Chapter 2

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Karna and vrushali are travelling to anga by his chariot,  radha maa and adirath also accompany him, only because vrushali is pregnant.

Karna is the one who ride the chariot , adirath is sitting beside him, radha and vrushali sleeping inside,  Karna slowly riding the chariot in order to not disturb the most important women in his life,  adirath said slowly,
  Putr!  Sorry despite of being suryaputra I can't give you what you deserve,  being my son you only get insults in your life.

No pithashree,  you are the one to give me a family, identity, a beautiful life,  I am always proud to be your son,  we don't have any mistake pithashree,  the society norms and terms are the one which has to be change,  thanks pithashree to take me into your life.

Karna!  Enough you take rest,  already you look so tired,  go and take care of vrushali, I can ride here after,  with the final tone. Karna knows he can't argue with his father, so he give to adirath and sit with vrushali,  he slowly shift her head into his lap, and hold her by stomach, he felt new energy after he get know that he is going to be a father.

Baby I will protect you from this cruel society,  no one can harm you, it's my promise to you said karna.


It's been two days, they arrived to anga,  Karna was deliberately indulge him in lot of king work,  vrushali understand he want some time, so she doesn't ask about this,  after meeting vidur, she doesn't said anything about the things happen in hastinapur palace. Now she is in garden,  which is very close to her heart, radha maa is in kitchen, adirath pithashree is in cattle area, 

   Vrushali!  What are you doing under sun?  You have to take  rest dear said karna.

Arya!  When you come here? 

He take vrushali to a tent to sit,  vrushali lean on his broad shoulder, 

Arya! What you think, will pandavas go to varnavat or not? 

They definitely go there, it's a ritual they did after maharaj pandu's death, but I am sure, mahamantri will prepare something to save them,

Priye! Suddenly I feel like aged man.  Said karna.

Why are you  not  happy about baby arya

Shhh!  not like that vrushali,  I have 105 younger brother, and one sister.

Vrushali smiled and hold his hand,  arya!  Rajmata knows about the baby, not only her pandavas also know,  then she says what happened on hastinapur palace.

Karna listen everything without any expression, she sense that, so change his mood,

  Sometimes I feel like, say thanks to rajmata,  Karna frowned,  she continues,  if she does not leave you means how I will get you as my husband arya? 

If you have been brought up like a prince, then how we both get married?  On the same time, radha maa needs you, so you are with her,  everything happens for a reason arya,  don't overthink about that , with she take karna hand and kept in her stomach,  says please pithashree

Karna hugged her with tears,  he thought,  I don't regret being a son of radha ma vrushali, but my own mother regret my birth, for her I am just a mistake.

Soon it's evening time,  Karna, vrushali,  radha and adirath was sitting in front garden spending time with each other, soldier come and inform them,  that duryodhan and bhanumathi arrived, there, 

Vrushali invited both bhanumathi and her bhrata,

  Vrushali, take bhanumathi to her chamber, you must take rest,  OK dear. Said karna.

OK Bharatashree!  Radha maa come with me,  I have to ask something about food,  said bhanumathi.  Soon ladies left the place.

Adirath also go to his chamber, now the two dearest friends are standing there, Karna start to walk inside,

Mithr! Don't you invite me inside,? Asked duryodhan.

Seriously,  duryodhan after what you have done,  you expect me too talk nicely to you? asked karna.

Duryodhan sighed,  I know you don't like this idea,  but I don't have choice,  I can't wait my lifetime to get a throne, and I can't expect yudhishthir to get a curse like his father,  Karna.

Karna keep silent, he don't know what to say,  one side his own brothers life and another side his best friend now brother, from the first meet of duryodhan till today karna only thinks from duryodhan's point of view, but now he started to think about pandavas,  he felt suffocate to hold a secret,  it has been just two days,  but he can't shut his mouth,  how come rajmata kunti hide this secret 30 yrs,  Karna gets out of his thought by duryodhan,

Mithr!  I tried to stop kunti mata,  but she didn't listen to me,  said duryodhan.

He knows his friend, Karna always has a soft corner for kunti,  he also respect her, duryodhan also feel sad for her, to get into this conspiracy,  but he can't do anything hereafter.

Mithr!  It's just,  you know what you are doing is wrong, then also you doing the same thing,  duryodhan, unknowingly making mistake, is ok but intentionally doing is not mistake, it's called sin. Said karna. 

Before duryodhan say something, bhanumathi and vrushali come there, 

Bharatashree!  Bhanumathi shouted, she is 7 months pregnant and walking fastly towards them, make both the men tension.

Bhanu!  What are doing dear?  Slowly slowly  said karna rushed towards his beloved sister and hold her.  Duryodhan silently witnessing the most beautiful bond.

Arya!  Tell your sister, how to behave in pregnancy,  she is been running all over in palace said vrushali.

And you following her in full palace, for your kind information angrani you also pregnant OK, and you what's so important that you have behaving like this said karna to both the pregnant women. 

Duryodhan chuckled by this scene, both the ladies are some time sweet to him, but most of the time very strict to him,  bhanumathi is the first and last woman in his life to stole his heart,  the way he get her was wrong,  but she understands him, and handling him very well,  vrushali babhi is like a mother figure to him, she never judge him, she accept him, with his flaws, and duryodhan try to be a good brother to her so far.

Bharatashree promise me that whatever I ask for you will give to me said bhanumathi.

Karna smiled and promised her.

Allow me to stay  here bharata till baby born said bhanumathi.

Karna and duryodhan was shocked, Karna look to vrushali and asked about this by eyes, she simply  shrugged her shoulders. Duryodhan feel like the ground slipped from his foot, 

  Bhanu!  What happened dear?  You know right pithashree and mata are very excited to see the baby first right,  it's a first heir in our generation Priye!   Said duryodhan.

Sorry arya,  but for me this is my first baby,  and I don't want my baby to stuck in the web of politcs,  I don't feel like, my baby to born in hastinapur. Said bhanumathi.

Bhanu then you can go to your mother house right,  Kalinga,  they also feel happy to see you, dear said karna.

Bharatashree!  I love my father , but after I married in hastinapur he always speaks about the politics of Hastinapur only, when I said my pregnancy news, he directly said that he only want son not a daughter,  if I have been there then I definitely not happy said bhanumathi.

Karna thinks something and looked at vrushali,  she already seeing him only, she nodded and karna said, 

  Mithr!  Inform maharaja and maharani about bhanumathi staying and ask mahamantri to send special medical team to take care her, though anga have a medical team, but if they present here means bhanumathi feel confident,  bhanumathi stay her brother house, till her wish to stay said karna in finality in his tone.

Duryodhan understand bhanumathi 's perspective and he remembers his birth story, how they all want to kill him in birth itself by bad sign, he don't want his baby to go through that, more over where karna is there, he don't want to think about anything, 

OK Mithr,  and I am also staying here with bhanumathi said duryodhan.

No need, you have to be there duryodhan, pandavas are not there so you only take care of work, you can come before one month OK. Said karna.


         Yudhishthir said about the wax palace to everyone, vidur kakkashree said to him and then the soldiers who are accompany them is a mine worker,  they started their work with the protection of bheem.

Kunti think about karna,  there is not a single day, that she didn't think about him,  but today's thought was different,  she feels something fishy in his behavior,  he knows his son,  if this plan is sakuni and duryodhan 's means definitely karna gets to know about this,  is he is the one to inform vidur,  so only he get angry towards duryodhan, thought kunti.

What bothers her most is, everytime  Karna goes to Anga,  he comes to her and takes blessing, but this time he didn't see her, she feel sad about this, 

Yudhishthir come to her and hold her hand,  Ho looks so exhausted, he has been taking responsibility from the childhood,  he never enjoy anything for him,  kunti start to carress his hair.

Yudhishthir!  What happened putr? Asked kunti.

Mata,  don't know why?  When I get know about angraj wife,  and baby,  I feel protected towards them,  and can I say one thing,  from the time of pithashree death, I never feel someone is there to protect me, but sometimes seeing angraj I feel warm in my heart mata!  And today I kind of missing that warm,  why I feel like this mata? Said yudhishthir

Kunti was spellbounded,  she don't know what to say,  putr!  Angraj is elder to all of you,  may be that's why you feel like this,  and I said to you right,  that he is like your jyesth bhrata,  may be that why you feel like that. 

Yudhishthir nodden his head not fully convinced, sometimes arjun also feel this, the feel towards angraj is so strong, but there is something between them. 

Three months later, 
    Karna and duryodhan was pacing Infront of bhanumathi chamber, tension  it's been hours bhanumathi gets pain,  she is screaming inside,  duryodhan can't hear the scream, 

  Mahadeva, please protect my baby and wife,  Karna hereafter I am not going to try babies,  said duryodhan.

Mithr,  nothing will happen to bhanumathi, you just stay strong , she is my sister remember that said karna. Though he also fear for his sister but stay strong only for his friend.  Radha maa and pithashree went to hastinapur two weeks back.
Vrushali are inside the chamber with vaidji. 

Soon both hear the baby cry,  vaidji and vrushali both come there with a baby, actually two babies,  one boy and one girl. 

Karna is the First one to lift the boy,  duryodhan take the girl baby.

Bharata!  Both babies are healthy,  and bhanu is little weak soon she also get into conscious,  said vrushali.

Karna as per rule you have to name my daughter said duryodhan.

Not only but also for this little champ,  Lakshmi  and lakshman  said karna. And handover to vrushali and left to meet the minister.

Mantri!  My sister and friend become parents,  both son and daughter is born, light up the whole anga, it's had to like day time . Said karna enthusiasticly.

Send information to Hastinapur, Kalinga, ashwathama and pandavas said karna.

That's it today is chapter. Do vote and comment.

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