On A Night Like This

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"I was planning on bringing my sector up from the back...here," I said to Indra, another one of Trikru's generals, whilst pointing to a clump of trees behind our initial attacking point.

"We will reign in the attack which will divert them and you bring up the rear. Good eye," she responded back. I felt a sense of pride bloom within me. Indra and I got along fairly well but I have always secretly been a people pleaser with a tough exterior. Guess I learned from the best considering she was my mentor.

"Yes, and we still have enough defenses to cover the sides and an extra backing unit if needed. Azgeda will cover as much ground as we plan to counterattack. We must do the same." I looked over at the leader for Sangedakru. He has had spies from Azgeda infiltrate his lands; the Commander's lands. They have killed many innocent families....even children. They need to be tamed; best way to put it.

Azgeda has always been the distant clan. They don't like the Coalition and their Queen doesn't approve of the Commander because of her laws. Even through the tense ties, the Commander welcomes them to Polis but with this war....thats on them.

"Heda, my unit is ready," Indra states, looking at her fierce leader who is standing at the head of the table, one hand on the hilt of her sword. A fews other chimed in as well. And so did I.

"We are ready, Heda," I say with confidence, staring into the captive stare of that warrior. That powerful stare that almost softened at my acknowledgement but only I would be the one to notice.

"If that be so, you are dismissed." We all began to pack up our plans to leave and I immediately locked eyes with the Commander who was bombarded with a few remaining questions from some of the clan leaders. She gave me a look that said i'll see you later. An apologetic look beyond that stern posture. One which I dismiss by giving her a sharp nod before walking out with my mentor.

We walked side by side down the hall towards the manual elevator that would take us upstairs. The other clan leaders who weren't asking questions, went another way. Once we were in and started being lifted, Indra spoke.

"Remember my teachings. And get good sleep." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes mom..." I joked. "...and it's not like we are going to be able to sleep anyways."

Indra shot me a look before speaking again.

"Just....be on your guard." I turned to look at her but her stoic eyes remained on the door. The elevator came to a halt and the doors opened. I turned my head back and we walked out.

"Indra." She faced me. "In this life or the next."

She stared at me for about bit. That was her way of showing emotion during a time like this. Then a nod made its appearance before she turned away from me and headed down the opposite end of the hall. I too turned and walked to my room.

"Augustus. Frian," I said, acknowledging the guards who are posted at the doors. They each opened one for me, granting me entrance. I walked in and went straight to my wardrobe where my armor for tomorrow remained. It was there that I picked my nightgown to change into and that room is where I waited for the Commander's presence.


The sun was slowly descending, the sky being painted with colors of sweet orange and pink. Slowly stars began to wake and flicker their presence to the wonderers down below; wonderers such as myself.

My mother once said my questioning mind would some day get me into trouble but who could I kid? How could anybody not ask why it's fair that the moon and the sun are in the same place in the sky but they never touch? Why must we sleep when the world goes dark because even though night brings such beauty day never could? Why is it in our humanity to fight?

How I miss her. She raised me on her own on the outskirts of Trikru. Me and her against the world. Sadly, she became very ill very quickly and the healers couldn't figure out what was wrong. I knew the day she was gonna die. I could tell by her breathing and her physical state. So I held her on our couch and listened to her heartbeat cease to stop, all while humming the lullaby the used to sing to me growing up.

That was almost six summers ago.

So much has changed since then. I have changed. I wonder what it is she is thinking. If she would be proud to see her daughter out on the battlefield. A poor merchant girl who claimed a job deemed only fit for a man. Little does she know that Polis occupies a female dominance.

I took a deep breath as I watched as the rest of the villagers boarded up their markets. Most of them won't ever return to them once the sun rises. For they will meet with their families and speak soft prayers to the ones who guide us one last time together tonight. Then those warriors who have devoted their lives to the Coalition will say their final goodbyes before giving their life back to the Mother of Earth.

War poisons the land and the heartaches of our dearest. Those who say goodbye may be forever lost.

The trees swayed as the cool breeze whispered past. It speaks, war is coming. Stand tall, stand strong. I couldn't help but empathize with them. To feel their roots shake beneath the ground we will rumble on as they sit and watch and mourn. It's almost...peaceful. Nature grieving the loss of humanity. I hope that when I die, that the soil accepts me and I take on the spirit of a tree. I hope it does for all who may fall. Though the thought of people being killed, their families being distraught when they don't return, makes me wanna throw up.

But even then, I tried to keep my eyes on the beauty of the sunset; the beauty of my possible underlying death tomorrow it foreshadows. Apparently death is all that follows me now.

The cool night air brushes past my untamed hair as if it decided to kiss my cheek, reassuring me that victory is still an odd for us. A chance that we could all come back and rebuild our lives and hug our loved ones.

That I could hug mine.

My heart lurched out of my chest as I thought about my lover. How the weight of this war will so heavily fall on top of her as she must bear it through the lines amongst her warriors. I must let her walk in and face Death itself without swaying her decision. That's what it means to be a leader. I am a General to my army but she...she is the Commander of all.

The thought of losing her...

I couldn't bear it.

So, I'll hold onto the stars that now shine in the night as I stand over by the balcony; my long brown nightdress moving with the breeze. I give my prayers to the moon and wish for a safe return as well as a victory for all of Polis.

I heard the handle of one of the double doors being pulled. The hesitant opening of the door and soft shut of it tells me that the Commander is here and she didn't want to wake me. Though, I was far from being able to sleep. I manage to catch her quiet whisper to the guards that remained on watch whilst I was in the room.

Always protecting me even though I am a trained General.

She bid them a goodnight of goodbye as we may see them again after the war; a hope that we are never guaranteed.

A pause after the door clicks shut paints the image that the Commander sees the bed neatly made and her lover over by the balcony.

"You're awake," that rich, voice made of silk said.

I turn my head to the side, just enough so she knew I was acknowledging her but not enough to see her.

"You were away..." I replied back, quietly. She knows that I have trouble sleeping without her. With sleeping alone. After my mother died, I was alone for 2 years out in the woods. I had to fend for myself as I was too young to know where to go. I was 18 when I was found by Indra and her scouts. She took me in and trained me for 4 years. She is like a second mother to me. Though she knows it and still tries to deny it.

I heard the shuffling of boots on the wooden floor and then the buckles of clothing being stripped onto the table that laid scattered with maps. I turned my head back to the landscape before me that no longer was colorful. Night had made its full wake as day said goodnight.

"I had to speak with our ally leaders for last minute advances...I didn't mean to keep you." The sincerity to her words touched my saddened heart. As much as I wanted to give into the affection I couldn't help but still bask in the thoughts of tomorrow. How this might be our final night.

"You mean their questions of doubt?" A small chuckle filled the room at my sarcasm. "I am not to sleep tonight anyways," I said, wrapping my arms around my body. I was slightly chilled by the breeze but it wouldn't keep me. I heard a light sigh behind me before the pattering of someone approaching my from behind. A soft hand moved a bit of my hair away from my shoulder, leaving it bare. But even as the cool air hit it, gentle warm lips filled the space. I closed my eyes and released a breath. She was here and I was here. We were here together.

A hand was placed on my left side as Lexa pressed her body against mine. I felt the warmth of her breath on my ear as I leaned back into her.

"You fear for tomorrow," she whispers out, not entirely sure if she should step on the toes of the damned.

"Do you?" I didn't respond but instead asked her. My answer was a kiss to the side of my head and a  light fur that was draped onto my shoulders to protect my warmth.

"As Commander I must be strong and have hope that my armies will do their jobs." Arms wrapped over mine and I welcomed them by placing my hands over them.

"And as Lexa?"

"As Lexa.....terrified." I push off of her and turn around so that I could truly see her for the first time since the gathering. Her beautiful green eyes reflected warmly from the candlelight. I reached up and cupped her cheek into the palm of my hand in which she relaxed into. She gave me a small smile but I didn't miss the tint of sadness in it as I brushed my thumb against her soft skin. My brave and beautiful warrior.

"I'm scared too...knowing what I could lose," I finally muster out, tears welling up in my eyes. Her eyes looked between mine with concern.

"You know I can't promise anything..." I nodded quickly with understanding, dropping my hand from her cheek only for it to be caught by her own. I looked away from her, my emotions becoming the best of me.

"Look at me," she said. I listened. Hell if I couldn't. I come to her like a damn dog. "I can't promise anything, except that I will try my hardest to get us home, together." I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt our foreheads touch together just after she kissed the front of mine.

"I would ask you to join me for bath but it seems you are dressed for bed already." I leaned back from her and raised my eyebrow.

"That's an easy fix and I am cold so yes please." She shook her head and smiled before leading me away from the balcony. I took the fur off of my

cold shoulders and placed it on the arm of the couch.

"Can you pick out something for me while I run the water?" Lexa asked.

"Of course." I pecked her lips before she left for the bathroom. I went to the wardrobe and looked through the few that we have collected. I picked out a black silk nightgown, Lexa's favorite one. I draped it over my arm and then made my way across the room and towards the bathroom. The water was finished running as the small tub was filled and Lexa was standing in front of our mirror taking her braids out. They will have to be redone tomorrow but it's easier to fix when they aren't knotted.

I placed the nightgown onto the counter that is in there before removing the brunette's hands from her hair. I held onto them and brought our hands down towards our sides. Our fingers played with one another, giving gentle caresses here and there. An anxious thing I began. Lexa found that it relaxed me and never questioned when I would subconsciously do it.

I looked at us in the mirror, me slightly taller than the woman in front of me. So....

"Beautiful," I whisper out loud. The corner of her mouth itched into a smile. I let go of her left hand in order to move her hair over her left shoulder. I leaned down and placed my lips on the connected portion of her jaw, just below her ear for a gentle kiss. Her head tilted slightly towards the side. I then brought my lips down to her neck, kissing ever so slightly against her delicate skin before Lexa turned around causing me to pull away.

She cupped my cheek and connected our lips desperately together. I let out a breath through my nose as this is the first time since we have had any time together because of the war plans. I woke up this morning with her gone. She had met up with the night bloods one last time to give them a run down of what's to happen if she is to die.

Let's just hope that doesn't happen.

She kissed me hard, like she was running out of oxygen and I was the thing keeping her alive. My fingers found her belt loops and I was pulling her in closer. She let out a pleasurable sound as my hands began to guide the hem of her shirt up. She disconnected our lips and I pulled her shirt up over her head, revealing her upper body.

"Water's going to get cold," I say. "Undress."

I set her shirt over by the nightgown as I watched her undress the rest of the way. I noticed the symbol of the Commander on the counter where Lexa had placed it after taking it off. I looked at it and all of the fears of tomorrow came back.

"Y/n..." I heard a soft voice call. I remained stagnant. I turned towards the tub and found the brunette there. I must've blanked for a bit because I didn't even realize that she moved. She wanted to ask me a question. I could see it by the expression on her face...but I didn't want her to. So instead, I slowly brought down the straps of my gown until it fell to the floor and pooled at my feet. Her eyes shifted their focus to my body. I smirked before walking towards her. I got in behind her and brought all her hair back to unbraid the rest of her hair.

We sat there together, Lexa resting her back against me with her head next to mine, mainly in silence for a while. War was truly the only thing on our minds. Lexa and I agreed a while ago that we would try to separate our work from each other as best as possible. It's hard and sometimes doesn't work but we manage. It's a way for us to have a semi normative life.

"Will I be seeing you tomorrow before we head out?" I ask quietly, gently tracing the brunette's arm in front of me.

"Yes. We will get ready together and I will send my generals off once we get down to everyone....including you. Your mom would be proud of who you have become...I know I am." I smiled before kissing her lips. I love her so much and the hope she has for us makes me happy. We both had a tough go at things but we always manage to get through. My love in each life.

So we sat there in the water together, knowing that we would be unable to sleep, pretending that this is how it will be after the war. Though we both won't know until then, that this will be my final battle.

A/N: My first little story! I am very proud of this one and though it is sad, I have a bunch of happy ones to add as well! If you guys have any stories you would like to see, please feel free to comment on any chapter or message me personally!

Much Love,

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