Chapter 47- You're Not Mad?

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Danni POV

        I scanned the club in search for a popular group of boys. An incredibly stupid group of boys at that. If Justin thinks he's just gonna drag Andrea to Panama and make her cry, he's got another thing coming. I don't care what kind of logic is going through his brain right now, but I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

"Danni..." Tasha nudge me warningly, somehow already knowing what I was up to. "You know Andrea sent Natalie to get Justin. Not you." She annoyingly reminded me. I hate when Tasha does that. Just because she's the kind of "responsible" one of us, doesn't mean she has to play a saint in every situation.

"But you know how Natalie is." I groaned taking a sip out of my drink, still quietly scanning the crowd. "She's too sweet and innocent. If you want someone like Justin to listen, then you don't send ol' soft serve to get his attention. You send me." I explained as I waited patiently for Tasha to reply with something snarky, but she didn't.

I went on to say, "Besides, you saw Andrea, she never cries without a reason. And this better be a pretty damn good reason." I sucked more alcohol through my straw.

"You're drinking too much." Tasha rolled her eyes grabbing my drink from my perfectly manicured hands, sitting it on a table behind us.

"Also, might I remind you, Andrea is pregnant! Her emotions are all out of whack, so of course she's going to cry for stupid reasons. Did you ever stop to think that maybe Andrea was blowing something out of proportion, before you made up you're mind that you were going to go all G.I. Jane on Justin?" She complained peircing her brown eyes into mine.

"G.I. Jane.... really? All I was going to do was talk to him. I wasn't planning to kill the boy." I flipped my hair over my shoulder feeling annoyance take over me. "All I'm trying to do is help."

"You never learn, do you?" Tasha leaned in close to me, averting my gaze to where Justin and the guys stood. "Okay, tough girl. You want to do this? Go show him who's boss! Then after, when you're crying because you're stranded in Panama-"

"Oh shut up!" I fussed at Tasha who thought she was so funny. "I'm not going to do anything bad! I'll just swoop in, ask Justin what happened get him to talk to preggers and everything will be fine." I assured her.

"Okay, whatever you say Danni. But I warned you."

"Thank you, mother." I replied sarcastically and walked away before she could annoy me with anything else.

         I strutted through the crowed as a heavy Spanish song played all around me. It was a fast paced song that the women here seemed to love- grabbing dance partners from every corner of the room. I had to admit that it sounded pretty awesome, even though I couldn't understand what was being sang. The entire club was nearly dark besides the neon lights that ocassionally flashed from hot lights strung from various parts of the night club. Which is part of the reason it's so damn hot in here, so I really didn't regret wearing such a short pair of shorts. Okay, here we go.

          I approached the group of four or five guys that surrounded Justin. I felt my heart rate increase as I thought about what I would say to him. I mean of course, I'm grateful that he included us in the trip, but that by no means will cloud my judgement. Especially when it comes to one of my sisters.  Andrea is one of my best friends and he can't just mistreat her. But maybe Tasha was right. What if Andrea is being unnecessary? I would feel like an idiot.

"Excuse me." I said trying to be heard over the music, "Justin, I need to talk to you." I tapped his shoulder, anxious to get this over with. He turned his head around to look at me, his black sunglasses only reflecting my face.

"Okay...?" He said giving me a straight face.

"It's about Andrea. She's been crying her eyes out. You've got some explaining to do." I announced over the music. I couldn't see his expression because his sunglasses made him appear so cut-off and distant from everyone. I was going to say something else until Justin took my hand and walked me away from the crowd.

"Justin, where are we going?" I asked not understanding his point in dragging me around this club. He didn't reply as we zipped through more of the crowd and headed towards a hallway leading to a quiet place.

Justin checked his surroundings looking over his shoulder a number of times before letting out a relieved sigh. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Paparazzi could be anywhere." He explained answering my gesture.

"So, what's wrong?" Justin asked concerned, crossing his arms.

"I think you would know." I replied crossing my arms as well.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what I said." I rolled my eyes, "After you left the hotel, Andrea came to us crying because of you did."

I noticed Justin stiffened from my attitude, clenching his jaw in the process. Justin glared down the hallway, probably thinking about a response to my accusations. His mouth opened and then abruptly shut. He looked like he had something to say, but just couldn't get it out.

"Well?" I snapped in an accidental high pitch voice. He pointed down the hall, "What the hell is so important down there?" I barked feeling myself getting a little edgy.

"Shh! Is that... Natalie?" His head cocked to the side in slight interest and I copied.

Oh, my sweet baby Jesus! I peered down the hall only to see Natalie being groped, and caressed on by... by, nooo! Chaz! What the fuck? Chaz held on to her tiny hips, pressing her body into the wall, only a couple of feet away from Justin and I. Natalie tangled her hands in Chaz' hair giggling at every nip he made at her neck. She's awfully drunk.

At the same time, Justin and I reacted..



Apparently, they were too engulfed with each other to acknowledge us, so I slammed my palm on the side of the wall getting their attention. Natalie jumped closer into Chaz' arm for protection until she realized it was me.

"D-Dannniii!" She squealed happily. I couldn't help letting the corners of my mouth lift as Natalie stumbled over to me. "Hiya, beautiful."

I cleared my throat of amusement, "Natalie, sweety.... you know that's Chaz, right?" I asked her as if she were a child with a glint of sarcasm.

She gave me a wide eye look before showing a perfect smile. "He's mine."

"Chaz, bro! You and Nat?" Justin almost praised his friend. He shook his shoulder happily. Chaz gave a cocky smile, even though his cheeks burned bright red from blushing.

"Oh, Chazzy-" Natalie started to sing, but stopped in her tracks at the sight of Justin. She gazed thoughtfully, "I was stapose to tell you something... about-"

Justin chuckled seeing her act so loopy, "It's all good. I think Danni was actually getting to that." He replied shooting a weak head nodd in my direction.

"Yes, so you and Chaz run along." I urged before giving Chaz a reproachful look. "And Chaz..." I coughed. "Uh, try not to be so "touchy" if you know what I mean." I added using quotations with my fingers.

Chaz wagged his eyebrows teasingly. "I'll try."

            I shuddered childishly as the two walked off still groping eachother. Huuuhhh! That's just weird. Natalie has only been drunk about twice in her entire life. Never in a million years would I have imagined Natalie behaving so... different. She's like our baby sister, and even though we've known Chaz a little while, it just... wasn't expected. Panama changes people, I guess. Especially with Chaz? They're so opposite.

"Soo...." Justin scratched the back of his head waiting for me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh right. Umm," I sighed losing some momentum in my attitude, "I think you should talk to Andrea, okay? She was really upset and I'm sure she's waiting on you. What ever's going on, just work through it."

"I will." Justin said looking me in my eyes, "Hey look, I know you're just looking out for Andrea, but trust me she's in good hands. I never intend to hurt her and I won't. She means the world to me, she's my everything... and I promise you that you don't have to worry about me hurting her. I- I love her." Justin explained taking off his sunglasses.

          I was caught off guard by his sudden confession session, but at the same time I was mesmerized by his sincerity and the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about Andrea. Andrea is literally the luckiest girl ever. We haven't actually ever hung out and that might've caused a little tension. But hearing Justin admit his feelings for Andrea made him easier to accept. 'Cause let's face it- he's Justin Bieber! C'mon, what friend wouldn't be worried, especially as of lately, with his bad boy rep. I shot Justin a small smile before deciding to apologize for attempting to snap on him.

"It's aight." He smiled sheepishly.

"So, if you don't mind me asking.... what did happen?"

He eyed me hesitantly, "Only if you promise not to laugh or get angry."

I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why it would be funny, but I shook my head anyways. "Erm, Yeah, sure I promise."


Justin POV

           I decided to leave the club earlier than planned. I mean, I wasn't really having much fun anyways. I'm not the same. Sure, I could go to a club and blow thousands of dollars on alcohol and party goers, but what was the point? It was beginning to become redundant, and I've done a lot of partying. I'm not saying that I'm never going to do it again, but at this point in my life I think a few other things should definitely come first.

         Talking to Danni made me realize how dumb I was being. After telling her a short summary of my dream, she literally told me, "That is the stupidest reason to be distant from Andrea. If you're that nervous about the baby, talk to her. You can't just leave her hanging." We talked a little while longer, and she's really helpful and funny. I miss judged her. I thought she was some snooty, conceited, smarted-mouthed model. But I was wrong. She just doesn't sugar coat anything, and just like Andrea, she will speak her mind. Maybe that's why they're such good friends. Tonight was a break through, though. I feel like I actually got to know Andrea's friends a little better.

         I slid my key through door and turned the handle quietly. It was kind of late and Andrea might be sleeping, so I tried to stay quiet. Walking in the giant suite, I started to feel guilty. I left Andrea in here all alone, she must feel awful. It was childish of me. I took my shades off tossing them to the couch and made my way up the stairs to see if Andrea was asleep. When she wasn't in any of the rooms I decided to check the bathroom, but there was still no sign of her. Biting down on my lip I checked the outside to see if she would be in one of the hot tubs or pools.

"Andrea." I tried to call for her, "I'm back." I was starting to regret buying the biggest suite in the hotel. If Andrea was hiding, then this was a great place to do it.

"I'm over here." Her voice called from the other side of the deck. I quickly made my way to the balcony. I thought I checked over here. I saw Andrea sitting in a pool chair staring at the beautiful view of Panama.

"Hey." I said wrapping my arms around her. She hugged back a little bit before slouching down in her chair. I guess I should've expected that. "What are you doing out here?" I asked being careful with my words.

She sighed, "This view is amazing, Justin." Andrea kept calm even though I could tell that she was sad. She gazed out at the night beach watching the water sway and the stars sparkle.

"I umm, I'm sorry." I bowed my head in shame. I really should have talked to Andrea about the stupid dream.

"It's okay." She whispered.

"No, it's not. How long have you been out here?" I pulled out a chair of my own, sliding it next to Andrea.

"Long enough." She shrugged. "Since Danni and the rest left for the club." She admitted sadly. "Where's everyone else?"

"They're still at the club. I left early. Are you okay? Danni talked to me."

"Yes, Justin I'm fine." I huffed out, but then shot me a panicked look. "Wait, Danni? Did Natalie talk to you too?" Her eyes were so beautiful and I found myself getting lost in them.

"Natalie, she was a little "busy"... with Chaz." I smirked remembering what I caught them doing. Andrea gasped, letting out a small chuckle.

"Natalie and... Chaz? Wow." She shook her head in slight disbelief. "Was Danni nice to you? I mean she didn't like harrass you, did she?" She asked feeling a little protective.

"No need to worry, babe. She was okay. In fact, I think she was pretty cool. She just told me that you needed me."

"Really?" Her voice filled with surprise. "So, Danni didn't go off or shout or anything bad?"

I shook my head and she said "Oh."

"Would you like to see something?" She asked finally after moments of silence.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked curious as to why Andrea was being so calm. Usually by she'd be yelling at me by now.

"I was on twitter, ya know, while everyone left me," She started off sarcastically, I felt bad again. "And guess what?"


"Baby Bieber is the number one trending topic. And you know what's after that one?" She flashed a happy smile.

This caught me off guard because I haven't been on twitter since the time I tweeted telling all my beliebers the truth. I was nervous to see how many people I've disappointed. "What is it?" I asked feeling anxiety build up.

"Congratulations Justin!" She squealed over joyed. "Not only that, we're the whole damn list, and you know what else? You're beliebers are so happy that they're making videos on youtube saying how exited they are. Even celebrities are wishing us the best. Some beliebers are even playing games trying to figure out the gender and what we should name our baby. Justin they're happy for us!" Andrea hugged me and surprised me by her random mood change.

"Umm, that's great! Really, I'm so exited that my fans are happy, but baby? Are you happy?" I asked wrapping my arms around her from behind. She faced the view from the balcony and I snuggled my nose in her soft hair. "I'm sorry that-"

"Stop apologizing. I know you're sorry. I'm okay." She reassured me. I'm so confused.

"So you're not mad?"

"No. I'm okay." She sighed.

"B-but I was a jerk and-"

"-And usually I'd be an emotional wreck, screaming and crying about something that probably isn't a big deal." She cut me off, turning in my arms to face me.

"Well... yeah. It's kind of weird that you're calm. It's scary."

She chuckled folding her arms. "Do you want me to be mad? 'Cause I can still do that." She raised an eyebrow challenging making me smile.

"Was that a threat?" I said pretending to be serious.

"It might be." She laughed, but then stopped herself. "Look, being in the hospital for that week was the scariest thing I've ever went through. To even think that I would lose this baby over stress is crazy. I don't want anymore unnecessary hospital trips. So, I decided I will not stress myself out over little things. I'm fine, Justin... really, really." She explained placing my hand on her stomach.

         I felt this jolt of tingles in my hand as I touched Andrea's baby bump. All the bad thoughts from the dream had faded away, and again I felt this deeper connection with the baby and Andrea. Maybe the dream was just random and everyone was right. I did over think everything and I feel pretty dumb after all.

"Are you sure?" I wanted to make sure with this because I wouldn't want her to hold a grudge.

"Yes!" She squealed playfully rolling her eyes.

"Are you hungry?" I asked after feeling a rumble in her belly. I grabbed her hand and walked her back inside of our grand suite.

"Actually, I'm starving. I don't think I ate anything since I got here." She bit her bottom lip thoughtfully, managing to drive me crazy. She's impossibly sexy and I must have been out if my mind not wanting to touch her. "Room service?"

"Or I could get the personal chef." I suggested but Andrea quickly refuted the offer.

"Just order something from room service. I want you all to myself." She pouted.


      After we ate our food, I carried Andrea up the steps to the biggest room in our hotel. She claimed she was too full to walk, but I didn't mind. I was so rude earlier so I owe her everything, not I actually mind doing it, though. I laid her down on the comfortable bed and slipped out of my jeans and shirt to lay next to her. Andrea threw on a big shirt of mines and snuggled up to me. She laid her head on my chest drawing circles with her fingers.

"Justin?" She whispered quietly, making my heart flutter.

"Yeah, babe."

"Why were you angry at me? Ya know, earlier today." She asked in a small voice.

I sighed and kissee her forehead, kind of embarrassed about what I was going to admit. "You want the truth."


"I wasn't angry at you. It was just that I had a bad dream on the jet." Andrea stifled a laugh and I shook my head knowing she would find this more amusing than anything.

"Aww, did widdle Justy have a bad dwream on the plane." She teased in a baby voice.

"Do you want to hear this or not?"

"Sorry, sorry... continue." She giggled.

"I had a dream that there was this beautiful little girl and she called me daddy. I could tell she was my daughter, but she looked exactly like you. She was the most precious little girl ever seen." I began, remembering every detail.

"Soo, you're afraid of little girls?" Andrea asked staring up at me.

"Listen," I warned. "So after I met the little girl she took me to see you and the weird part was the little girl was about three years old. But she took me to see you, and you were holding a baby, and you were pregnant still."

"Mmh. That is weird. Was that it?"

"No, long story short- There was like six babies that were all ours, and I couldn't get them to stop crying. Like seriously, there was babies everywhere."

"That does sound stressful." Andrea seriously. "But you still didn't have to take it out on me."

"I know, baby. I'm so sorry." I apologized again. I'd apologize every single day if I have to. "You want to know something else?"


"In my dream, you did not speak any English. You only spoke Spanish and I couldn't understand you. I asked where the babies came from, and you just rambled on smiling, talking." I explained feeling relieved that I finally told Andrea about the stupid nightmare.

"Justin Bieber, you are officially the weirdest guy I know." She chuckled, somewhere in between deciding to straddle me with hers legs on both of my sides. I put my hands in her hips keeping her balanced.

"Andrea Nelson, you're the most gorgeous girl I know." I mimicked rubbing my hands up and down her back. She let out a satified moan at my touch, and I remembered a couple of nights ago on the tour bus. Andrea's been really wound up lately. Not that I mind, because I think that was one of the best times in my life.

"Justin, I'm.... frustrated... again." Andrea finally said planting sweet kisses on my neck.

"Let me take care if that." I

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