4. Wedding?

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I stood infront of the huge mirror looking at myself. Is that really me?
My wedding dress was really beautiful but i kinda feel strange right now. I guess its because i'm not beautiful enough for this dress!


Am i really going to marry him? We didnt talked much this past 5 days. He picked me up for school and after school i always ran home.
I didnt wanted him to drive me.

My thought got interrupted when my dad opened the door "omo! Angel you look so beautiful.!"

He smiled and hugged me. I could feel his teardrops on my shoulder.

"Daddy! Stop crying! You will ruin you're make up!" I joked.

He looked at me weird and smiled "i'm just so happy and so sad that my little girl grew up" he said hugging me again.

After a while he kissed my cheek and Then he left.

15 minutes left...

I sighed looking into the mirror again.

Mina! You're going to marry a jerk who also has a girlfriend, and to top it of you dont even like him!

I hate him so much!

Why him?

Why cant it be someone cute like Taemin? Like cute and carrying?

Dont get me wrong i dont like Taemin but he is cute!

One of my biggest wishes was to marry the one i love! But here i am marrying the one i hate!

A tear rolled down my face and i wished it away before my make up got ruined.

The door opened again when i saw Myungsoo popping his head in. He smiled and i waved to him. He took my hand and pulled me out of the room.

Whats going on...?
I looked at him and he looked really serious!
"Oppa? Where are we going?"

I asked a bit scared. I have a wrong feeling in this.

He turned to me and smiled. He shook his head and when i looked up i saw that we were on his car.

He opened the door for me and i froze.
I understood what he was up too.

I smiled. I was really happy that he wanted to help me. I really dont want to marry this jerk.

But then my dad came into my mind. What if the company breaks down?

Or worth what if dad will hate me for doing this?!

I looked at Myungsoo not quite sure if i really should do this.

"mina! Get in! They will find out any second that you are missing!" He said pushing me into his car. He closed the door and got into the driverseet. He started driving off in full speed.
I was speechless. Is that right?

"Give me your phone!" He said and i gave it to him. He opened the window and throw it out.
"Oppa!" I wined. Why did he do that? Ugh!
"I'm sorry princess i dont want them to find us!" He said smiling at me.

I was still feeling strange. I wonder if they found out already? ...

*Jonghyun's POV*
I was standing and waiting for Mina to came out. I was really curious of how she looked. I'm sure she looks damn gorgeous! I smiled to myself. Wait? What!!!

Nono i mean no!

I feel awful cause i have to marry this brat!


I cant wait anymore where are they?!

Just then the door flung open and i smiled widely. But my smile faded immediately when i saw just Mina's Dad standing there breathing heavyly.

Whats going on?!

He ran up to me and hold me by my collar "where is Mina?! Where is my daugher?!" He said raising his voice.

My eyes widened. She is gone?! Did she ran away?

"Sir i-i really dont have a clue!" I said honestly. I started to get worried too.

He let go an fell to his knees. His shoulders started shaking. "My beautiful Daugher! She is gone! She is gone!" He cried screaming really loud.

Everybody in the hall started gasping. Damn this girl really made a fool of me!

I looked around searching for Myungsoo her brother but he wasnt there either!

I knew it!

She ran away!

That Bitch

after Mina excused herself to the bathroom myungsoo spoke up "i should get ready know! Its really late my wife is waiting for me already!" He said and stood up, bowed and walked upstairs.

"Jonghyun, go look for Mina, its been a while" my dad said and i nodded.

I walked upstairs and nocked on the bathroom door. No reply?

Hmm i opened the door and it wasnt locked. Oww she isnt here?

I walked into her room. Maybe she is the bathroom witch is connected with her room...

I walked in and looked around. She had a really cute room. It was purple and white. Her bed was white queen sized with purple pillows and her walls and where white with some purple pounds.

Her room looks really comfy! I was just about to knock on her bathroom door when i saw to figures out at the balcony. Huh?

I walked closer to recognize Mina and Myungsoo.

"i'm so sorry Princess!" I heard Myungsoo. He buried his face on her crook hugging her from the back.
What is he sorry about?

She kissed his cheek.
"Its okay!" She said sighing "i can see how happy dad is. I will do it for him" she said smiling weakly.

Oww so its about the marriage? I chuckled.

"No! I wont let that happen! I wont let you through that what i've been through! No! This wont happen!" He said.

Huh? What did happen to him? I got confused and walked a bit nearer to the doorframe to hear better.

She turned around and hugged him tightly. "Oppa! Kwaenchana!"
He sighed. "No Mina! You wont be happy like this! I want my little princess to be happy! I want etleast you to marry the one you love!"

Oww! So he had an arranged marriage too? I kinda felt sad for him. I mean i love Apple and need to marry Mina... I can get how he felt back then.

She hugged him tighter "i'm sorry Myungsonnie!"

He chuckled lightly and kissed her temple "kaenchana!"

He smiled "I'm really sorry! But i need to go back to seoul! Mianae!"

She sighed an nodded. "Alright! I will miss you oppa!" She smiled at him "visit soon!"

He smiled and nodded. He ruffled her hair. and gave her a goodbye hug. He waved and left.

I hid behind the doorframe so that he would see me. He walked pass me and i looked back at him leaving Mina's room.

Is he really going to break this wedding?

*Flashback over*

My anger filled. I knew he was going to ruin the wedding! Not that i mind but i am the one who got really fooled here! For fucks sake! If i find her i will make sure to kill her. I balled my hands into fists and gritted my teeth.

I was mad like never before. This isnt going to have a good end! ...

*Your POV*

The car stopped and i looked up where we were.

Omo! We're in Seoul?!
Did we really drove 1 and a half hours long?!
He smiled at me and opened the car door. I walked out still in my wedding dress. We walked up to his house and got in. He opened the door and gave me some clothes to wear.
I changes and walked downstairs to find Ella. She smiled at me "Oh Hello Mina!" She greeted and hugged me.
I smiled and waved at her.

She smiled "Myungsoo told me he was going to be your Superman!" She chuckled and i laughed out. Did he really said that?! What a kid!

"He wanted to save you from the wedding cause he got engaged too and he didnt wanted you to get through the same right?" She said, with a sad expresiion.

"N-no! Its not like that!" I lied. "I begged him to save me cause i really hate that guy i was going to marry!"

I knew she was sad that my brother is still not over his ex and i can see in her eyes that she was in love with my brother.

"Come on lets sit." She said smiling to me and and we sat down. We talked an talked till Myungsoo came downstairs "Mina? Are you tired " he asked and i nodded.

He grabbed my hand pulled me upstairs. "Here is the guest room! Sleep well my baby sissy!" He said and kissed my head.
I walked in and laid down on the bed.

I was just about to drift into sleep when i heard a loud thunder. I jumped up and walked to the big window to look outside.

It was raining... Really really hard...
I loved rain so much...

But the problem is, i like to watch it not stay under it and get wet.

Ugh i hate to get wet with clothes on.

I was just about to turn to my bed when i saw a red car driving and stopping infront of Myungsoo's door.

Who was that?

The rain was to heavy and i only saw blurry!

The person get out of the car.

He had a white blouse with a black bow, with was a bit loosened on his neck.

He was just standing there looking at the house. Who is that? A friend of Myungsoo maybe?

He was all wet know and you could see his abs.
He looked around and finally looked up. Our eyes met and i froze right there...

Kim Jonghyun?!


Sorry this is a short chapter! I will write more next time! Thanks again for reading my story and sorry again for all mistakes i made. :))

Xoxo Miley

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