Act 1.2: Servamp contract

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Recap: 'She already peeked my intrest... Im no longer into getting that pianist as my eve'

》Act 1.2:(Servamp Contract): BEGIN《

You took the hedgehog to your house. You live in a huge house but you live alone..

"You hungry little bud'?" You asked the cute little hedgehog, it squeeked

"I guess some japanese cake could fill your stomach." You giggled

'Now I long would it take for me to be bored at her?'

You placed the hedgehog on a table and set the bread infront of him.. you watched the hedgehog as he ate his food

The hedgehog squeeked at you, stood on two feet, and jumped

With those eyes, BIG-ASS as the sun, it would be impossible to not tell how you were amazed by how the hedgehog acted "How in the world can you do that?" You gasped

The hedgehog continued to do the same thing, but this time it squeeks louder

"Oh..oh yeah.. I haven't named you anything yet.." you chuckled. Just as you finished your statement, the hedgehog behaved

"I guess I'll name you.. Hyde!" You smiled as you tie a (f/c) ribbon to its front right leg

"Oh-oh yeah stay here" you jumped off your chair and as soon as you walked away from hyde, you heard a voice behind your back

"A ribbon?, How cheap!" A man gushed

You turned back to face the hedgehog again.. but instead saw a yellow haired man with black tips

He was quite... attractive for some reason..

"Wh-who ar-re you?" You asked backing away from him just in case

"I guess this is our contract item" he grinned not even answering your question

"Now." He got close "Say. The. Name.." he commanded as he pinned you to the wall

You were stunned that you didn't get to answer "Say it, or I might have to harm you.." he threathened

"H-hyde?" You answered

An orange rope appeared. One connecting to your wrist and one connecting to hyde's neck..

"Ah, Uh!, Were not done yet~" the man chuckled saying the words in a teasing manner

He bit your neck gently, YET deep

Orange chains made an entrance when he bit your neck.. he let go and took a turn to face you

"Awwwe what's with that look?..dont worry im a servamp.. a short term for a servant vampire" he grinned as he leaned closer to you

"And Your my eve now.." he chuckled "Just call me lawless no need to call me by the name you gave me.." he commanded, he let go of you

"By the way what's your name?" He asked

"(Y/n)" you whispered "Huh?, What was that?" Lawless teased getting closer to you again

You pushed him through putting your palms in his his chest then began putting force on it

"Your invading my private space." You mumbled "Aww did i just invade (Y/n)-Chan's space" lawless chuckled

"If your going to invade my space again, there will be war"

》Act 1.2(Servamp contract): END《

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