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"Jimin hyung, don't you have any work to do?" Jeongguk asked, coming up to the front desk where his receptionist, Park Jimin, lounged back in his executive leather chair. He looked up from the book he was reading and grinned, "I finished pulling files for tomorrow, and I've already finished the med and food orders."

Jeongguk plunked himself down in his favorite spinning chair and looked over the appointment book. "So, I pay you to do nothing?"

Jimin just chuckled and flipped the page, "I'm never doing nothing."

Jin had always said that Jimin looked like an older, male version of Shirley Temple, with his blonde hair and chubby-cheeked smile, but he certainly wasn't a dimple-faced sweetheart. Jeongguk watched him wrestle an uncooperative Pit-Bull to the floor and hold him there to get his shots. He doubted Shirley Temple could do that. Jimin had started to work for Jeongguk three years ago, after they were out of college. Jeongguk hadn't known Jimin was filthy rich until a year after he started working at the Clinic, when he bought him the latest and greatest smartphone for his birthday and a new X-Ray machine for Christmas. Jeongguk often wondered why Jimin willingly worked as a receptionist in a Vet clinic, when his wealth allowed him far better career paths. Whenever he asked, Jimin would always smile say, "I'm happy here."

Yoongi came up behind Jeongguk and leaned over his shoulder. "It looks to be pretty quiet for a while." he stated, smirking when the boy jumped. The guy moves quieter than any cat Jeongguk ever met, and even though Yoongi's been working for him for two years, he still gets a kick out of surprising him.

Jimin and Yoongi had grown very close to Jeongguk and his brother. Since Yoongi's originally from Daegu, and Jimin's family is always traveling for business, neither had family in the area and as such, claimed them as their family. That closeness with the brothers made them feel entitled to know everything that's going on in their "baby Kookie's" life. That's also why, the second he came to work last Monday, they cornered Jeongguk and forced him to tell them why he was late coming back from Vegas.

He'd told them he'd overslept and had had his phone stolen but those excuses didn't work. Finally, after they had him cornered for a few minutes, he broke down and told them. Both were sympathetic but jokes started flying around between those two and Jin about his new marital status, Jeongguk chose to ignore them.

Things after that had been pretty simple, they made jokes and Jeongguk worked on forgetting he was married to a stranger.


Taehyung never understood the workings of relationships. He was knowledgeable in multiple other areas... but never the 'wooing' of the fairer sex, or any wooing of any kind. When he had to ask a girl on a date or anything else, he would observe her, find her weak points, and then play to them. He'd create a vague script of the situation in his mind that, nine times out of ten, would work. That same method of observation and then creating a script was his main strategy when it came to business, and it almost always worked, which was why he had the big office with the window.

Daniel assured him that Jeongguk wouldn't be that hard to get. Being a country animal doctor and having a 'guy like him' after him, he would take a week, two at the most, to finally cave. Thus, Taehyung had put in for a two week vacation, which wasn't hard to achieve because he work so much and have so many vacation days saved up he could keep vacationing until he's old enough to retire.

So here he was, back in South Korea after years, though Busan was unknown to him as his family was from Daegu and Seoul. He dropped his bags off at Busan's finest hotel. After resting for a moment, he put on his nicest designer casual clothes, and Ray-bans, before making his way to Jeongguk's clinic.


Rural Busan Animal Clinic was quaint, just like in the newspaper picture. There were decorative fall leaves strung on a garland around the door and a nice yard to the side. It actually didn't seem all that bad... it seemed to fit in with the autumn feel of the town.

Inside, a doll-like boy was sitting behind the counter, idly looking through a book. He glanced up at Taehyung quickly with a deer-in-the-headlights expression, but he smiled a second later and held up one finger to yell, "False alarm, but suit up all the same." Then he turned back to say in a pleasant voice, "Hello, sir; how may I help you?"

It took a second for Taehyung to recover after that unexpected outburst, but he managed to reply, "I'm here to meet with Dr. Jeon Jeongguk."

The blonde boy furrowed his brow and looked at a book under the top counter.

"Do you have a question about your pet?"

Taehyung shook his head, "I just need to speak with him. It's a private matter."

Taehyung made sure to put enough emphasis on the word 'private.' The boy narrowed his eyes at Taehyung, then got up to move out of sight.

"Hey Jeongguk, there's a guy here who wants to see you."

Jeongguk moved to the front desk but stopped before he got into the reception area. The man who'd been driving him nuts for weeks was leaning over his counter and staring at him with those mesmerizing eyes of his, giving him a slow, sexy smile. Jeongguk was quite the sight, wearing scrubs with cartoon bears and heavy gloves used for birds of prey, a look of pure shock on his face at the sight of his husband.

Taehyung 'slathered on the charm', as Daniel had so elegantly put it, and smiled... "You're a very hard man to track down, Doctor Jeon."

Jin popped up behind Jeongguk, seeing him standing stock still in the doorway, his eyes sliding between his brother and the man at the counter, before they slid behind the man as a car drove up.

"Incoming!" he called.

The blonde boy from earlier darted around Jeongguk to take his earlier seat.

"I advise you to move out of the way." Jeongguk said, voice a bit shaky from seeing both his husband and Ms. Chou's car.

Shiva had arrived.

"What?" Taehyung replied dumbly.

"If you don't want to die today, move out of the way!"

The blonde caught Tae's attention and instructed him to around the counter. "Take shelter here, I'd also advise you to duck down." When Taehyung just stared, unmoving, Jimin got irritated and clapped his hands together. "Move it! Move it! Move it! Everyone! To your battle stations!"

Taehyung was finally able to move, ducking around the corner and into a chair just as the clinic's front doors opened.


Everything exploded into a frenzy of sound as Chou Ji-hee practically threw the cat carrier on the counter and called over Shiva's bloody screams, "Thanks so much Doctor Jeon. I'll be back the Monday after next! Stay safe!" That woman has a sick sense of humor.

Jimin picked up the carrier and headed to the back, all thoughts of Jeongguk's visitor left his mind as he went back to the open surgery table.

Over Shiva's screeches and growls Jeongguk commanded Jimin to tilt the carrier up until the cat tumbled out into his arms. Immediately the hellcat sunk his teeth as far as he could into the thick leather gloves, his back claws attaching to Jeongguk's skin, just above where the gloves ended, practically clinging to his arm while trying to scratch him with his front claws. The funny thing is, Shiva's supposed to be declawed.

As Jeongguk shouted orders through clenched teeth, everyone worked in perfect order to get Shiva off his arm and anesthetized. They worked quickly and after 30 minutes, Jeongguk had stitched up some pretty bad gouges on the cats body and administered medicine to help with his leg.

Jin took over the charge of stuffing the ferocious feline back into his carrier and gingerly taking him to the farthest corner cat cage in the back so he didn't scare the others or any of the smaller dogs in the runs. Finally, they returned back to their posts. Jimin, covered in fur, went to the desk; Yoongi, to the bathroom to take care of one pretty nasty scar on his arm; and Jeongguk, blood seeping through his shirt where Shiva took away some skin, went back to his office.


Taehyung had only watched Jeongguk for a moment before sidled away and towards a few open doors on the other side of the cat, ducking around a corner to find a short hall with a bathroom and a room that turned out to be Jeongguk's office. It was small with one desk, a few hand-made bookshelves, a T.V., and millions of books. Some were novels of various genre's, but most were medical manuals on animal treatment. The wall was covered with newspaper clippings about different people from around the town, and two framed features at the top. One was the article about the clinic Taehyung had read online, and the other was about his brother's store.

On the desk were multitudes of pictures of him and his brother as well as a few with the blonde and ebony haired boy, all smiling happily. As Taehyung gazed at a picture of him kneeling next to a huge black dog, he felt a strange twinge in the vicinity of his heart. Not knowing what the feeling was for, he just wrote it off as a strange reaction to the new environment. He picked up the photo, taking it from it's frame, and tucking it in his shirt pocket,  hiding away the frame in the far recesses of one of the drawers.

He moved away from the desk when he realized that it sounded like the surgery was finishing up. Taehyung couldn't tell if he was actually nervous because he'd never really been nervous before, but he didn't know what to say to Jeongguk, the young vet had already broken from his original scripts, with his reaction to Taehyung's appearance, and the previous drama with that Hellcat. The office door opened revealing Jeongguk, who didn't seem to notice his guest and clunked down at his desk. He slumped over in his chair, head hitting his desk. He couldn't believe it. This had turned into one of the-

"That was quite the show."
Wait? What?

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