Quotes from class... Dont ask

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(A/N I have no idea what he is talking about, Dont ask why they are all from Mason, he says dumb shit.)

"Did you like kill your mom and cook her and turn her into chicken nuggets?" 
-Mason G

"Imagine your mom and then there is just a bunch of chicken nuggets in the cupboard."
-Mason G

"When it hits your tongue, its like heaven." 
-Mason G

"HaShTaG SociAlZaTiOn!!!"
-Mason G

"I like your energy! No one else has energy like that! No seriously!"
-Mason G

"Go over there and sit by yourself, Reece!!!"
-Probaly Brody or someone

"Is masturbation just the guy form of abortion?"

Vote on this part for part 2 of chaotic quotes....

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