*Italics + underline mean muttering or whispering*
*Bold means texting*
(Y/n's Pov)
"Here you go."
(I tried to find a picture of that box on its own but it was a pain in the ass, so I cropped a picture of Ladybug giving a miraculous😅)
"A box?"
"Inside is a pair of earrings I used to wear when I was about your age."
"But why are they in a box? Did they come with it?"
"Yes, they did. Although they were mine, I've grown out of them, would you like them?"
"Well, I guess if you don't wear them anymore, I wouldn't mind."
"Here you go, also don't open the box out in the open, wait until you get home."
Well, that was a weird request.
"How much are they?"
"No charge."
"Are you su.."
Subconsciously I looked up at a clock on the wall.
I quickly put the box in my bag.
"Well thank you for the earrings, I've got to go though, bye!"
(Store Lady's Pov)
When she left, I looked at my folded hand, smiling.
She'll make a great hero
(Y/n's Pov)
I ran as fast as I could, trying not to be late. (I naruto run, and doing so builds up a lot of speed when I run, I recommend trying it, if you don't already👍)
When I got in proximity of the school I didn't see anyone.
Okay, everyone might be at the locker area or something.....I hope.
When I finally got to the top of the staircase to school I slowed down, I peered around and saw a long wide window on the main level of the school.
I guess that must be the locker room, Everyone looks to be there. At least I'm not late.
.....I guess I'll go see the principal
After wandering around for like 3 minutes I finally found the principal's office.
Knock, knock
"Come in."
"Um, hello I'm the new student."
"Ah, I was wondering when you'd get here."
"Yeah sorry, I got a bit lost."
"It's alright, I have your schedule right here, your first class is with Mrs. Bustier."
"Oh okay, thank you."
That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Now let's see, class starts in 6 minutes, maybe I can ask someone where Mrs. Bustier's class is.
I looked around and saw a girl in a plaid shirt and a guy with a cap talking to each other.
Let's hope they know where her class is...
"Um excuse me, do you know where Mrs. Bustier's class is?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm in her class. Are you new?"
"Yes, I'm new, my name's Y/n."
"I'm Alya, and this is my boyfriend, Nino."
"Sup, it's rad to have someone new in our class. Just hope nothing gets to outta hand with you here tho."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Last time we had a new girl here she lied, a lot, especially about my best friend and a superheroine for a while. And the other new kid isn't much better."
"Oh, sorry to hear about that. I promise I'm not that bad."
"You seem trustworthy, dudette."
"Well, come on. We'll show you to Mrs. Bustier's class."
They're awfully nice, I feel bad for them tho. Especially Alya, why would some girl lie about her best friend.
Wait a minute, did she say a superheroine too! Wow, someone's an attention seeking bitch sheesh.
After Alya and Nino showed me where the classroom was I waited at the front since I didn't know where to sit and the teacher wasn't here yet.
"Alright class I- oh your here rather early."
"Heh, sorry mrs, I just didn't want to be late."
"It's quite alright, now class may I please introduce your newest classmate, Y/n, would you like to introduce yourself?"
"Oh sure, hello it's nice to-"
Out of nowhere, the door bursted open and a girl with blue hair in pigtails awkwardly stood there for a minute.
"Sorry I'm late! My family had an emergency."
*Sigh* "It's alright Marinette, you really should get here on time though."
"Yes mrs."
"Anyway, as you were saying, Y/n."
"Oh yes, hello it's nice to meet you all. I hope to get to know you all."
"Alright now let's see, all of the seats are mostly full. Would anyone and their seat buddy like to have Y/n sit with them?"
"We will Mrs. Bustier."
"Thank you Alya."
Well....that was something.
After that, I went to sit with Alya and I think her name was Marinette.
"Here you can sit between me and Mari."
"Oh, okay. Thanks Alya."
"No problem."
Right after I sat down, I felt a dark, cold stare. I slightly looked to my right and saw Marinette giving me such a look, I thought I'd be 6ft underground.
.....She must think I'm like that girl Alya was talking about....Fucking hell Marinette's scary
I tried not to show I was scared, but I could feel the sweat on my face. I'm pretty sure almost everyone can feel it too.
Apparently Alya caught up on the staring and grabbed her phone.
I really hope Alya's texting Mari so she can stop the staring. I feel like after class, I'll be dead otherwise.
(Mari's Pov)
Great, another new girl. I bet she's just like that liar. Well I'll show her.
I started to stare with all my hatred for Lie-la and Felix on this girl.
After awhile, I felt my phone vibrate. I secretly looked at it from under the desk and saw it was from Alya.
Why is Alya texting me during class?
Girl, you need to stop that staring
What, why?
I looked around and everyone looked scared for their lives.
Alright I'm sorry I'll stop
Thank god, also Y/n isn't like Felix and Lie-la. Me and Nino talked to her, and we showed her to class cause she was genuinely lost.
Just give her a little chance, please bestie🥺
After that I calmed down, I didn't realize my stare scared the hell out of everyone.
(Y/n's Pov)
After a while, the staring stopped.
After that scare fest, Mrs. Bustier dismissed the class.
At least I don't have homework on my first day.
After 3 more hours of classes, lunch was finally upon us.
Finally! I'm so hungry. Maybe I can eat with Alya.
"Um hi."
"See what you did girl. You scared her half to death!"
"I thought the grim reaper was coming for me."
"Look, I'm sorry. I haven't been having a good time with new people much. Neither has anyone else, I shouldn't have judged you from how they acted, I'm really sorry."
"It's okay, I forgive you. I think you scared some years off my life tho hehe."
"Good, now go apologize to everyone else in our class, you scared them too."
"Alright, alright, i'm going."
"Thank god that's done and over with! She can be so scary!"
"I know, are okay tho?"
"I'm better now that my soul has re-entered my body."
"She scared you that bad?!"
"Did you feel that malicious stare!? I'm surprised the teacher didn't notice!"
(Y/n's Pov)
"Alright, I finished apologizing, to mostly everyone."
"I think I know whose apart of that mostly, but it's alright girl."
"Do you mean that bitch that lied about Marinette and the superheroine you were telling me about?"
*Pfft-* "Yes, that girl."
After calling that liar a bitch, I watched Marinette start cackling and wheezing till she fell to the floor, trying to catch her breath.
"Hey guys! What's with Marinette?"
"Girl's just dying of laughter."
When Nino came over, I notice a blonde guy with him, who, almost immediately, went over to check on Marinette.
"Marinette, are you okay?"
"Hi Nino, who's he?"
"Oh, that's my best friend, Adrien."
Then Nino leaned in close to me whispering.
"Mari's got a crush on Adrien, so if she acts a little weird that's most likely why."
Oh, that's something.
I looked over at Marinette and Adrien. As soon as Marinette got her breath back, she lurched away from Adrien really quick.
Damn, Nino wasn't kidding, she's smitten for Adrien.
After helping Marinette, Adrien introduced himself to me.
"Hi, it's really nice to meet someone new! I'm Adrien."
He then put his hand outward to shake my hand with a smile so bright the sun could be jealous.
Omg, he's a precious sunshine child. I must protect him.
"It's nice to meet you, too."
When I was shaking Adrien's hand I saw out of the of the corner of my eye, Marinette looking extremely jealous.
I used my other hand and pointed at Adrien and shook my head no telling her I didn't like Adrien like that.
She looked less envy-ess and lightly smiled, nodding her head.
"Do you want to eat with us?"
"Sure, where do we eat though?"
"Oh, we can go eat in the city as long as we come back, dudette."
"Oh, cool."
Marinette offered that we ate at her house since her parents own a bakery.
But Adrien couldn't come since his Dad is a 'bit' protective.
I honestly felt like punching this so called Father, I mean who the fuck could be so inconsiderate of their kids feelings!
Adrien left, and he looked so sad.
"Who in the fuck is his dad, cause they're a dick."
With those words spoke, Marinette looked at me shocked, Alya lightly chuckled, and Nino loudly laughed clenching his stomach.
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