{3} Bakugou x Female Reader "Bring Back What Once Was Mine."

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My earliest memory I could remember being with my parents is when they brought me out to the ocean one day, they had fun playing all day and at night under the moonlight sky people started leaving and others started coming. Soon a ceremony started and everyone started walking into the ocean, "It's time." My father said after staring at the full moon and clear skies where the stars were shining bright. Everyone soon started to circle my parents and hold hands with one another, my parents laid my baby body down on the ocean and held hands with each other.

Have you ever heard of Repunzel and the golden flower? Well, that was written off of a legend, our legend.

In a low voice, everyone started singing, "Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine." The ocean around us started glowing a light blue, the baby who was in the middle of the glow started giggling to her parent's approval who smiled lovingly at their daughter.

You see it wasn't a piece of the sun that fell off and landed on Earth, it was the piece of the moon, and this specific piece of moon was nothing like the others.

"Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine."

The piece of the moon did not hit the land it hit the ocean. And all the ocean lovers who were on the ocean that day were struck with its power.

"Heal what has been hurt, change the fates' design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine." At this point, everyone had transformed into what they did all those years ago when that piece of the moon hit the Earth.

This is the legend of Mermaids.

"What once was mine." Everyone finishes still in their mermaid and merman forms, soon the glow shrinks back and the baby stops giggling and under grows her transformation, there was light surrounding the baby forming a shape of a ball and it even floated in the air a couple of seconds before being brought back down into a baby mermaid.

"You sure made one hell of a kid (M/N) mother's name and (F/N) father's name." Says a merman a good friend of theirs too. You see whenever a child of a mermaid and merman is born everyone goes out on a full moon and clear skies that year before the child turns one year old and does this ritual, this will allow the baby to transform into a mermaid/man and a human.

"Everyone meet (Y/N)." Your parents lift you above the water to show you off and everyone cheers before swimming out into the ocean all together spending that night as a clan, a society together before coming back and living their lives as humans once again.

/////Time skip to 7 years later/////

"Mom, Dad?" I question walking into my home where my mom and dad were usually taking a break from work that day. "Yes, honey?" My mother questions.

"Someone tried kissing me and well something told me that she wasn't the one, and I ended up covering my mouth before she kissed me." My mother and father both looked shocked and then smiled.

"I think it's about time we told you." My father says.

"It was your mermaid side telling you not to give her the power to breathe underwater." My mother tells me, I look at her wide-eyed, "I can do that?"

They both nod to me, "Yes you can, as a mermaid or merman, your first kiss will allow someone on land to breathe underwater. So you must make sure you don't have your first kiss until much later when you're getting married and you for sure know this person is the right one to spread your powers too."

"Okay," I say with a smile.

"Now come on we have training to do today." I smile at this, training always included swimming deep waters, lifting boulders with my arms and tail, and also maneuvering quickly from sea to land and vice versa. I never really thought of this as training more as fun playtime with my parents but I didn't know the dangers and the downsides from being a mermaid. There were times my parents had to leave on missions and save other mermaid's and merman's from boats, nets, and even break them out of facilities. Soon came the year where the last baby that would be born on land before we went into hiding from the world for a very long time.

/////Three months Later/////

My father called all the mermaids and mermen in the area for a meeting unlike our normal rituals, it was a dark time for all of us mermen were being hunted, studied, and some of us almost alerted the human world. So far nobody still believes we are real but that never stopped humans before discovering things and alerting the whole world.

I was next to my father in my mermaid form, "Everyone it's no longer safe for us to live in the overworld, they are trying to capture us as if we aren't human ourselves, we must go into hiding." My father tells everyone. There were mostly agreements and some disagreements, "We will be able to return to the overworld later for special occasions, but for everyone who wishes to stay in the overworld please raise your hands." My father states the newest mermaids the ones who just recently turned into mermaids.

"Then please for our safety and yours return to the overworld and only call us for rituals, you are one of us and we would not want to exclude you all. Just please make sure you are never followed." And so we began to split, those who wished to stay in the human world would promise to never turn into a mermaid for fun, while we like my father and mother became leaders of a new age for mermaids.

"(F/N) where are we going?" One of the other mermaids asks once we reach a small island we didn't even know existed. "Here, we must live underwater to ensure our safety. Everyone are you okay with this?" He asks, I and the other children and babies were held by our parents who were also exhausted from just the trip, everyone nodded their heads and we all dove down deep until we found a large cave and we started making houses for everyone using boulders and we hugged each other to keep warm. Occasionally someone would get sick and we would send troops to fetch medicines for common colds when they return we treat the sick and make sure they are safe, our diets consisted of fish and whatever threat attempted to kill us. We only went to the overworld for medicines, medical supplies, and food that would last down here and still taste good. We eventually all got used to the saltiness of the ocean and our skin got used to staying in the ocean for longer periods. Soon we all could stay in the ocean the whole time and we rarely went up to the overworld and eventually, we lost our language, my father was the king of the ocean as the people referred to him as even though he didn't want to be called that it sort of stuck since he would do all the dangerous stuff and protect everyone. And since I would help where ever I could I became known as The Little Guardian, since I was only a child and all.

We later found out that we could lay eggs, we wondered what would happen so we wrapped them in seaweed to keep them warm and our scientist figures of mermaids would study them. We soon found they held human eggs and sperm, each one would continue growing until it was close to hatching we would put them up above the surface of the ocean for them to be born, we called out to our human brothers and sisters and we continued our rituals like normal, our human brothers and sisters would also bring efficient weapons to kill any sharks that tried to harm us. And then we would eat the shark. We started changing too, our senses became heightened, we could see better underwater as if we had night vision, our ears became more fish-like and our fingers started growing webs on them so we couldn't wear rings anymore. There were clear distinctions of who lived their lives as mermaids and who lived as humans but we never stopped being united and together, as payments for getting us the stuff we needed we brought up pearls from clams and they accepted it with gratitude since it was the only thing we could trade-in, we didn't mind either. Both sides were happy even when sometimes we couldn't communicate well, father saw this as a problem and had some of the humans teach us their language so we can communicate better with everyone and we taught them how to communicate underwater with us since they can breathe underwater in their human forms too. I loved the overworld a lot, sometimes wishing I could be there and stay there for a week, to enjoy everything they had to offer but most of all I loved the humans, the regular humans who played with balls on their legs. I tried communicating with a boy once but he only screamed thinking I was a shark or something, it was probably because my sharp teeth, so I immediately went back into the waters before I got caught. The boy's parents ran to him while he just pointed at where he saw me last and the parents reassured him it was nobody and I stopped seeing that boy for a very long time.

/////Time skip 8 years later/////

I was 15 and I constantly took these journeys to the human world, stayed for a couple of days perfecting my speech then going back and come back a month later or what felt like a long time. Today was one of these journeys and I was happy to study the humans again, I was always curious as too why we were no longer allowed up there but I didn't care too much, as usual, I let the beach wash up with the garbage I collected from the ocean I've even saved a couple of sharks and gave them dead fish in exchange for my life, that was awkward, to say the least after the shark agreed.

Today was different I noticed a pier something that hasn't been there before I go there and lay on the rafters, "This is surprisingly comfy I say laying on the hard and sanded down wood. Do humans usually lay on these and sleep?" I say out loud wondering. Soon a person started stomping their way on top of the pier I was about to leave before I heard sniffles, I continued looking up. Then I see drops of water landing in the ocean, "I was so stupid. Why would she even like me, it's always that stupid nerd they like." I see his feet dangle from the pier and I move closer to them, 'I shouldn't try helping him he could alert other humans, but I can't just leave him like this. Could I help him cheer up?' I wonder. 'To hell with it.' I then reached my claw out and scrapped my claw on his feet to let him know I was here.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I hear him scream before pulling his leg up, "WHO'S THERE! YOU BETTER COME OUT!" I then look to see if there were any other humans around before popping up. He then screams upon seeing me, I quickly cover his mouth to which he growls and bites my hand and hiss in pain and pull my hand back. I look at him and see the boy had blonde hair and red eyes. Then I hear rapid footsteps coming and I quickly jump back in the water and hide.

"Kid are you okay?" I hear a male voice ask, I continued hearing their conversation wondering if he was going to tell them about me.

"Yeah it's fine it was just a seal." I was surprised that he didn't tell him, "Oh yeah those things will get you, make sure you don't leave any trash on the pier okay the seals tend to hit it back at people when it drops in the ocean. 'They think the seals are the ones putting the trash back to the human world?' I think to myself, 'Wow humans really are dense just like Father said they were.' After the footsteps go away the boy goes back to the edge, "Come out!" He somewhat shouts.

I refuse at first wondering if he was going to scream again, "Come out I said! Please..." He whispers the last part, then starts crying again. I slowly swim back up and look at him, "Why sad?" I ask.

"You can understand me?" He asks me, I nod my head, "No sad." I tell him then I remembered that pretty seashell that was yellow and had hints of red, "Here! A gift so you no sad no more!" I hold out the seashell for him.

"Are you some sort of actor or stunt double?" He asks me, I only turned my head confused, "Actor? Stut dooble?" I question pronouncing the words wrong.

"No, it's stunt double! Wait that's not the point, what are you?" He questions. "Are humans up there?" I question, he looks around and shakes his head, "No why?" I then go back in the water and he just stares at my figure that quickly resurfaces and shoots up and lands on the pier. "What the, you got me wet! Woah..." He says upon seeing me, I look at him and notice he's wearing shorts. I tug on the shorts wondering how it feels he quickly holds my hand and pushes it back, "Don't be tugging on other people's clothes like that!"

He looks and my tail that has a few scales but other than that it's smooth, "Are you a mermaid?" I raise my arms and smile big, "It me!" I show my sharp teeth that can be compared to a shark's teeth. "Why are you here?" He questions me.

"Humans, litter." I point at all the trash that washed up on the beech, "I put back, also..." He cocks his head to the side wondering what this also could be, "Humans fun when angry." I smile fondly thinking about all the times I threw trash back at people's heads, spit saltwater at them, and stolen their clothes. "Yeah I guess they can be funny, so tell me this are you the one who causes all the havoc these people keep complaining about being the weird acting seals?" I rapidly nod my head, "All me!" I smile.

He smiles at me, "Huh then I bet we are going to get along great."

"As long as you no sad no more." We stayed with each other a couple of hours longer before he had to leave, "I stay here. Wait for human." I state while he gets up and looks at me, "The name's Katsuki Bakugou, what's yours extra?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)! That me!" I smile and turn to wave at him. I then return to the water and wait for Bakugou to come back.

Third Person P.O.V.

Katsuki was walking home while thinking, 'I don't know why but something about that mermaid seems familiar, well whoever she was I shouldn't worry about her, I'm just going home and rest since it's a weekend anyways.' He ended up back home and his mother was nagging about him coming home so late, he decided to ignore her and take a shower and sleep, 'I want to see (L/N) tomorrow early.' He thinks to himself.

"Did he just ignore you?" His father asks his mother, "What's up with that brat he should have at least said hi!" She yells.

"Maybe I should talk to him." Bakugou's father states, "We will talk to him I want to know what is up with that brat." His mother says and pouts at the end. Bakugou's father kisses her on the cheek before waiting for Bakugou to be done with his shower so Bakugou can at least eat dinner. When the bathroom door opened up Mitsuki was the one to call him down, "Hey brat dinner is ready so you better come down here!"

"Alright, I'll be down in a second!" You can hear Katsuki yell but not as loud as he usually is, this made his parents concerned. "What do you think is wrong with him?" They both served Katsuki his plate and waited for him to come down and when he did he just sat quietly on the table and ate slowly.

"Son, what happened today?" Masaru asked.


"Now listen here you brat you better tell us what's wrong!"

"Nothing is wrong okay, I just had a long day with..." Katsuki stopped saying anything and just shoved food in his mouth.

"Who did you meet today?" Masaru continues asking politely.

"I just met a girl named (Y/N) (L/N)—." Katsuki was telling them before being cut off by his father who never yells, "(L/N)!" The father coughs before sitting back down in his chair in front of Katsuki.

Both the look-alike's eyes widened in surprise from that sudden outburst usually that sort of thing only happened to Katsuki and Mitsuki. "You know (L/N)?" Katsuki questions.

Masaru gulps, "Well actually, I know her father."

Katsuki's eyes widened, knowing that he was most likely a merman as well, "How do you know him?"

"Katsuki I'm a Merman." Katsuki's eyes widened, he looks at his mom for confirmation and she nods. They both go onto explaining that Mitsuki is mostly human she can't breathe underwater but she can turn her legs into a tail.

"How is that possible?" Katsuki asks.

Masaru explains, "When a baby is born we all do this ritual sort of thing so the baby gains the power to be both human and mermaid/man and well when that baby gets older when they give their first kiss that person, that girl or boy, will get to breathe underwater. When the half-humans and mermaid tie the knot, so to speak, whoever they tied the knot with will get to turn into a mermaid as well."

Katsuki looks at Mitsuki for confirmation who nods her head. "I can turn into a mermaid but I can't breathe underwater so Masaru decided to stay on land with me."

"But I can't turn into a merman," Katsuki tells them.

Masaru sighs, "We didn't have the ritual for you. We didn't want to endanger you, the human world was capturing our kind and some of them didn't make it. So we didn't want you to have that trouble, we thought it would be best for you."

Katsuki nods, "Well that makes sense I guess, no wonder (Y/N) dove back in the ocean after I screamed." Masaru nods, "Yes they have been trained to evade many humans and the dangers of the ocean as well. Actually (F/N) has told me (Y/N) tends to be very curious and too kind for his own good, but she wouldn't just go up to any human and show what she is, what happened?"

"Nothing," Katsuki grumbles again.

"Look brat we need to know so that (Y/N) won't do it again!" Mitsuki yells at him.

"A girl broke my heart okay!" Katsuki yells out which surprises both of his parents. "I had a crush and well I was too late to tell her, so I went to the pier and cried. I didn't want to cry around you two so I went there instead, not many people show up around that time anyway so it was perfect for me. But then I felt a scrape on my foot and yelled at whoever was there to come out, after a while (Y/N) came out and well we talked for a long time. She gave me a shell as a gift." Katsuki smiled at the end.

"Just make sure (Y/N) doesn't go up to any more humans okay," Masaru tells his son.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll make sure."

The next day

Katsuki went back to the pier with a bag of extra clothes, "Hey (Y/N)!" Katsuki shouts, he waited a couple of minutes before a  (H/L) (H/C) haired girl popped up and spit water in his face. Katuski wiped the water off and yelled at the mermaid in a tube top, he sat his back pack down and brought out a towel and extra clothes. "Turn into a human I want to take you places," Katsuki stated which made (Y/N) surprised.

"How did you know?" The mermaid says surprised.

"My father knows your father, he's part merman himself now hurry up I brought clothes for you to change into."

(Y/N) jumps onto the pier and starts to sing that could even mesmerize a siren, "Flower gleam and glow," Then there was some sort of aura circling her, "Let your powers shine, make the clock reverse, and bring back what once was mine." Her tail started turning into legs and she started having more features resembling a human except her teeth continued being super sharp. "What once was mine." (Y/N) stops singing and was completely naked on the pier. Katsuki, who was still amazed about what the female did, accidentally saw (Y/N)'s female part before throwing a towel at the mermaid's head and looking away blushing. (Y/N) started drying herself and, with a little help from Katsuki, was fully clothed and had shoes on.

"How do humans walk so naturally." (Y/N) says holding onto Katsuki while trying to walk.

"How do mermaids and mermen swim so naturally?" Katsuki replies with which causes (Y/N) to blush in

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