Death, Final battle

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I was trapped, I couldn't get out. My home was burning with me inside. I am scared I really am. I saw the rain crash down upon the flames, putting some of it out. I am watching Vechs and Baj try to get me out of this hell hole.

"We're coming okay MC?" I nodded and watched at the front door swung open, and in came Vechs and Baj!

"Thank you." I run out and see everyone calling us over in the hospital. We ran inside and watched the Sly become pitch Black and the winds circling in one spot, forming a... oh no.

"TORNADO!!!" Baj yelled. We all, including the ingered, ran into the cellar of the hospital, which I never knew existed. This is going Yo be one hell of a final fight.


I watched master bring out he shining purple gem. It really is beautiful, pitch black and coated with Enderessence. I looked the five of the prisoners, and smiled.

"Watch, Darkness makes their move." He placed it in the Centre and lightning, black as night, shot out of the gem completely. The sky became dark, and winds sped up inside.

"This.. is the final moment in Mindcrack HISTORY!" Master shouted. I heard them struggling behind us. All of a sudden, master stepped in the middle and lightning pierced all of us around him, and there was a massive explosion, causing us to fly backwards. I went black.

I awoke to someone shaking me. I realized that I was back to normal.. kinda. My contious was back, but I was basically the same. I woke the others as well, and we all looked in the Centre of the dome. There, was Herobrine, in black light shooting up into the sky! Inside.. was something all of us hoped never to see.

"WELCOME TO YOUR DEMISE MINDCRACK. YOU CAN NOT DEFEAT ME NOW! AHAHAHAHAHAH!" Herobrine laughed at us, his once white eyes are now a deep dark purple. Shite...

"You don't know that Herobrine. We still have you yet!" Anders said, staring at the Celing. Nebris nudged me.

"Hey, I have an idea. He's continuing to get power from that. Hop on my back and I'll fly you around him. Ty to find the main sorce of power and throw a throne at it." I nodded, and hopped onto his back. We flew upwards then around. I gazed at the sorce and summoned a thorn.

"Please lord." I threw it, bullseye! The purple light faded, but Herobrine had enough energy to take us out already. He growled and threw a purple orb at Nebris and I. It hit me and I flew backwards out of the dome. I looked towards the city and I saw something I didn't want to see. A tornado. Probably caused by Herobrine when the ritual was commenced. Shite! I ran towards the city, I was a lot quicker then normal, so I managed to get there fast! I saw the other Mindcrackers in the callar of the hospital, the tornado getting closer and closer. I closed my eyes and sighed. I ran quickly towards it.. and I jumped, flying into it. The winds weren't bothering me. I saw the core of the tornado.. a lightning bug. Double Shite. I growled and flew at it, crushing it to bits. The tornado disapated, and fades. I landed and Jsano along with Baj came out of the hospital and stared at me.

"Pak? Is that you?" Baj asked me, his voice almost gone. Probably from yelling.

"No. It's the tooth fairy. Of corse it's me. I have to get back to the others. They're in danger." I told them. They nodded and I ran back into the forest, and saw the dome. It still sounded like a battle to me. I ran on top of the dome itself and saw the other four hybrids and the five others battling Herobrine. There was a flash white light and everyone of them flew backwards. I saw them all strapped to the wall. Herobrine walked over towards Guude.

"SHAME HOW THIS ENDS HERE. IT'S BEEN A FUN TIME." Herobrine was about to kill him, when I jumped down behind him and threw him to the other side of the dome. I summoned some thornes and threw them at him. Two in the stomach, one in the left shoulder. I heard the others cheer behind me.

"This isn't over yet Herobrine. You aren't the only ones who can keep a little surprise." I told him. Herobrine growled and fired a black orb at Mr,  I jumped and blended in with the surroundings. Herobrine couldn't find me, and he had no clue of what I was about to do. When he had his back turned to me, I summoned a few thornes and drept up behind him! I stabbed Herobrine in the back. He yelled out in pain and quickly swiveled around quick enough to hit me back. I hit my head on the wall, which I then heard a crack. Herobrine grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me up off the ground. He stared me in the eyes and smiled.

"IT'S A SHAME HOW SOMETHING LIKE YOU WOULD GO TO WASTE PAK. AHAHAHAHAHAH. ENJOY YOUR TIME IN HELL!" He told me. All of a sudden I heard someone shout behind me, and I felt setting sharp go through my chest. I chocked a little, and then looked down. A blade of Herobrine's and pierced through my abdomen. He twisted the sword and dropped me. I coughed a little, and then looked up to see a sword about to be shoved into my head, when something else happened. Thousands of arrows hit Herobrine sending him back. I was starting to loose cautiousness, I saw Pres and Curious fighting Herobrine.


I was released from Herobrine's grasp, and I ran over to Pak, whom was now on the floor bleeding to death. I grabbed his back and shook him, seeing his eyes squint at me.

"Pak? Pak can you hear me?" I asked him. He put a bloodied hand on my arm.

"G-Guu-ude.. I-I do-on't.  th-hin-nk I-I'll ma-ake i-it." He told me. I leaned him against the wall.

"Stay there. I'll be back I swear." I told him as I joined the others in front of the very beaten up Herobrine. He was covered in arrows and was slowly being poisoned to death. Avidya stepped forwards, holding a fireball in one hand, picking up Herobrine and looking him in his faded magenta eyes.


I stared at Herobrine whom whom had in my hand, a fireball in the other. I stared him in the eyes, fire gleemed inside of mine.

"This.. this is for Pak, and all the others you've hurt during this! All he other innocent Mindcrackers you've ingered! And this.. this is for all the families you've ruined!" I lift my hand and shove the fire ball in Herobrine's face, causing him to scream out in pain, and shortly later dessolve into black smog!

"We did it!" They cheered. I remembered something else.

"Pak.." I ran over to where he layed, eyes still barely open. I shake his shoulder,

"Pakratt.. please.." I whispered. He puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles.

"I-I wa-ant yo-ou.. to-o d-o me a fa-avo-or. I-I ne-eed  Y-You to te-ell Bla-ame.   th-hat I-I'll mi-iss hi-im... de-ear-rly. I-It's be-een  fu-un Guu-ude!" He said, still cracking a smile. I felt the air become cold, and I felt as tear form in my eyes. Pak coughed as a few moments later, his body goes limp. I stare, but then got up slowly bowing my head sadly.

"We should.. *Sniff* Bring his body back to Mindcrack." Nebris nodded and put Pak's body on his back. He flew out of the dome and Guude put a hand on my shoulder.

"He died for the good of Mindcrack. We'll give him him a proper funeral, and a proper barial." Blazzium said beside me, who introduced herself during the battle. I nodded.

"I guess it's for the best." I told them.

Hey guys Blazzium here and holy. Crap! Herobrine has been defeated, but we lost and soul on the way, :( Pak, may your soul rest in peace. Poor Avidya. Anyways guys thanks so much, and I'll see you in yhe next chapter. Peace out Blazes!

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