chapter 12

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who has passed away. As they sit in the yard, reminiscing about Prim, Paula and Maia start asking their aunts about what Prim was like. 'What was Aunt Prim like?' asks Maia. Elena smiles sadly and takes a deep breath. 'Prim was the sweetest and kindest person you could ever meet,' she says. 'She had a heart of gold and she was always willing to help others.'

Manda chimes in, 'Yeah, she was also a bit of a troublemaker growing up, always getting into mischief with Katniss.' Everyone laughs as they remember the mischievous duo of Katniss and Prim.

Paula looks up at her aunts, her big brown eyes filled with curiosity. 'Did she ever tell you about when she first met Uncle Peeta?' she asks. Elena and Manda look at each other, a knowing smile on their faces.

'Elena, you tell this story,' says Manda, nudging her sister.

Elena takes a moment to collect her thoughts before starting the story. 'Well, Prim was about 5 years old when we first met Peeta. She was so shy and quiet, always hiding behind Katniss whenever someone new came around. But when she met Peeta, there was an instant connection. They bonded over their love for baking and soon became the best of friends.'

Paula and Maia listen intently, imagining their young aunt Prim with Peeta by her side.

Manda adds, 'And when they got older, Prim would always talk about Peeta. She had the biggest crush on him and couldn't wait for the day when she could finally be with him.'

Elena nods, 'But unfortunately, that day never came. But we know that Prim is watching over them, happy that they found each other and built a beautiful family together.'

The group falls into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts and memories of Prim. They may have lost her, but her spirit and kindness will always live on through them.
End of chapter 12

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