Heart broken

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Anne :- hello .

Jungkook :- anne , I am waiting for you ..

Anne :- Yes I'm here wait a minute, actually I'm late to have some work at home.

Jungkook :- ok ,no problem ..

Anne :- I'm here, can you see me? I can't see you, where are you standing?

Jungkook :-
You can tell me your dress color?

Anne :- blue

Jungkook :- you look back.

Jungkook :- hlw
I have booked a seat for you in the restaurant..

You sit here anne .

(Jungkook pull chair for anne )

Anne :- I really need Taehyung today.

Jungkook :- hmm .I understand ..

Anne :-
I really want to tell him a lot .

Jungkook :- understand But brother was really busy today. For which he could not come. He is still not released from that job.

Anne :- ok ..

Jungkook :- some gft brother send for you .

Anne :- oh very nice.
But kookie your choice is too good .

Jungkook :- awwww .

Anne :- ok , I Know, it's your choice..

Jungkook :- sorry .

Anne :- ok tell me what you will eat today .

Jungkook :- what's you favourite food ?

Anne :- no ,today your choice only .

Jungkook :- ok ..

Excuse me , tune gimbap and bibimbap with juice and side dishes pls .

Anne :- let's start ..

Jungkook :- oh yes ..

Anne :- so ๐Ÿ˜‹ tasty .

Jungkook :- yummy .

( Taehyung calling jungkook )

Jungkook :- hello brother .

Taehyung :- where are you ?

Jungkook :- brother came in kimchi food corner .

Taehyung :- ok .wait

Anne :- Taehyung calling you ..

Jungkook :- yes brother came here .

Anne :- really .

Jungkook :- yes .

( After 30 min Elisa and Taehyung come kimchi corner )

Anne :- kookie your brother yes came..

Jungkook :- yes ..hi brother .come sit here .

Taehyung :- baby sorry for today .

Anne :- Elisa ,what are you doing here with Taehyung ..

Elisa :- he is my sir .

Anne :- ohh ๐Ÿ˜ฎ.

Taehyung :- anne .. I tell you something .

Anne :- first me .

Taehyung :- ok .

Anne :- let's breakup .

Yes , I want breakup.

Elisa :- anne ,are you ok ..

Jungkook :- what??.

Taehyung :-
I know you are angry with me. But there is no point in saying it in anger. I can apologize to you.

Anne :- My marriage is fixed. I'm getting married, I can't handle this relationship with you anymore.i am sorry ๐Ÿ˜” tae.

Taehyung :- don't say sorry .

Anne :- yes it's true .

Taehyung :- you are mine .

Anne :- no no .

Taehyung :- it's final .

Anne :- yes .by ..
Jungkook can you drop me .

Jungkook :- yes .

Elisa :- anne ,you are mad .

Anne :- Elisa sorry ๐Ÿ˜” .
I have to do it. I have nothing to do here.

Elisa :- you are mad .

Anne :- by. By .

( Anne and jungkook take leave ) .

Elisa :- Taehyung don't cry .

Taehyung :- how it's possible .
I feel like I'm having a nightmare. It can't be, how could she do this to me, I love him so much, is my love worth nothing to her?

Elisa :- Taehyung . don't drink more . alcohol is harmful for you because you are good singer.

Taehyung :- what should I do now .

Elisa :- Don't cry tae . please ๐Ÿ™ ..

Taehyung :- why you cry girl ?

Elisa :- first you stop cry.

Taehyung :- Elisa ..why she doing like this .

Elisa :- I don't know.
Please go home .

Taehyung :- tomorrow you meet me .

Elisa :- ok sir .

Taehyung :- Don't call sir .call me tae.

Elisa :- ok tae .

( I will explain to Elisha what she is doing wrong. SHe is doing wrong and she doesn't realize it. No I will convince her, I will never let her do that.)


You want to leave him to your own decision. So how are you doing with it? If you left my brother, why are you crying?

Anne:- I never wanted to leave him.
I love him, how can I not let him go. Actually I was forced by the situation. You believe I am helpless, I have no choice, I have to leave him without knowing that I will not live without him, is it not painful for me?

Jungkook:- anne please don't cry .

Anne :- can you go with me a soju party now ??

Jungkook :- no .you will go home .

Anne :- please ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿฅบ .

Jungkook :- ok .just one bottle.

Anne :- ok .

( Then Jungkook and Eni went to a nearby bar)

Jungkook:- anne .stop it .

Anne :- no toady is my worst day .
Please ๐Ÿ™.

Jungkook :- no ..You are addicted. You are overintoxicated. You can't even stand on your own feet. Shouldn't drink so much.

Anne :- let's we are go home .

Jungkook :- yes .

Anne :- but how ?

Jungkook :- what ?

Anne:- How do I go home? I can't go home. No way I can go home. My parents will scold me if they find out. i won't go home

Jungkook :- So where are you going at night?

Anne :- I don't know !!

( Jungkook kept saying to ownself, did I get into trouble, where do I take it now? Where do I put it? what i do ?Hey God give me some wisdom.) .

Thank You All For Reading This Far!!! I hope You All A Great Day Ahead :) :) Love You All!! Onek Bhalobashi!!

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