Giving Birth.

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While I was in labor, I had started to wonder why I wanted a child so bad. This should be classified as torture.

First of all, our little girl was around a week late which did not make me happy. I almost made a few of the rookie Pens cry. It was hilarious, I'm not gonna lie. I made the rest of the team crack up. From then on, everyone that approached Sidney told me how pretty I was before actually talking to him.

Second, my water broke while we were at Fleury's house. Right in front of half the team. Talk about awkward. Beau started to giggle and I thought Jayson was going to pass out. It's not like they were actually watching me push out a child. Hopefully they grow up a bit before they get some girl pregnant.

We rushed to the hospital, leaving the team back at Fleury's. Vero said she would be there once the gathering was over. Sidney grabbed the hospital bag we had packed and ready in the car while I waddled into the hospital.

The beginning wasn't horrible. But slowly, the contractions got worse and worse to the point of tears. Most of it was a blur, but I did remember Sid getting a call asking if he would be going on the day trip the next day.

"Probably not." This would be the first game he would miss this season. Possibly the only one, too. "It looks like it's going to be a long night. Alright. See you then."

"If you wanted to leave for the trip, it would be fine."

"I'm staying until you're at home with your parents. I'm not missing anything," He pressed his lips to my forehead.

He hardly ever let go of my hand in the twelve hours I was in labor. He looked so lost most of the time. Sidney is used to being able to help, no matter the situation. But there was nothing he could do to make this better for me. He looked like he was going to cry, even though I was the one in pain.

"Well, looks like you're ready to go." The doctor told me. Awesome. This pain needs to stop now.

By that time, my parents were in the waiting area. Sidney went out to tell them what was happening before joining me in the delivery room.

"She's all cleaned up," the nurse came back with her wrapped in a little pink blanket. She handed our little girl to me and I started crying once again, "Any ideas for a name?"

"I like Charlotte." I whispered.

"Charlotte Grace Crosby. That's perfect."

"You should be cleared to being her home tomorrow morning. We just want to keep you overnight to make sure everything is going okay." She told us before leaving, "Let me know if you need anything."

I held her for a little while before I started to fall asleep. That's when Sidney took her and let me rest. I couldn't wait to be back in my own bed. Chances are, I wouldn't be getting much sleep for a while.

I woke up to find my husband and daughter asleep in the rocking chair and that's when I realized that all the pain was worth it.


Kinda short but I don't have much experience in the giving birth area. Unless it's animals. Then I know too much.

Oh, the life of a former pre-vet major.

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