Momo Yaoyorozu

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(I just wanted to throw this side chapter out. Sorry if it's interrupting the momentum. No this isn't canon, Mina is #1 and will never be replaced. Sorry, no lemon in this chapter. Hope you enjoy this Momo Yaoyorozu chapter.)


The weekend had just arrived and I had nothing better to do. I didn't feel like sitting around the house doing nothing while we waited for our camping to begin. It was an early Saturday morning, approximately 7AM, so I laid in bed and looked through my phone. I scanned through my messages and realized that there were a few classmates who I hadn't texted yet. Looking at the ceiling, I realized that I rarely speak to Jiro, Momo, Tsuyu, Koda, Ojiro, and Sato. I began to text all six of them. I honestly didn't expect any responses this early on the weekend but one person responded immediately. I grabbed my stress ball and used my quirk to levitate it in my hand. Looking at phone, it was Momo. She responded to my greeting.

{Yaoyorozu} - Hey, (Y/N), what's up?

{Y/N} - Nothing much. I was just thinking, you and I haven't really hung out since school started. I was just wonder if you were busy today.

I placed my phone down and once again, she immediately responded.

{Yaoyorozu} - No I'm free all day today and tomorrow! What did you have in mind?

{Y/N} - Honestly I have no idea. I didn't think I'd get this far. Want to meet up somewhere and walk around until we see something interesting?

I didn't bother putting my phone down because I knew she was going to respond instantly.

{Yaoyorozu} - Sure! That sounds really nice. What time should I be ready?

{Y/N} - How does 11 sound?

{Yaoyorozu} - That is acceptable. Do you know how to get to my house?

{Y/N} - C'mon give me some credit, we tutored half the class at your house

{Yaoyorozu} - Oh yeah! I'll see you then.

{Y/N} - See you soon.

It wasn't until I put my phone away that I noticed I was breathing harder and my heart was beating quickly.

{Y/N} - Did I really just invite her to a date? No! I'm sure she doesn't see it that way. We are just two friends catching up and learning more about each other. Nothing more... nothing less.

I sighed at my insecurities and began to get ready. I knew the trip to her house, even with the train, would take a little over an hour so I left the house at 9:30. Just as I planned, I reached her house at 10:45. As I stood at the gate, I looked at myself. I had my favorite color plaid shirt on with a black jacket, complimenting my also black pants; my shoes were the same color as my shirt. Underneath my shirt was a long sleeve shirt, with gray sleeves coming out.

{Y/N} - I forgot how rich she was. Damn... I should've worn something more presentable. I hope she'll approve of my outfit.

I walked forward and pressed the buzzer. After a few seconds of silence, I jumped when a voice screamed excitedly at me. There was a speaker near the buzzer that she spoke through.

{Yaoyorozu} - You're hear! I'll open the gates.

I heard a click and approached the thick, metal gates. Gently pushing on them, they swing open. I walked through and observed the long path I had to take through her massive yard. As I walked up the path, I heard the gates shut behind me and lock.

{Y/N} - Oh man... this was a mistake.

It took a minute but I made it to her front door. Before I could knock, the doors swung open. What greeted me was a cute girl with a white turtleneck sweater with a green, plaid skirt. She already had her pocketbook so I assumed we were going to leave immediately.

I couldn't help but admire her as I entranced. I didn't even hear her call to me.

{Yaoyorozu} - (Y/N)?

{Y/N} - Oh I'm sorry.

I scratched the back of my head. I could feel all the blood rush to my face as I became flustered.

{Yaoyorozu} - Is something wrong?

{Y/N} - No no, are you ready?

{Yaoyorozu} - Yes!

She closed the door behind her and it sounded like it locked automatically. We walked down her yard and to the nearest plaza.

{Yaoyorozu} - Any ideas yet?

{Y/N} - Well I was thinking we could sit around until lunch time. Would that be okay?

She nodded. I could see she was excited for some reason; there was a huge, innocent smile plastered on her face.

{Yaoyorozu} - Can we eat at that place?

She pointed to a nearby shop that sold curry and other foods.

{Y/N} - Yeah that sounds nice.

We went and sat at a table outside. The chairs and table were wired metal and there was a black and red umbrella in the middle that covered both of us. Once we sat down, I took a deep breath and looked up at her.

{Y/N} - I love this cold. It's just chilly enough for me.

{Yaoyorozu} - I would prefer it to be a little warmer but it is nice to have variety every now and then... So what made you want to hang out with me?

I lightly blushed as I thought up of something. I didn't really have a reason but I had to come up with something acceptable.

{Y/N} - Well I was thinking, we rarely ever speak to each other and I wanted to get to know you more.

I leaned forward on my hand, looking at her and smiling.

{Y/N} - My turn now. Why are you so happy? When we texted, when I met you at the door, and even now you've been smiling really hard. I was just wondering what's going on in your mind.

She jumped back with blush covering her face, more than me before.

{Yaoyorozu} - Well... I-I um...

She sighed and looked down in defeat.

{Yaoyorozu} - I... don't have many friends...

{Y/N} - What? The entire class loves you Momo. You have a lot of friends.

{Yaoyorozu} - Well it may seem like that but the only people who visit me, text me, and talk to me are Jiro and Todoroki. Everyone else just comes to me when they need something.

I sat in thought for a bit, assessing the situation.

{Yaoyorozu} - Is something wrong with me?

{Y/N} - No! I think others might be intimidated by your intelligence.

She looked up at me confused. I could see her eyes were moist as if she was about to tear up.

{Y/N} - Well, think of it like this. Of course you are number one in class. Intelligence naturally kind of deters people. It's like they naturally think that you are out of their league and you don't have time for "simple minded people." It's nothing you did, people just naturally fear intellect. You are a really nice, genuine person so I think you have to make the first move when making friends. Show them that you are just like them and they'll accept you, I promise. It's just science.

She stared at the table between us intently, narrowing her eyebrows as if she were deep in thought. After a few second she wiped her eyes and looked back up at me smiling.

{Yaoyorozu} - I'll try. After thinking about it from an outside perspective I can see where you're coming from.

{Y/N} - I believe in you class president.

She giggled and we continued to talk until it was almost 12. We talked about various things, telling each other stories and facts. It was actually quite pleasant to talk to someone who could naturally carry out an intelligent conversation. Who knew history and science could become interesting. We even had little debates about old wars and silly things. In the middle of a story of mine, I felt my stomach rumble. I looked down embarrassed.

{Y/N} - Sorry, I skipped breakfast.

{Yaoyorozu} - It's okay. Ready to go in?

I nodded and went inside. We were escorted to a table. I ordered hot tea and steak with rice and gravy. She ordered hot tea as well but she got dumplings and rice. As we waited for our orders, I continued to finish my story. At first, she seemed genuinely happy that she was going out with someone but as our talks went on, her happiness seemed to be directed towards me. We ate and actually had a pretty decent time. I was worried that I wouldn't be good enough for her but she really changed my mind. She was just a student just like me, striving to be a hero. Once we finished, I offered to pay for both of our meals but she was excited to pay so we compromised to split the bill. I've never seen anyone so adamant on wanting to pay for stuff. We walked around the plaza more and the fighting spirit came out of me. We began talking about ways our quirks could work together. I brought up that she could make canisters or capsules and I could deposit my gas in them. She brought up something that made me laugh extremely hard; since she could make any solid and I could make any gas, we needed someone who could make any liquid and we could have a hero team who could be called "The States of Matter." It was so cringy from an outside point of view but not to us; it was extremely funny to us. It was about 2 o'clock when we came across a clothing mart.

{Yaoyorozu} - Hey (Y/N) can we go shopping?

{Y/N} - I guess? I probably won't buy much but I won't mind accompanying you.

She squealed grabbed me by my hand and led me into the store. Her eyes lit up into sparkles as I was dragged through the store. I couldn't help but notice how soft and tender her hands were. Just as before she was extremely happy, running around the store and trying on several outfits. It was like a fashion show in there. She would come out and I would give her my opinion. Honestly she looked great in anything and everything. I could feel myself falling for her as I enjoyed the show. Slowly, more and more clothes piled up in my arms.

{Y/N} - Good thing I have my quirk, I don't think I could've carried all this with normal muscles.

Once she had her fun, she said it was my turn. As against it as I was, I decided to just play along to make her happy. I couldn't tell why but her smile was really important to me. If I could make her smile, I would say it or do it. Every time I came out with an outfit, she would sequel and clap, handing me another one and repeating. I began to feel bad about having her buy me all these outfits so after the sixth one I intervened.

{Y/N} - Umm... Yaoyorozu?

{Yaoyorozu} - Yes?

She was searching for another outfit.

{Y/N} - I think I'm done. If we keep adding more and more clothes, I'll feel awful having you buy all these for me.

{Yaoyorozu} - Nonsense!

I sighed and looked down and walked up behind her, grabbing her shoulders and turning her towards me. The sparkle in her eyes faded and she became flustered.

{Y/N} - We've been here for two hours and there's a movie premiering soon that I wanted us to see.

She gasped and looked surprised.

{Yaoyorozu} - You're right! We must hurry then. I'll call mother and tell her to send Beauregard to pick up all of our clothes.

I shook my head at the though of her having a butler. I changed back into my regular clothes and helped her check out. The cashiers were surprised but we eventually got through it all. The price was astonishing. I wanted to tell her to put my clothes back on the racks but before I could, she paid it all in cash and my jaw dropped. I grabbed as many bags as I could and she grabbed a few. With my arms full and muscles straining, the long checkout gave her butler just enough time to pull up outside. I dumped all the things in the back of the car and thanked the man.

After that whole ordeal it was bout 5 o'clock and we began to walk to the movies. The movie was a horror movie that everyone was going to see. It was rated the most scary movie of that year. On the way there we played a little game. She would name a flavor or scent and I would give her my wrist and attempt to expel that flavor. At first I would a little difficult but I eventually got the hang of it. I even matched the smell of her perfume, pomegranates and passion fruit with a hint of lavender. She seemed to enjoy it so I did too. I could see people looking at us weird but I didn't care; I don't think Momo even noticed. We arrived 30 minutes early and we bought our tickets, bought some snacks, and found a seat. With us arriving so early, we were able to sit in the most perfect, optimal spot.

{Y/N} - I have a confession to make.

{Yaoyorozu} - Okay?

{Y/N} - I'm easily frightened by horror movies.

{Yaoyorozu} - It's okay, I am too. We can protect each other.

We laughed and waited for the movie to start. As the movie went on, I found myself hiding in my jacket while Momo squeezed my hand. My mind began to change it's attention to her. She was holding my hand at first but when immense amount of suspense would happen, she would lean over and squeeze my arm. I'll be honest, not only did I enjoy it but my fear seemed to disappear. Over this entire date I could feel feelings developing for her. As embarrassing as it was, I decided that I needed to make a move. If she rejected it, then I wouldn't lose anything major... except for a really good friend. Doubt began to fill my mind but then I thought of the day we had together. Optimism began to flood into my mind thinking about all the dates we could go on if we were together. To compromise, I decided to take one step at a time. With the arm she was holding, I moved it and wrapped it around her should her. Under the loud bass from the movie, I could hear a subtle gasp from her. I then felt her nuzzle into me as she became comfortable. Her breathing was off, I couldn't tell if it was because of me or the movie.


Momo Yaoyorozu's POV

This was great! I had always thought (Y/N) was cute but I can't believe this is really happening. Not only is he good looking but he's an excellent conversationalist. The way he banters back and forth from intellect to humor is astonishing. I constantly kept thinking of ways I could hint to him that I was interested but I've been too shy to advance. I did enjoy holding his hand on the way here though. During the movie, I was scared at first and didn't even noticed I grabbed his hand. I did, however, notice when I instinctively latched on to his arm. I guess I was starting to use him as a security blanket. I almost pulled myself off of him from embarrassment but then he would've thought I hated him, so... I committed. I just started getting comfortable when out of no where, he moved his arm. At first I was discouraged because I thought he didn't want me on him. To my surprise, he moved the arm rest from between us and wrapped his arm around me. I was in pure shock and couldn't thing straight. I snapped out of it and got comfortable. Snuggling into him made me feel all warm inside. At first I was attracted to him but now I actually like him. I wonder how he feels.

Once the movie ended, we both discussed the movie and what made it good. (Y/N) brought up a few ideas that would've made it better and I agreed and returned with a few ideas of my own. It was about 7:45 pm so we decided to head back. It was a quiet walk. It didn't feel awkward, it felt more like we were enjoying each other's company and didn't want to ruin the moment. The wind began to pick up and I shivered a bit. I looked over at (Y/N) who must've noticed so he took his jacket off and gave it to me.

{Yaoyorozu} - But what about you?

{Y/N} - I'll be fine. See?

{Yaoyorozu} - I felt warm air began to emanate from him and I looked at him confused.

{Y/N} - I can't put out hot air but I hope this warm air helps. Plus I like cold.

His smile alone made me feel warm inside. I smiled and held on to his arm as the air he released made the walk back peaceful. Occasionally he would put out a pleasant scent and I would guess. I wanted to make a move so I began to hype myself up. Surprising both me and him, I let go of him and hesitantly moved my hand towards him. I could only move my fingers to reach out to him but I couldn't fully commit. Luckily he met me halfway and we intertwined our fingers.


(Y/N)'s POV

When she let go of me, I could see she was physically struggling with something. I looked down and noticed her hand was reaching out to mine. It was cute watching her struggle to hold my hand but as I said before, I valued her smile. I reached out and our fingers touched, they sat there at first but made their way betwixt one another. I looked at her and she was smiling; she practically had sparkles in her eyes just like before. I giggled and continued to walk and admire the moon and stars.

You know... those stars remind me of you.

{Yaoyorozu} - How?

I don't know... they're just so bright and pretty.

She covered her face with her free hand and I looked back at her confused.

What's wrong? Did I say something bad?

{Yaoyorozu} - ... no.

I took a minute to connect the dots but from the tears, I could see she was insecure. I guess my accidental compliment must have meant a lot to her. I rubbed her head and looked ahead. Out of no where I heard a quick set of footsteps and someone speaking behind us.

{Voice} - Hand over your wallets and nobody gets hurt. Don't even think about turning around or calling the cops.

We both stopped in place and didn't move. I noticed the voice sounded like an adult male who sounds like a smoker. I switched my eyes to speed mode. In the blink of an eye I grabbed Momo with one hand and turned around, shooting a powerful gust of air towards the man with the other.

(Grabbing Momo like All Might grabbed Gran Torino and attacking just the same.)

(Sorry I couldn't find a better GIF)

The man was wearing all black with a black hoodie which was being blown off of him. I didn't use all of my power; that might have killed him. I used about 25% which was enough to suck the air out of him and cause him to stumble back. Once he fell on his butt I stopped.

{Y/N} - Listen here...

{Yaoyorozu} - Are you going to come with us to the police peacefully or are we going to have to carry you?

I was surprised by the sudden assertiveness she showed. The man began to run, stumbling to his feet away from us. I was about to catch up to him but Yaoyorozu chased him, pulling her shirt up and making a chain with weights on it. She then threw it forward and they wrapped around the man's ankles, causing him to trip and fall. I ran up to him and crouched down beside him.

{Y/N} - Looks like we're doing this the hard way.

{Man} - You're those kids from the U.A. Sports Festival!

Yaoyorozu walked up behind me and placed a boot on the man's stomach.

{Yaoyorozu} - You're going to jail for what you've done.

I shrugged and placed my hand over the man's mouth, forcing him to breath some miasma and knocking him

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