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ᴍᴀɴʜᴀᴛᴛᴀɴ, ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴏʀᴋ
𝙾𝚖𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙿𝙾𝚅

                   2 Months Later

Ariana gently picked up a case of avocados, checking to see if they were ripe or not. She was out grocery shopping after getting off work.

"Hey darling." The older white women who worked at the grocery store said. Ariana was starting to become a regular, since she had just moved into the neighborhood not too long ago.

"Hi" Ariana smiled back. With Kimora with Giselle back at the house and Kay at the studio, this was the most alone time she had in a few days. She personally loved food shopping simply because she loved cooking.

She got her regular produce, Kimora's favorite snacks, and even some of the things Kay liked. She went over to get some prenatal pills since she was growing faster then ever.

Randomly she felt a chill go down her back, it was like she was sensing someone was watching her. She turned around swiftly, and just seen people shopping, minding their business. She thought maybe she was overreacting.

She felt a presence at the end of the aisle only moments later, which made her slowly turn towards that direction. The figure quickly moved out of her point of view, she didn't think nothing of it so she continued on with her shopping.

She made her way to check out, having an employee come and help her seeing her round belly. Paying for her things, she was able to take the cart back to her car, putting all her groceries in the car. She then got the feeling again someone was watching her. Ariana was true believer of always trusting your gut. Her mind was telling her to call Kevin but she was on her way home so she thought there was no point. She was now starting to feel anxious, constantly turning around and looking at her surroundings. She got into the car and drove home, which was only a few minutes.

She struggled a bit to take all the bags into her building, but she managed anyways. As she walked into her apartment, she immediately set the bags down. Breathing heavily, Giselle quickly came her way and helped her.

"Girl why didn't you call me to come downstairs?"

"Because it's only a few bags." She shrugged.

"Please sit down. I gotchu."

"Thank you." She said picking up a water bottle. "Where's Kimora?"

"She just fell asleep." She said, opening the fridge, to organize the groceries. When Ariana caught her breath, and felt better, she got up and helped Giselle out. The two caught up with each other for a few minutes before Giselle announced she had to go.

With the privacy she now had, she pulled out her phone and called her fiancé since they haven't spoke since early in the morning. After about three rings, he sent her on voicemail. She looked at her phone with a questionable look because that was out of the norm. Kay almost always picked up her phone calls, even if he was busy, and almost always on the first ring.

She assumed maybe it was busy so she just put her phone to the side and decided to get started on her shower, then dinner. As a hour went by, Kimora woke up. Due to Ariana already being tired, she let Kimora help her make dinner, since she was begging

Ariana was getting worried now because he never missed dinner as a family and if he was going to he'd always call and give a heads up. She couldn't lie and say Kimora being talkative kept her mind off it, but she couldn't help but worry.

"Then just sprinkle some parley on top of it." Ariana instructed her daughter as she plated their food.

"Mommy is daddy not eating with us today?" Kimora asked, sitting on the dining table.

"I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"He's busy at work right now. He'll be back soon." She said sitting next to her instead of across.

"Why aren't you eating?" Her daughter questioned.

"I'm not that hungry. I ate earlier."

"But isn't the baby hungry?"

Ariana laughed at her daughter's curiosity. "Not at the moment. When the baby is hungry, we can make something."

"Let's name him Kamari." Kimora randomly says.

"That's cute. Compared to what your dad wanted, but how do you know it's a boy?"

"Because it can't be a girl. Plus there's no space for another girl in the house."

"Whatever girl, stop talking while chewing." Ariana wiped the crumbs from the side of her mouth as she ate. Ari finished up cleaning, as she ate. She knew once she was done she would resume playing in the living room.

She sat the plate into the sink, and picked up her phone, checking Kevin's location. She was puzzled to see he was still in the studio, wondering why she couldn't give him a simple call or text.

Before she knew it, Kimora fell asleep once again. She picked her up, setting her in her bed, kissing her forehead. The bright clock on her wall read 12:26. She sighed lowly, wondering why Kevin wasn't home. Leaving the room, she made sure to turn off the lights and go into her room.

She felt her cramps about to start, so she wasted no time getting into bed, rubbing her belly in circular motions. She scrolled on instagram, quickly getting bored as it was passed one in the morning. She pressed the power button, resulting in a click, almost on cue the she heard the front door open. She rushed to get under the covers to act like she was sleeping.

Within seconds, her bedroom door opened. The sounds of Kay sucking his teeth as his foot hit the edge of the bed echoed through the room. She heard movement, assuming he was just getting changed. Her back was faced him, which made it a bit difficult for her. The other side of the bed dipped down, and she moved around, groaning as if she just woke up.

"Where were you?" She asked, turning to him.

"Bro Ariana I'm not gon lie I don't feel like speaking right now. Goodnight." He said not making eye contact with her.

Ariana scrunched her face up, and sat completely up, seeing how irritated he looked as he texted into his phone. "You came up in her at 2 in the morning. Got not only me but got Kimora wondering where you were at? And you couldn't give us a call or text?"

"I lost track of time. My fault."

"Ok but-"

"Ari what I just say? I don't wanna talk." He cut her off, sternly.

"Then you could leave."

"Dragging it."

"I'm not. I'm being respectful right now and you're being rude. You been like this since the morning. The fuck did I do to you?" She raised her voice. Kay threw his head back on the headboard, cursing under his breath and then looking back at his fiancé.

"My fault baby." He sighed. "I'm just tight. I ain't mean to take my anger out on you." He kissed her lips softly. "Nigga Mhady ain't show up today. We had to work on like 3 songs together. Shit slowed us down. We was sitting there calling him mad times, he ain't pick up. I got tight and removed that nigga off the song. Studio time is money bro. He came like 4 hours after."

"Mhm." She said getting back comfortable in the bed.

"Ma? I said I'm sorry. Ion even know what the fuck I was thinking talking to you like that." He expressed to her, his brown eyes burning into the side of her face. She looked at him, quickly feeling bad seeing how stressed he did look.

"It's fine. What did he say about being dropped?" She quickly forgave him.

"He was tight. I told him how it was."

"I'm sorry that happened." She sighed, her fingers finding a way in his hair that he had let down today. "I know how you are about your time and business."

"Everybody know that. That's what got me tight. Nigga must've wanted me to argue with me about it like nah."

"He'll get over it." She said her soft eyes looking into his. "Maybe next time he'll respect your time."

"He will. Wassup with you? What you was doing all day?"

"Calling your phone." She said rolling her eyes.

"My fault beautiful. I was tight like I said. I know if I picked up I would've probably been worse than how I came in."

"It's fine just don't let happen again."

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