Chap. 16

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Saturday mOrNing

I rubbed away the sleep from my eyes just waking up. Theo has disappeared but I could hear him in the house. I pulled myself up from the laying position groaning slightly from the uncomfortable pain I still had. I have to say there ar speaks to being a werewolf, I barely could remember this feeling, and I really don't want to. I searched for my phone to check for a message from my dad. I got up and wandered into the kitchen looking to see if it was left on the counter with the rest of my stuff. Behold there is was, and it worked. 

No new messages

That's good, well for me. 

"Goodmorning bedhead" Theo laughed.

"Goodmorning to you too" I shook my head.

"You want any food or something" Theo said rumbling through his fridge.

"Eeh, I'm not that hungry in the mornings"

"Suite yourself" theo said pouring himself a bowl of cereal.

"So how did you sleep?" He asked munching on his breakfast. 

"Actually really good" I smiled, "How about you"

"Same here" he smiled.

New message

I looked down at my buzzing phone and opened it up quickly


come home at noon, 12pm if you are really dumb


Okay, I will be there


you will

I closed my phone and check the time, 10:09am. At least I got some time.

"Who was that" theo asked innocently.

"My dad, he want me home by noon" I said with a smile

"Alright, you can hang out here until then" he offered.

"Thanks" I smiled.



"Hey I'm going to head out, I have to run to the grocery store" I told Theo beginning to gather my stuff.

"Aw well have a great rest of your day, see ya soon" He waved helping me out. 

I lied to Theo. I just needed the time to walk home as I was still in pain. Not as much but enough to be bothersome. I slowly made my way home wih 3 minutes to spare. Hooray for me. I opened the door quietly and went to my room to change and put my stuff away wih my extra time. At exactly 12 I went into the kitchen and waited for my dad. 


"I'm really feeling it today"my dad cheered walking through the door with a grin plastered on his face. Should I be scared, most likely yes.

"That's wonderful" I responded.

"Yep, for me" He laughed.

"Why don't you go get me a sandwich and a granola bar for yourself and we sit at the table, huh?" He asked.

"For sure" I said shuffling quickly to the kitchen. 

"There are 4 tallies you see" my dad said.

"Yes" I said loooking over.

"I hope to see none by the end of the night" he said with smile.

"Okay" I responded bringing him his sandwich. I got my self a granola bar from my food area and sat down across from him.

"Go ahead and eat, I won't stop you" He said wih a mouth full of food. I slowly pulled back the wrapper and ate it. Maybe he wanted me to end up throwing it up or something, I don't know, he is scaring me. 

"I'm going to take a shower and when I'm back I expect you to be right here and tidyed up" and he walked off. Once he was in the bathroom I scurried to my room to fix myself up. I out on the clean shirt, which was probably about to be ruined, and fixed me hair, which again was probably going to be ruined. I walked back to the kitchen cleaned up the table and sat back down like before.

"Okay boy" my dad giggled walking back in the room.

This one was prewritten so I could update tonight, so once again it may Ben longer than 2 days before I update this story again, I have a lot on my plate, like school and my mental health. I also have some others stories in progress so get ready for some new stories:)

bye loves

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