir. And Frostine, I need you to use your power and hold Riposte from behind."

"Get ready!"


I stealthily ran behind Riposte and held her with my arms around her left arm and her middle while Chat and Ladybug got Riposte's sword stuck in the radiator.

"What? What's going on!?"

(All supers) "Prets? Allez!"

Chat and Ladybug snapped the sword in two and I let go of Riposte.

The force from the break made Riposte fly backwards.


Ladybug de-akumatized the butterfly and everything reverted back.

"What happened?"

"Pound it!"

"Gotta go. Have a vet's appointment to get to. Take care of the young lady, will ya?"

"Me too, sorry LB."

"It's alright, I got it."

I hid behind a cat statue in the front of the Egyptian exhibit.

"Fight's done." (This is the de-transformation phrase)

Ladybug started walking this way with the girl.

"You go ahead, I have to find some people."


"Where could they have gone?"

(Both Adrien and Y/n) "Ladybug!"

*Sigh* "There you two are! Why'd you leave the sarcophagus?"

"Turns out Adrien's not to fond of small spaces, to which he should of told you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to worry."

"I'm the one who should be sorry, I should of asked! You two did the right thing."

"It's alright, Ladybug. At least our wounds are gone thanks to your magical ladybugs!"

"True, I really am sorry."

"Not your fault. It's mainly his for not telling you."


"But nothing! Your mental state and protection is first priority, not someone else's feelings, even a superhero!"

"So, uh, Chat Noir and Frostine finally showed up, huh?"

"Yes, thankfully! Between you two and me, they're much better than me at fencing!"

"Not your fault, especially since Riposte wasn't technically fencing."

"Um, Ladybug, your earrings."

"Oh! Thank you, continue on with your guy's days!"

Ladybug then ran off to go de-transform.

I walked over a grabbed the girl's sabre.

"Come on, Adrien. We need to return this."

*Laughs* "Yeah."

We ran out of the Lourve and found her near the entrance.

(Adrien) "Excuse me."

The girl turned to her side.

(Y/n) "We believe this belongs to you."

"Listen, I..."

(All) "I'm sorry."

*Laughs* "Me and Adrien should be the one's to say we're sorry. You did win the match, Marinette's not one for keen eyes."

"I won?"

"Mmhmm. Sorry we couldn't tell you sooner."

*Sigh* "It's alright, my emotions kinda got the best of me."

"I'll say, supervillain and all."

*Chuckles* "Yeah I suppose so."

I hand the girl her sabre back and she took it.

"So about that girl, Marinette was it?"

(Adrien) "Yeah, she's kind and means well."

"Is easily flustered."

(Adrien) "And she'd never cheat. Today was her first ever experience with fencing."

"Yeah, today was my first time too. You should of seen her trying to find a helmet that fit." *Chuckles*

"You two must like her a lot, huh?"

"She's my bestie, nothing more."

"Yeah, she's a very good friend. And you'll really like her too, once you get to know her."

I struggled the urge to slap Adrien and tell him Marinette liked him, and yell at him for his stupidity.


"I'd be happy to get to know you friend Marinette."

"Good choice, but if you do befriend her, you're stuck with her. Like me! Friends through thick and thin!"

*Chuckles* "It was nice to meet you two. Thank you."

(Adrien) "Likewise."

I could hear a car pulling up and turned my head to see it was the red car.

Me and Adrien held out our hands to shake the girl's with.

"My name's Adrien."

"And I'm Y/n. What's your name?"


Kagami shook Adrien's hand and then mine. She then walked of to her car.

"Get ready for a do-over match! And this time, no referee mistakes!"

"Can't wait!"

(Adrien) "We'll see you then!"

Kagami's car drove off and me and Adrien were left at the curb.

"Do you want me to drop you off, Y/n?"

"Eh sure, why not. I've had enough exercise for today."

(Adrien) *Chuckles*

Adrien called up Gorilla and he drove me home.

"Hi dear! Are you okay? I saw on the news you were one of the target's for an akuma!?"

"I'm fine, just a bit tired."

"Oh, well some boy dropped this off earlier, he said it was for you!"

"Thanks mom, I'll be in my room."

"Good night, darling!"


"Oh, what a pretty package!"

"It is rather nice, huh Taani? Wonder who it's from though."

I grabbed the tag and read it aloud.

'Dear Y/n,

I overheard you were a target for an akuma, so I got you something to hopefully make you feel better. Please be safe.

From, Felix Graham de Vanily'

I reached out the bag and pulled out a necklace with a pendant of a wolf's head in a crescent moon.

(Like this but you can change the look if you want to)

"Oh! It's so cool!"

"Yeah, I should thank Felix when I go back to school."

"Good idea!"

"I'm sleepy, you want to go to bed, Taani?"

"Yeah, I need my energy back."

I got ready for bed and Taani snuggled into my hands while I was getting comfy in bed.

"Goodnight, Tanni."

"Goodnight, Y/n."

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