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Lillie's POV:
It had been three weeks since my injury. It was healing well but was going to leave a good scar. My parents didn't know and hopefully it was going to stay that way.
I walked out of my room after finishing a good book. My mom and dad are in the kitchen looking at something.
"Hey guys," I say grabbing my phone I had left on the table. I go to leave but my parents stop me.
"Lillie what's this?" Mom asks, holding up one of my shirts, more specifically the one with the hole in it from my attack.
"I found it with your laundry." She continues.
"It's just a shirt, it got caught on something and ripped." I lie.
"Don't lie, this is a bullet hole." My dad steps in.
"You've hid a major injury from us! I hate you sneaking around and you've done a lot of it lately!" He yells.
"I'm fine Dad! It was nothing!" I yell back.
"It's that turtle's fault, right? He's painting a target on your back!"

"Leave Raph out of this! It's not his fault!"
"Stop defending him, he's the reason your hurt and you staying with him is putting yourself and the rest of us in danger!" My Mom adds.
"I was hurt, I'm fine! Donnie saved my life!"
"It wouldn't have needed saving if it wasn't for them!"
"No!" I go to march away, but they hold me back.
"Don't walk away young lady! You don't understand! Your just a child! You're done with those turtles for good." He says, my world shatters.
"I love him!" I knew this was true, we have been together for nearly two years, I never felt this way about anyone.
"You're too young to know what love is!"
"I love him! You're just too close minded to see him for who he is!"
"He's a turtle! A giant turtle! There's nothing to see!"
"He's a sweet, smart and caring, living being! All four of them are!"
"They are monsters! And you're never seeing them again!"
"You can't stop me!"
"Yes I can! If you speak one word about him or have any contact with any of them what so ever I'll turn them into the government."
"You won't, no one will believe you!"
"I've got photographic evidence and contacts, so I wouldn't try me. Now hand over your phone!"
I throw it at the ground near his feet. "It's for your own good sweetheart." He tries to reason.
"My ass!" I hiss, spinning on my heel and shutting the door.
As soon as I made sure no one was going to come in, I sunk to my knees and cried.
Glancing at the window I consider leaving but I knew my dad would make good of their threat and cage the turtles. I couldn't do that to them, so I just hung my head over my knees and let the tears roll down.
Raph's POV:
I was reading one of the books Lillie got me when my phone buzzed, a text from my girlfriend appears on the screen.
Raphael, you've been a great boyfriend but I need to move on. Your a turtle and I'm a human, it would never have worked anyway. Please don't contact me, it's better if you stay out of my life forever. It's not you, it's me. I need to explore my options and your not one of them. I never should have dated you anyway, I got your hopes up, I'm sorry about that. Once again please leave me alone, have a nice life.
I reread the message at least a dozen times, my heart breaking a little more with each time. Tears in my eyes, I throw my book down, ignoring Lillie's scolding in my head for treating a book like that.
I beat my bag, tears in my eyes, anger and sorrow in my veins.

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