{12} Tomura Shigaraki x Female Reader "Mistake" Final

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Note: I had to replace this chapter I did not like it and I had this idea so I just decided to post it instead of not uploading it
The song doesn't really matter too much it just gives you an idea of where I got the lyrics and some line I thought fit perfectly into this scenario

Chapter Note: This chapter isn't centered around the ship

Warning: Season 4 spoilers ahead

"I'm going to be fine I promise," I tell Shigaraki who hasn't let me go since the last meeting with Overhaul knowing that I'll have to leave in the morning with Toga and Twice to continue the phase of our plan.

"I know but I can't help but worry, you mean everything to me."

"And you mean everything to me too." I peck Tomura's forehead, "And so much more." I tell him while holding him in my arms underneath the covers.

I feel him relax and I smile, "Goodnight my love." I mutter before sleeping knowing Toga and Twice are going to give me hell when they wake me up.


The three of us walk down, Toga skipping, as we eat our donuts I bought from the donut shop slash cafe I protect regularly. "I now understand why you protect that place now," Toga says before taking another bite of her pink sprinkle donut, "These donuts are amazing."

Twice agrees with her, even his other personality thinks so which is amazing since they usually contradict each other, "Hey where did you even hear about that place anyway?"

I freeze a bit but continue walking to hide the fact I'm not exactly over everything that happened with U.A., "Well before I joined you guys I used to go there all the time with my best friend, well I don't know if he considers me his best friend anymore."

"Well if he doesn't give me his name and I'll make sure he doesn't bother you again!" Toga says while smiling at me.

I scoff but smirk at her, "Thanks for the offer but knowing your newfound crush on him I doubt you'll ever hurt him to take revenge."

Twice looks at me, "You don't mean? Of course, he means—."

"My Izuku Midoriya is your best friend!" Toga says getting blushy and excited.

"Well he is still my best friend but I don't know if he considers me as his best friend anymore."

A thought hit Twice like a truck, "What about Shigaraki and his obsession about pulling the plug on him?"

"Well if the time comes where I have to choose Tomura or Izuku, I'd probably do what Tomura says but until that time comes—which I hope it doesn't—," I mutter the last part to myself, "I'll continue letting Izuku live because he's still my friend and I don't want to hurt him, but if he gets in the way, of course, I'll have no choice but to fight him."

"Well, it's good to know you're on our side who knows what could have happened if we didn't pick you up."

"I bet I would be a mafia boss or something cool like that." I joke.

Toga snickers before she couldn't hold it anymore and starts giggling, Twice starts laughing after seeing the two of us laugh. I'm not sure if he laughed because he found my joke funny or because he didn't want to be left out but it's great either way.


We make it to Overhaul's place and the three of us stand in front of the main man himself and his team of dedicated followers, I still hate this guy more so after what he did to Big Sis Mag and Compress.

///// Flashback /////

I see Tomura disintegrate one of Overhaul's teammates before he comes back from potentially dying by Overhaul's hand. I have been standing back scanning everyone trying to get their weaknesses as fast as I can. After scanning Overhaul I look at what's leftover of Big Sis Mag and it's just her weapon. I look over at Compress and his arm is gone just like Big Sis. I form a fist out of anger but continue scanning before my eyes start hurting.

"Tomura, let me cut them," Toga says while looking at her reflection in her knife as I watch them walk away.

"No." He tells her.

She snaps her head to him then looks at me seeing if I can persuade Tomura otherwise, "Now's not the time." I tell her, I can see that she's mad and the fact she can't get revenge immediately makes her angrier.

Shigaraki looks back at me, "Y/N did you get it?"

I look over at Tomura and tap the side of my head, "All weaknesses memorized." I can tell he's smiling underneath his hand mask which makes me happier that he's proud of what I did. I then look at Toga, "There are some weaknesses specialized for knives as well." Toga gives a large smile and jumps up and down.

///// Flashback Over /////

[ When did I become so numb...
When did I lose myself... ]

"Glad that the three of you could join us," Chisaki says.

"I didn't have a choice. I was ordered to come here." Toga says glaring at Overhaul. "I'm Toga."

"Long time no see birdman, I'll never forgive you." Twice interrupts which I'm thankful for, Shigaraki wanted flattery, not threats, "I look forward to be working with you!"

Everyone put their attention on me, I didn't want to tell them my name I guess I'll say my old hero name, "Straightshot."

"The League of villains? This is great, let's fight I'll kill you!" The large one says.

"No way." Toga replies.

"Let's not," I tell him.

[ All the words that leave my tongue... ]

Overhaul interrupts our small conversation, "Sorry about Magne, I didn't want to kill him either."

I glare daggers into Overhaul, Twice is the first to correct him, "You mean her!"

[ Feel like they came from someone else... ]

"Please don't make that mistake again." I can tell both Toga and Twice are equally pissed as I am by him messing up her pronouns.

"Well I understand why you hold a grudge but now that we're working together I want you to assist us in carrying out our plan."

"Damn you." Twice starts getting agitated, "You acted like you were just keeping up appearances when we first met too." Then his other side gets a turn to talk, "Eh, so what should I do?"

I'm glad Twice didn't finish the first part but I have a feeling they know these two are nuts so I doubt they'll get offended, "Just follow my instructions like everyone else in the Hassaikai." Overhaul tells us, "In order for me to give you instructions I need to know the details of your quirks because if anything were to happen I'd like to make it easier for you to work with us."

[ I'm paralyzed... ]

Toga smiles at him, "I'll tell you when it becomes necessary if anything happens because I don't like you people yet."

The little member stares at Toga with fury, "You should just tell us! Don't underestimate us, Yakuza members!"

[ Where are my feelings? ]

Twice starts raising his hand, "Awe this is no good. It's no good! It's unacceptable! Nasty. Not telling!"

"What is your quirk?" The guy in all black asks.

[ I no longer feel things...I know I should ]

Twice immediately get's into it, "I can make doubles of anything! In order to make it work, I need a clear image, for a person that means their height, chest measurement, and shoe size, a lot of data. I need to look carefully and measure carefully. Only then can I make one thing into two. The only difference between the doubles and the real thing is durability. They'll crumble away after receiving a specific amount of damage. I can make doubles of up to two things at a time!" At this point, even Toga and I are interested even when he's just yelling, "The durability of the second one will be even lower! Also for personal reasons I will not make more of myself!" He finally puts his tape measurement back in his cuffs and he seems confused, "Huh? Why...? No, this isn't the usual me!"

"Like I'm dumb." Toga tells him.

Twice continues to panic, "That's not it Toga! This was—!"

Twice gets interrupted, "If I drink someone else's blood I can turn into them, the amount I have turns into energy so the time I can stay transformed is proportional to the amount I ingest. One cup lets me transform for about a day. If I drink a lot of different people's blood at once, then I can turn into each of them. Oh and my clothes transform with me, they overlap with whatever clothes I'm wearing so I have to get naked first and that's embarrassing." Toga seems surprised at herself.

"See?" Twice tells her.

I look at them, "What's done is done they—."

[ I'm paralyzed ]

I stop what I was going to say as I hear, "What is your quirk?"

[ Where is the real me? ]

I try to stop myself from saying anything but it doesn't take long for that to fail, I smile widely and start making finger guns and point them upwards, "The moment I point finger guns all it takes is for me to say a specific phrase that sounds like a gun firing and invisible bullets will pop out of my fingertips." I start my explanation and then point to my eyes that are now a glowing F/C, "I also can scan several people for their weak points, and depending on how bad you piss me off I'll kill you or knock you unconscious as I can flip between bullets that will penetrate you like real ones and bullets that bounce off of you like rubber bullets. If I were to hit you with the rubber ones it will still hurt and possibly lead to permanent nerve damage if anyone else was shooting. I also have to be staring at a person for a specific amount of time to fully get their weaknesses, however, so if you get out of my range of sight I have to start all over with the scan but if you hide behind a thin surface or wall I can see your outline which makes it easy for me to get you in my sights again. So you have to hide behind two walls or a thick wall to get away from me." I stop my explanation and glare at them while holding my head with one hand, "I don't like it when people mess with my head, it pisses me off." I threaten.

[ I'm lost and it kills me
I'm paralyzed ]

Overhaul ignores my comment and says, "So you already have an idea of what our weaknesses are right because of your scan going, am I correct to make that assumption?"

"Yeah, that's right." I confirm which makes Toga and Twice surprised I would let them know, I look at the duo I'll be stuck with for a while, "They already knew Overhaul just wanted a confirmation, it's not like it would make a difference."

[ When did I become so cold?
When did I become ashamed? ]

"Before we get started tell me one more thing." The three of us put our attention towards them, "Did you hear anything from Shigaraki about a betrayal?"

"No." The three of us say in different octaves. After this we were accepted as temporary members, I didn't like that we were taking orders from Mag's murderer but I had to follow the plan, whatever that may be, I trust Tomura I knew we wouldn't have to be here for long.

///// Large Time Skip /////

Overhaul was defeated by Izuku and I practically waited at his crashing site to see my friend again, heroes might take a little bit to get here once he does fall but I'm willing to take that risk. As my scanner showed Midoriya crashed in front of me and a knocked out Chisaki behind me.

He looks so beat up and tired then goes into shock when he sees me, "Hello Izuku, miss me?" I smile at him.

"Why...?" He cries.

I cock my head to the side, "Why what?"

Tears are running down his face, "Why are you here? Did you decide to stand in front of me just to make some point that you threw our dream away?" He stands a couple feet away.

"Actually I came here for a different reason." I smile at him but he shudders by looking at it.

"Tell me Izuku, do you still consider me as your best friend?" This caught him by surprise, "Remember when we were kids you were always scared that I would stop being your friend because you were quirkless and I always reassured you that my feelings for you would never change. Well, how about now? Now that I'm a villain am I still your friend?" I tease but deep down I'm serious about this, I have to know.

He doesn't answer my question, "What are you getting at? How...? Why did you have to become a villain! Why did you have to change! Where is the person that I know!" He cries.

I'm tired of repeating myself, "They must have left." I simply say.

"They must have left?" He questions.

I nod, "With all my faith. This damn hero society was never meant for me, U.A. did me a favor by throwing me out, then my parents." I give a pained smile, "They were wonderful before learning that I was expelled, they threw me out too."

[ I'm paralyzed. ]

Izuku looks surprised, "You're parents threw you out? I thought they were going to help you." I notice the little girl Overhaul was overprotective of, I believe her name was Eri, was on Midoriya's back. I am not sure if it's her that's healing him but his injuries are disappearing.

"Yeah well when your parents only love heroes and raised you to be one they felt as if I've let them down, so why not become the one thing they hate. I mean..." I chuckle a bit, "they already threw me away. So what's the point in trying to please them anymore."

[ Where are my feelings.
I no longer feel things...
I know I should.
I'm paralyzed ]

"What do you mean what's the point! You could have stayed with one of us! Any of us, but you chose to be a villain and that's unthinkable, irrational, irresponsible."

At this point I snapped, I tried to hold in my anger but he made it so hard to, "Who are you to judge me and my decisions huh!?" my feet start moving closer to him in rage, "My family hates me! My friends betrayed me! Everyone disgraced me! So who the hell are you to judge me on making unthinkable decisions when you do it all the time to save your friends huh!?"

[ Where is the real me?
I'm lost and it kills me... ]

I had grabbed him by his shirt pulling his face closer to mine, "You weren't there when I was at my lowest! So how dare you say I made an irrational and irresponsible decision for joining people who won't betray me!" The look of realization dawned on him, just like it dawned on Bakugou all that long ago. He knows I'm right, and the idea of me giving up the League for people who let me down was even crazier than joining a group of strangers that had their arms open wide for me. My eyes were still on Izuku with a rage. A sob caught my attention as I knew it was too high pitched to be from Izuku, I look over and see the girl crying. My eyes softened and now I was angry at myself for scaring a little kid. I let go of Midoriya's shirt, I only hear him groan in pain. My head snaps towards him and I unconsciously look over with my scanner quirk to see Eri's quirk activating and hurting Izuku. I ran forward and grabbed ahold of Eri which made her quirk more powerful as I scared her, I grimaced trying to hold back the pain as I continued scanning her. My scan looks a bit static and turned off so I quickly shot Eri with a rubber bullet successfully knocking her out hoping I didn't give her a permanent injury. I felt relief as if I was released from an invisible confinement. I drop Eri gently by Izuku who was still recovering from having her get pulled off of him. "The real reason why I came here was to warn you."

Izuku gasps from what I said, "What do you mean?"

"The next time you get in Tomura's way, I'll have to kill you." My eyes were clouded with something dark, he knew I was serious even though I could tell he didn't want to believe it. I turn away from him and start walking away, "So do us both a favor and stay out of Tomura's way." The idea of killing Izuku and living with the fact Inko will be in pain because of me hurts. I love both Izuku and Inko as if they were my own family. But, Izuku disowned me first so he can't expect me to be the same kid I was when we were growing up.

[ Inside...
I'm paralyzed ]

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