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Later that day, Violet was walking to work from school when she noticed a black car in the distance, parked in the same spot as it had been since the beginning of the week.

As she approached her job, she saw someone sitting in the car, but couldn't make out who it was due to the tinted windows.

After clocking in and putting on her uniform at the small cafe, she couldn't shake the thought of the expensive-looking car outside.

As she went out to the front to take orders from customers, she heard the doorbell ring. Turning to the side, she saw two very attractive men, likely in their twenties, seated at a table. Though she felt a bit uneasy, she pushed aside the feeling and approached their table.

Maverick's Point of View: Walking into the cafe, we spotted our next target whom we had been observing for a week. After she took other customers' orders, she came over to our table, and I glanced at Liam. We planned on kidnapping her after her shift, with Mateo and Ezekiel unable to join but eager to see Violet once we got home. The guys and I had already agreed to share Violet, as we had been friends since third grade.

Violet: Hello, how can I take your order?

Maverick: Just a black coffee.

{After 5 minutes} Liam nods slightly, speaking calmly but with a hint of excitement.

Violet: Just 2 black coffees, will that be all for the both of you?

They both nod.

Violet: Your two coffees will be out in a few minutes.

Violet walks to the front, turning in the orders. As time passes, she glances up and feels eyes on her. Looking at the men, she sees them watching her as she takes orders from other customers. She then walks to the front counter, grabs the two cups of hot black coffee, and brings them to the men.

Violet: Here are your 2 black coffees. Is there anything else you need?

Maverick: No, that will be all.

Violet: Okay, let me know if you need anything else or your check.

As she walked over to the two men waving for her attention, Violet continued working.

Violet: How can I assist you?

Maverick: We need the bill now.

Noticing the cold tone in his voice, Violet nodded slightly.

Violet: O-ok, let me retrieve it for you and I'll be right back.

After quickly getting the bill, Violet returned in 3 minutes.

Violet: Here is your check.

Placing the check on the table, she wished them a pleasant evening before walking away with a smile. Liam and Maverick glanced at her as they paid and left, heading to their car as it was 6 in the evening.

Being 18 years old, will Violet make the right decisions in the story, or will she surrender and embrace her new life?

Hey guys sorry about this and I realized I didn't put the age in the introduce so here.

Violet: 18

Liam: 23

Ezekiel: 25

Mateo: 28

Maverick: 27

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net