Pregnant Part II

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It's been 9 months of torture....9 months of 2 year olds asking why me if im fat.....9 months of trying to get to places....And 9 months of long awaited torture.....I just woke up to realize my water broke.....I screamed "bloody murder" at Aaron.....And he jumped up petrified, he quickly put on clothes, helped me up, and then we started to the road.....I was awake and excited, but in excruciating pain, Aaron looked extremely worried and started asking how I felt, I was in unbearable pain so I didn't answer half the time.....The hospital wasn't far away from our house, but it felt like we were on the road for hours, I put on some Nightcore to ease my pain with good music....Aaron scowled and I laughed a bit although laughing hurt.....

<<<<<Time Ship (haha meant skip)>>>>>

We rushed in the hospital, tired, but wide awake at the same time....I was going to go into labor soon, I knew that for a fact, Jack....

(A/N) My Irene, I'm so lazy.... (haha, aph) Small update, busy week...Which consisted of me binge watching Anime and yelling at my T.V. watching Football....Hope you Enjoyed#teamkawaii!!!

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