Best Day Ever...Not!

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I looked over to Dean and Sam “what do you mean you’re sorry?” I asked even though it was obvious I refused to believe it.

“The Wendigo took her” Dean Said, he sounded sad and as he looked at me I could see the pity in his eyes.

My whole world seemed to collapse from underneath me as I fell to the ground, I put my head in between my knees. “Alex I’m sorry” Dean said as he sat next to me.

I glared at him “I’m gone for 20 minutes and there is a chance that my Best Friend, my sister may be dead” I stated as I stood up and started pacing.

Dean, Sam, and Bee watched as I paced, “we have to find her and your brother” I said looking at Bee.

She nodded and looked down at her feet “okay first we find out where it is hiding and…” I didn’t get to finish because a scream ripped through the air.

It was a man’s voice and I looked over at Bee to see her eyes watering up, then uprightly she ran into the woods yelling her brother’s name. “BEE” I yelled angrily as I ran after her.

As I ran after her I heard a crack of a twig, I stopped and looked around but suddenly everything went dark.

3 hours later

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder “please don’t let her be dead” I heard a voice whispering and I recognized it as Dean’s voice.

I was too weak to say anything or even open my eyes and it was painful to breathe. “Oh my gosh is she ok?”

It was Chloe and I felt that feeling you get when you’re being picked up, Dean was carrying me. “She is breathing” Dean said with relief.

The only thoughts going through my head was that Chloe, Sam and Dean were okay, a little smile found its way to my face. It was painful even with that little smile but I couldn’t help it, they were okay. “Is she smiling?” I heard Sam’s voice ask with a little hint of amusement.

“Dang right I’m smiling you idiot” I muttered painfully.

They all laughed and we all drove Bee and her brother home but I wanted to get out and talk to their mom. I forced Dean to help me to the door and when their mom saw me she gasped and put her hand to her mouth. “Oh my goodness are you okay sweetie?” she asked with wide eyes.

I smiled and nodded “I’ve had worse!” I exclaimed smiling.

“Can I talk to you alone?” I asked.

Mrs. Kyle nodded and led Dean and I to a room and Dean then left us alone. “Thank you” Mrs. Kyle said with sincerity.

“Mrs. Kyle I wouldn’t have stopped until your family was safe” I said smiling.

“Why do you do all this stuff?” she asked as she helped me sit down.

“Why?” I asked smiling looking up at her.

She nodded “yes.”

“Well I guess I do it because I am saving people and it makes me feel like I am actually doing something with my life. It makes me feel better than I usually do and when I die I know I can go peacefully knowing I saved people and I am okay with nobody knowing what I do. The world isn’t ready for all the stuff lurking in the shadows.”

Mrs. Kyle smiled “you’re a good kid” she said.

I smiled “thank you that means a lot” I said as she helped me to the door and Dean then helped me to the door.

When we got outside I saw Sam and Chloe talking, they had the look that people have when they find the person they want to have with them for the rest of their life. I smiled as I looked at Dean and he was already looking at me with a smile. “Let’s get back to the hotel and get all cleaned up and go back to Bobby’s so you can rest” Dean said smiling.

With that we went and got cleaned up and went back to Bobby’s and I did research since I couldn’t move that much.

(Hey guys!!! sorry i haven't been updating my computer hasn't been working and i hope you like this chapter i would like to thank all my friends who helped me get the courage to actually publish a story THANK YOU!!! please comment and thank you to everyone who actually reads my bad stories)

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