He should've known it'd catch up to him. As soon as he entered his 20s, it's all everyone around him would talk about–
When are you getting married?
Are you talking to anyone?
You should meet this person!
And all he gave was an awkward smile. He didn't want to disappoint anyone, but how could he explain that he doesn't want to be with just anyone? Maybe it's all from all the stuff he's grown up watching, but the idea of having a romantic love had always enticed him. Not simply the cheesy romance, like talking in a cafe, but the hopeless type. The type only seen in, well, Disney movies.
There were times he'd often stare out the window and picture a grand ball. He'd stand idly by until his eyes caught a figure by themselves. As he mustered the courage to talk to them, the crowd between them would part, allowing him a direct passage to this dream person.
Divulging in this fantasy with others mainly resulted in eyes rolling or laughter. People told him to be realistic and use a dating app like everyone else. However, when his family proposed doing a grand celebration for his birthday, he jumped on the opportunity and blurted out that he wants it to be a modern ball. Of course, he won some odd looks, but the idea was accepted and promptly executed.
Although, now that he's standing here, scanning the crowd, reality started to kick in. How in the hell is he supposed to approach someone when he's... him? A handsome face, yes, but past date attempts have been all too truthful about his awkward personality. He was letting out a deep sigh, when he was interrupted by his friend's voice, "Staring's rude, you know." Minchan smiled teasingly at him.
"You scared me..." Dongheon muttered.
Minchan's smile dropped. "Ohh, no pouting or whining? Something's gotta be wrong." He nudged the other's shoulder. "What? Haven't had your Disney moment?"
"Hush." Dongheon frowned as he attempted to swallow down the embarrassment from rising. Then, he sighed again. "I don't know, I thought things would be different–"
"Well," Minchan patted his back, "you can't expect to find your dream person just standing here. I saw some potential people staring up at you..." He sighed and suddenly squished his friend's cheeks together with a hand, "Such a pretty face and it's wasting away up here!" He laughed as Dongheon swatted his hand away.
"Easy for you to say!" Dongheon huffed as he fixed himself back up. "You can just walk up to anyone and have them melt. With your dumb deep voice and stupid curly hair–" He began to grumble. Minchan hummed in agreement, but his gaze was directed elsewhere. "Hold that thought. Why don't you watch me at work? See how it's done." He hurried down the steps without hearing a response from the other. The birthday prince scoffed in disbelief, electing to ignore him instead.
He was getting tired of standing idly though...
Another sigh was about to leave him when his eyes caught something. Someone. They were by themselves, leaning against a pillar. Even from this distance, he noted the slight sparkle in their eyes, a secret eagerness to join the dancing. Before he knew it, his feet began to move. He weaved through the crowd, muttering quiet excuses. He was afraid of breaking his gaze. As if they'll disappear in a blink.
He barely heard his name being called.
Someone suddenly grabbed his arm. He turned his head to see it was a young woman. One he was actually trying to avoid throughout the night. Still, he smiled politely and asked, "Need something? I have somewhere to b–"
"You haven't touched the floor at all!" she pouted. "Come on, just one dance? I've been practicing this for weeks..."
He furrowed his brow, "How can you practice this–?" But was yanked back to the center of the floor. His head snapped back to the stranger; they were still there, now checking their phone. Oh no, they're getting bored. Dongheon bit back an irritated sigh as he returned to the woman dragging him. He forced a smile at her, even as she tried to pull them closer together as they danced.
Fortunately, he towered over her, and whenever he could, he would raise his head to check in on the stranger. Oh, this wasn't how he imagined it at all! He couldn't let this opportunity slip away so easily. That's when he noticed the other dancers. They were switching partners!
As soon as another duo came close, he passed the woman along. He... almost fell forward, though, considering her death grip on him, but he managed to break free from her. Okay, all he has to do is keep doing this and somehow... somehow get to them.
If this is who fate wants him to be with, then he'll fight tooth and nail!
The music began to swell in his ears, his moves energized by determination. It was a bit tricky at first, finding the timing, but nothing he couldn't handle. Within moments, he was weaving through the crowd and, bit by bit, was inching closer to his goal. As he was reaching them, though, he noticed how fast his heart was beating. He could see their features more clearly. His stomach twisted. No, there's no way he can talk to someone so–!
Their eyes met.
And the stranger smiled. It's a miracle Dongheon was holding onto someone, otherwise he would've fallen forward right then and there. He whipped his head back, eyes darting nervously. Reality was finally catching up to him. But he's so close! He can't be his own demise. Finally, he took in a deep breath and relaxed. Just a few more steps–
"Aw, just one dance, please?"
His head jerked up at the familiar voice. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted his other friend pulling the stranger to a dance. "Kangmin!" he hissed at him. Kangmin looked up and merely gave him that stupid, plotting smile. Oh, he's going to kill that boy one day.
But he kept his eyes on the pair as he danced and continued to switch partners. Compared to Kangmin's outgoing nature, the stranger appeared to be a bit shy and avoided eye contact. His heart melted pathetically at their blush and awkward smile.
But his feet were beginning to ache. How long have they been dancing? Is this really what fate has in store for him? To be this close and yet–?
"Oh! I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you like that..."
Being in his own head, he barely recognized that he's switched partners. He stared wide-eyed at the stranger. They're so much more lovely up close. His voice caught in his throat, but he quickly cleared it. "It's okay!" he winced at his own voice cracking. "It's fine. I, um..." Oh, come on, Dongheon! Get it together–
"It's my first time doing something like this," they muttered, avoiding his gaze. "I don't go out very often... but my friends insisted." He noticed they began to ramble quietly. But it gave him a chance to relax. A smile slowly appeared and he gently readjusted their hands. His head tilted to the side. He wanted to see their eyes so badly– to see that sparkle.
"... Your hands are sweaty." they softly add. It snapped him out of his thoughts and an embarrassed blush swiftly rose up. "Sorry, I–" he stumbled through an apology, but when he tried to pull his hands away, their grip tightened. It's when he noticed their subtle trembling. "And yours are shaking," he retorted.
Their head shot up, and his breath hitched in his throat. Such a beautiful color...
"W... Well, of course I'm shaking a little," they grumbled, "got me dancing with a pretty man–"
He raised an amused brow. "Pretty man?" He subtly pulled them closer. "What about the other guy you danced with?"
"What? Him?" They shrug their shoulders. "He's cute, but not really my type."
"So... what is your type?" Dongheon innocently asked. His thumb began to gently rub over their knuckle. He could see the red appearing on their face. They were avoiding eye contact again.
"M...My type?" they repeat. "Um, I... I don't know. Tall, dark hair, pretty face... I like someone awkward, though. I think it's cute," They look up at them as they speak. Now, it was his turn to feel the heat. "Haha," he swallowed a lump as a stupid, cheesy joke was thought up, "well, I think... I think I know someone who checks all the boxes."
"Do you?" They laugh softly. "Tell me, what's their name?"
"Dongheon..." He answered sheepishly and held a smile to match, "You know, it's his birthday today."
"Hm? Oh, I didn't know that. Think you can introduce me to the birthday boy?" Their smile grew wider. Ohh, they're toying with him badly, but he kept up his smile, "Y... Yeah, I think I can."
They hum in appreciation then look off to the side. "Dongheon..." they quietly repeat. He thought it was them calling him, so he responded, "Hm?"
"It's a pretty name. I like it." He squeezed their hand in response. He can't tell if he's getting better or worse as time goes on.
"I bet yours is prettier," he tilted his head. It earned him another laugh, which caused his heart to flutter. "It's (y/n)." they reply.
"(y/n)... Ha, I was right." He smiled warmly. "Well, (y/n), do you... want to talk somewhere quieter?"
"I thought you'd never ask," they sighed, "My feet are starting to kill me."
He burst out laughing and all too eagerly grasped their hand to pull them out of the dancing circle. As he tugged them along, he spotted people staring. Kangmin gave him a thumbs-up, Minchan did a little salute, and that one annoying girl stared daggers at (y/n). But he didn't care what anyone had to do or say.
It wasn't a picture perfect fairytale, but it was pretty damn close.
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