Pixelator part 2

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*Italics + underline mean whispering/muttering*

(Y/n's Pov)

After we got our assignment, Mari immediately dragged me to go look for glasses.

We eventually ran into a sales man by the Eiffel Tower selling sun glasses.

But I knew for a fact they weren't gonna be what Jagged Stone was looking for.

"These should do the trick. Now I can get back to the hotel with Adrien! *groan* And Chloe."

"Um Mari, those aren't even close to what Jagged wanted."

"What do you mean? There's some red and white, and two Eiffel Towers."

*Sigh* "Fine but if this fails I'm dragging you around."

When we got back to the hotel, the reaction I expected from Jagged Stone came to fruition.

Mari gave Jagged the glasses, and he blatantly looked at them in his hands.

"Where're the Eiffel Towers?"

Mari pointed at the tiny little Eiffel Towers on the top corners of the glasses.

I did Alya's signature disappointed mother look.

"Um, here."

"This is a joke, right? What're you doing?! Trying to ruining my career!?"

"But Mr. Stone, the glasses you want don't exist."

"Do I look like I care? Just get me those sunglasses!"

He spoke as he started pushing Mari out the room.

*Sigh* "Great. Now I'm gonna have to spend even more time away from Adrien."

"Do you want to end up like Chloe? Clinging to Adrien every second of the day and not giving a shit about his personal space?"

"What? No!"

"Then stop putting Adrien above everything else! We're still young, you have a lifetime to try and get with Adrien! Right now, we need to get Jagged Stones glasses."

*Sigh* "You're right, Y/n. But where are we gonna find those glasses?"

"We could make a pair? We are being graded on effort not speed."

*Gasp* "You're right, Y/n! Come on!"

Mari grabbed my hand and dragged me to the elevator.

"Hey! I said if that plan of your's failed, I drag you around! What do you think I am!? A puppet!?"

"Oops! *giggles* Sorry!"

"Failed as gofers already? *scoff* Not surprised."

"Far from it, daddy's girl."

When me and Mari made it out the front doors, I grabbed Mari's hand and crouched down in front of her with my back facing her.

"Get on, Mari."

"What!? Why!?"

"I need some exercise, and I want a challenge. I need some extra weigh."

"Uh, okay."

Once Mari was on my back I stood up and turned to look at Kim.

"Hey Kim, wanna see how fast I can run?"

"Heh, bet it's not my top speed!"

"How much you betting?"

"Uh, I have a 10 on me right now."

"Alright, if I win, I expect that 10 dollars in my hand when I get back."

"Ha, okay."

I got in running position making sure Mari wouldn't fall.

"Uh, Y/n are sure this is safe?"

"I've mastered the running technique from Naruto, just hold on tight."


"Can you count me down, Kim?"

"Alright, ready?"

I nodded, determination clear on my face.


I ran as quick as I could, feeling the wind push against my face, while Mari screamed out in fright.

(3rd Person Pov)

When Y/n shot away from Kim and the door-man, a look of shock and surprise displayed upon they're faces.


The door-man pushed his glasses up with a look of worry.

"I would keep your promise if I were you, she seemed very prodding about that bet."

(Back to Y/n's Pov)

I zoomed past people but respected the traffic lights.

We were about three traffic lights away from Mari's home.

I stopped again to wait for the lights to change.

"You okay back there, Mari?"

"F-Fine, I've started to get used toe you're speed. I had no idea you ran so fast!"

"Heh, the convenience of anime. You should watch the series with me, Mari. It's about ninjas and weapons and a bunch of other stuff. And I could teach you how to run like I can, might help with you being late to class."

"Hehe, yeah sure sounds good."

"Sweet. We're here."

I crouched back down to let her off.

"Oh, Marinette you're back quite early, and hello again Y/n."

"Hi Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. We're just here to work on a project, when we're done we'll head back out."

"Oh, okay. Would you like something to eat, you look like you ran a marathon?"

"Oh, um sure, could I have a croissant, please?"

"Here you are, have fun you two."

"Thanks mom!"

Once me and Mari made it to her room, she grabbed a pair of light pink sun glasses, and some markers.

"This is either gonna be the most amazing or ugliest pair of shades in shades' history."

I looked down at Mari while eating my croissant.

"I don't know about that, I've seen some really weird and ugly shades in my life. With you and me, Mari, they're gonna be stellar. Also you guys make excellent food, yummy."

Mari smiled at me, and continued to alter the glasses.

Me and Mari finally finished after a while. Once we were done, I asked Mrs. Dupain-Cheng for another croissant to go.

Once I had my croissant in the bag, I leaned down ready to run like wind again.

While running though, I noticed Mari no longer screamed in fear but laughed from joy.

Huh, guess she got used to my speed after all.

Once we got close to the hotel, I noticed Kim nor the door-man we're there.

"What the? That's weird. Kim I could understand leaving, probably to go to the bathroom or something, but why would both of them leave their posts?"

"That is odd."

"Hey Mari, let's check the security cameras."

"Oh, good idea."

We walked around the front desk to check the security cameras.

I rewinded one of the cameras in the lobby facing the front doors to see an akumatized person take a picture of Kim and the door-man! And they disappeared in an instant!

Oh no, it's that camera guy from earlier!

"Oh no, poor Kim."

"That guy must of been that Vincent character. He must be here for Jagged's picture to be akumatized. Mari, go hide. He must of already captured Chloe and Adrien in a photo already. I'm gonna try and find one of the superheroes to tell them."

I ran out the doors and hid in an alleyway nearby.

"Wow, he really wanted a picture with Jagged Stone!"

"Yeah, but he was too dense to see Jagged didn't want a picture. Ready Taani?"


"Taani, Let's ambush!"

(Mari's Pov)

"Wow Marinette, Y/n sure knows a lot about the akuma's now."

"Yeah, at least she's not barreling into any danger."

I looked around for a place to transform. I saw a storage closet.


"Tikki, Spots on!"

(Back to Y/n's Pov)

Once I transformed, I swung in the hotel though one of the windows in Jagged Stones room, at the same time as Ladybug.

We looked ahead to see Jagged was cornered!

Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo around Jagged and pulled him away.

When Ladybug let go of Jagged with her yo-yo, I stood in front of Jagged to keep him safe.

The camera guy turned around to face us.

"So you're Ladybug and Frostine. I've heard such pathetic things about you two."

"Hold your tongue!"

He smirked and held a finger just near the side of his head.

"Look into the lens."

Me and Ladybug instinctively grabbed Jagged and hid him.

Ladybug distracted the camera guy by defending Jagged and I stayed back to try and get some info.

"Are you alright Jagged Stone?"

"A bit better now, thanks to you and Ladybug."

"Do you know who that guy is?"

"He said his name was Pixelator or something like that."

"Huh, Hawkmoth needs to get more creative. Follow me."

Me and Jagged snuck and hid outside on the balcony.

"I hope Ladybug's okay."

I watched Ladybug and Pixelator as they fought into the next room over.

Good thing me and Jagged moved.

While observing the fight, Ladybug's forearm got struck!

She hid behind a luggage carrier and pushed it onto Pixelator.

While Pixel's was down, she tried touching her right forearm and her left arm went right through!

Oh no! Her right forearm got digitized!

Once she spotted where me and Jagged were, she grabbed her yo-yo and I followed suit grabbing Jagged and swung away.

Jagged was terrified at first but got used to being this high up.

After a few minutes, we dropped Jagged of where Pixelator would never expect, the school.

"I can't stay here, I'm performing tonight."

"Don't worry you won't be here long, you don't have a gig here, so Pixelator would never expect coming here."

"I guess you make a fair point."

"But Ladybug, Frostine, is this safe? This is a school."

"Like Frostine said, Jagged doesn't have a gig here, so Pixelator wouldn't suspect this place."

"Alright, we trust your judgement, but where is Chat Noir?"

"Good question, let me try and contact him."

I dialed Chat's number, only for his voicemail to go off.

"Chat, me and Ladybug need you, call me or LB back as soon as you can."

I ended the call, and went to ask Jagged a question.

"Excuse me, Jagged, quick question. Do you have any peculiar fans?"

"I do have one, unfortunately. How'd you know?"

"Most celebrities have that one fan that idolizes them, that and he acted like one of them. Anyway what do you know about them?"

"He's come to every one of my shows this year. He's also sent me stacks of letters, gone through my trash, and he even followed my mother to her weekly bingo night."

"Wow, talk about a grade A nut case."

*Sigh* "Yeah, I sometimes wish he didn't exist."

"Hm, he does seem creepy. What's his name?"

"I think it's Vincent Asa?"

Ladybug grabbed her yo-yo to search him up, but her pixelized hand wouldn't let her type properly.

(LB) *groan*

"Here let me help, LB."

I typed in his name on her yo-yo and we got his address.

Ladybug trued swinging her yo-yo, but it was difficult since she was right-handed.

"What me to carry you?"

*Sigh* "Might as well, seeing how I can't do a thing with this hand!"

*Chuckle* "Okay, share me the address and hold on tight."

LB wrapped what remained of her right arm around my neck and I grabbed her waist with my right arm, and we swung away to his address.

Me and Ladybug made it to the apartment building, we walked in, found his apartment and heading inside.

There were pictures of Jagged, in different shapes and sizes, all over the walls.

"This isn't creepy at all."

"You'd think we were in a museum for Jagged, sheesh."

I looked at a wall covered in pictures and saw smaller ones with some civilians in them!

"Are you all alright?"

I got some okay's and cheers of joy that we found them.

I spotted Chloe and Adrien in a frame.

"Ladybug? Frostine?"

"Are you two okay?"

(Adrien) "Yeah, it's just a big empty white room."

"Ladybug! Remember me? Your biggest fan? Please, please get us out of here! There's a giant lizard in here!"

"Giant lizard? Oh, you mean Jagged's pet crocodile!"

Ladybug looked around the frames, seeing everyone in them.

I looked around for Fang.

I eventually found him, looking a bit scared.

"Hey, it's alright Fang. We'll get you out."

As soon as I spoke, Fang started acting like a puppy again.

"Hm, I wonder."

I put my hand against the picture and it went right through!

Fang crawled onto my hand and I was able to pull him out the photo!

Fang might of been small in the picture, but he was so heavy he knocked me to the floor.

Fang started to lick me in appreciation for saving him.

*Giggles* "You're welcome buddy."


"What? I was helping a fellow animal."

"At least we know they can't get stuck in there forever."


I strained my ears, listening for the sound again. I heard again, screams for help.

"Ladybug, I think I know where the Pixelator is."

"Lead the way. I sure hope Chat's nearby."

I grabbed Ladybug and was ready to swing out the window, when I heard Fang start following me.

"Hm, ah! Follow me, Fang!"

I swung out the window, with Fang following right behind from the ground.

Once me and LB landed nearby, police were already there.

Ladybug went to both face and distract Pixelator for my plan to work.

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