Filler chapter part 2

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(This is gonna be a continuation filler chapter for Felix and Y/n)
*I'm sorry i haven't been updating, I've been having writers block and dealing with homeschool tests😓*

*Underline + italics mean whispering/muttering*
*Italics mean thoughts*

(3rd Person Pov)

After saying goodbye to Felix, Y/n walked with Adrien to a secluded place to talk.

"So, what did you want to talk about Y/n?"

"I've been meaning to ask why Felix is, not well liked by everyone else in the class."

Adrien looked to the side solemnly.

"He tricked my classmates into thinking I was angry at them with a video."

"For real?"

"Yeah....but I'm sure he had his reasonings! I mean everyone has a reason as to what they do, right?"

"Well, I agree. Besides when I met him, he was pretty nice to talk to, although he did seem nervous every once in awhile."

Adrien's eyes lit up almost immediately.

"Are you serious!? He keeps to himself a lot of the time. He must really appreciate your company."

"Well, I suppose so. What about you?"

Adrien looked down with a smile, but his eyes showed sadness.

"I know Felix doesn't listen to me when I talk much. He wasn't always like this though..."

"What do you mean?"

"Felix used to smile a lot more, he used to laugh, although he was a bit of a trickster. Me and Felix tricked our parents once, we dressed as one another. That was also how he tricked everyone."


"Yeah. He was like a brother to me...he still is! But I miss how he used to be, and I only have myself to blame for that."

"Wait what, why!? What happened?"

"It was when his father passed away around the same time I lost my mother. My father wouldn't let me go to Felix's dad's funeral. I understand tha-"

"W-wait a minute. Your father stopped you from going to Felix's father's funeral, because you had lost your mother around the same time?"

"Um, yeah."

*Sigh* "I was right about your father. I bet he thought the fact you lost your mother, you'd be too emotional to help Felix cope with his loss. I don't mean to sound rude Adrien but your father sounds like a judgemental, overprotective, son of a bitch."

Adrien starred at Y/n in shock.

Y/n grabbed Adrien's shoulder and looked up at him.

"Adrien, you shouldn't blame yourself when your dad wouldn't let you go. Have you told Felix about this?"

"Well, no...Felix doesn't really talk with me much, and the last time he did was when he fooled my friends with that video."

"How about I talk with Felix about this? I promised to hang out around town with him after school to make up for interrupting your talk with him."

"Really!? You're the best, Y/n! Thank you so much!"

Oh my gosh, he's a precious little darling🥺

"Of course Adrien."

Adrien hugged Y/n, to which she returned.

"Really, thank you."

Adrien released himself from the hug but kept his hands on Y/n's shoulder's.

"I really hope you can get through to him. He's pretty distant to people. I'm just surprised you talked to him, what with all the hateful talk about him."

Y/n smiled up at Adrien.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be able to make him understand. Besides, he approached and talked to me first."

Adrien looked at Y/n in surprise.


"Really really." (A wee reference😌)

That's really surprising. I'm happy for Felix though, he's lucky to have talked with Y/n.

"We should get to class, Adrien. We only have a few minutes till class starts."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's get going."

With that, Y/n and Adrien walked to class.

*Time skip*

(Y/n's Pov)

I hated the last period. It always took longer unless I'm doing something that doesn't feel like it takes a lot of time.

Although, I was elated to get to, hopefully, know Felix more.

I looked up to the clock, to see it was 10 minutes till class ended.

Ugh! Why can't time hurry up and speed on by!

Alya poked my arm under the table.

"Girl, are you okay? You look constipated."

I slightly leaned over to Alya.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking. Sorry to worry you, Alya."

"It's alright, I was just worried for you."

After that, me and Alya continued to pay attention to class.

After what felt like forever, the finally bell rang.

Everyone got out of they're seats, ready to go home.

"Hey Y/n, you want to hang with me, Mari, Nino, and possibly Adrien?"

"Sorry Alya, but I already have plans."

"Oh okay. See you tomorrow then?"

"Yup, see ya Alya!"

I waved to her as I speed walked out the classroom.

I dodged people as I speed walked to the front of the school.

I hope Felix didn't forget.

When I got to the front entrance, I spotted Felix at the bottom of the stairs.

I waved my hand in the air, "Hey Felix!"

Felix turned around, "Hey Y/n."

"Where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking of checking out the Lour've."

"Sure, I've been meaning to take a closer look at the Egyptian exhibit."

"Really, why?"

"I found something in the papyrus about Ladybug but not much else since the super-villain Pharaoh interrupted my focus a while back."

Felix looked at me with wide eyes, surprised.

"You got involved with that?"

"Unfortunately, yeah. Don't worry though, I didn't get hurt or anything."

Felix had a look of relief on his face. He smiled and spoke.

"That's good. We're nearby the Lour've so it shouldn't take to long to get there."

"That's convenient."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him in the direction I remember the Lour've being.

*Laughs* "Let's go!"

(Felix's Pov)

I can't believe Y/n got involved with that akuma. I'm glad she wasn't hurt.

I was pulled out of my thoughts to Y/n grabbing my hand.

*Laughs* "Let's go!"

Her laugh...her smile. She really is nice and genuine.

After I snapped out of that weird daze, Y/n ran on ahead while I briskly walked behind.

I smiled at her. She really is something.

After a while, I caught up to her and we reached the Lour've.

After I payed, Y/n almost immediately went to the Egyptian exhibit.

After I caught up to her, I looked around the exhibit. I found Y/n near the papyrus, intently starring at it.

When I walked closer to her, she seemed to notice.

"Look here."

I looked where she pointed to, and I saw a woman in an Egyptian dress with black spots and a yoyo in hand.


"She does look like Ladybug, doesn't she."

"Oh, I said that out loud..."

Y/n lightly laughed at my stupidity, but for some reason I didn't mind.

"And over here."

She then pointed to what looked like a ladybug but bigger.

"What's that?"

"It's Ladybugs kwami, and with how far the time period of Ancient Egypt was to now, I have reason to believe the Ladybug today isn't the same hero in the papyrus but rather a different hero from another time period." an interesting theory, and it would explain this.

"So, what do you think this means involving the heroes and they're powers?"

"I think it implies that, if the Ladybugs kwami has been around this long, that the miraculous and the kwamis have been around for God knows how long."

"Is that all?"

"Well, you do know what Ladybugs power is, right?"

"I believe it was the power of creation, why?"

"Then Ladybugs kwami might of been around since the dawn of time."

...Wow, talk being as old as time...wait

"That means that Hawkmoth is some civilian like Ladybug."

"Yup, which means some sick sadistic person that could care less of everyone else is somewhere in Paris."

"Oh also, Adrien told me about your first day at Paris."


"You should know I don't blame you for what happened."

"......why are you so nice to me? I haven't exactly been the best person in the past."

"Because I know you truly wish to be better than you were before. Plus, I don't think you're that bad."


"You aren't plain or boring, you're unique. Besides I don't believe everything I hear, I believe what I see with my own eyes."

"So....what do you believe about me know?"

"That you're misunderstood because of something involving you're family, and in doing so, everyone is wary of you. But because of this, no one is brave enough to get to really know you."

Y/n turned to me, with a smile on her face.

"You're a bit shy, worrisome, and nice. I think you're perfect the way you are."

She...she likes me the way I am?

I looked down at the floor, my feelings a mess.

"Do you want a hug?"

"...Yes please."

Y/n hugged me, which did make me feel happier.

I looked down to see her face, and i'm pretty sure my heart rate increased.

She had a cute little smile on her face.

(Like this)

She's going to kill me I swear! Why does she got to look so cute!?....wait...WAIT A MINUTE.

Y/n looked up at me, tilting her head to the side ever so slightly.

"You feel better now, Felix?"

....fuck I think I like her

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