A/N: Ahahahaha-- *hides in shame*
Yay. 1-month late. XD//slapped so hard. I don't really know what happened. //slapped harder.
Anyway, I'll post the special thing (it's not Valentines anymore tahahaha--) either today or tomorrow. It depends on my mood and free time, actually. XD //kicked.
Special thanks to hansollie again for her word suggestions. (andpleasedontreadthisuneditedcrap)
i'm not even sure if kiyoshi's in character here. i just consider him as one of those perfect boyfriend material characters. > u>)
and that he's a gijinka of a bear-puppy//stabbed.
(adj.) loving, kind, charitable
"Just a little more, ______-chan! We can do this!" His grip on your hand tightened as he took a short concerned peek at your slightly wet face as assurance flashed in his eyes before he immediately turned back to look ahead.
"H-Hah, slow—slow down a little, T-Teppei!" you replied a little softly as heavy breaths left your lips, still appreciating your boyfriend's concern for you even if he was already pushing you to your limits and how he used the pronoun 'we' even if it was only you struggling at the moment. You squeezed his large hand back though it seemed kind of futile as he was already doing the same the entire time, his hand ridding you of your thoughts concerning your aching legs.
After at least a billion gargantuan raindrops drenching your entire body, the two of you soon found shelter in an isolated waiting shed which was still a long way from the station the two of you were supposed to take together. It was only then that you felt yourself shivering at the slightest brush of the freezing wind against your body, so you rubbed your hands against your arms covered by your damp uniform as you sat just beside Teppei on the cemented bench.
"I'm sorry for today, _____-chan," he said solemnly, his voice almost drowned out by the sound of the thunderous rain.
“It’s okay.” You forced a lame excuse of a smile on your face as you ignored the silent clattering of your teeth. Inching closer to him until your arms touched and resting your head on his sturdy body, you immediately believed your lie. Being with this gentle person was definitely worth almost being turned into a human-sized ice cube.
Even with your gaze set on the dull view of the road greatly blurred out by the rain, you sensed his small movement and his worried gaze on your drenched self. “Are you okay?”
“I am...” Save for the fact that you were shivering to death, and that your first after school date with Teppei consisted of a series of mishaps and an unneeded shower in the end.
He shifted in his position and, for a moment, you were worried that your weight against him was straining, until a pair of wet but (somehow) warm hands cupped your cold cheeks and guided your gaze to the warmer look on his face laced with worry for your well-being. You noticed his gaze fall on your quivering lips and slightly shaking jaw so you bit your lower lip in an effort to keep the lower part of your face from letting him notice the freezing sensation you felt all over your body. But, well, that was obviously useless as your arms and legs were visibly shaking.
A sigh left his lips, and, all of a sudden, his large hands were on your waist, lifting you up from the hard seat. You squealed and squirmed the moment your butt left the cemented bench but the next second, you realized that you were seated between Teppei's thighs, his muscular arms around your body and his chin on your shoulder. Your face immediately felt hot at the sudden intimate position you were in with your boyfriend.
"T-Teppei!" you stammered frantically, your face turned away from his face. You could sense him smiling serenely and it was unfair how you felt the complete opposite. "PDA!" you scolded, even though you honestly couldn't find it in you to actually push him away. His warmth was actually incredibly pleasant against your cold skin.
"There's no one around," he pointed out softly, chuckling at your cute shyness, "And this is the only way I could think of to make you feel warmer." He tilted his head against yours, your cheeks touching. "Do you hate it?" he asked, his voice, though still gentle and kind, sounding like a puppy begging for a certain answer.
Really, there was no way you could ever protest when it comes to Teppei. You knew he disliked it a lot when you lie even if he rarely said it; guilt would always tug at your chest whenever he had that displeased and concerned frown on his face, effectively making you confess whatever's on your mind.
"I don't," you muttered bashfuly as you kept your strawberry red face away from his, pursing your lips and calming yourself by breathing steadily.
His head moved a little then, much to your incredulity and surprise, a pair of cold lips were pressed against the exposed skin of your neck, immediately sending sparks all over your body. You turn out of impulse to scold him once again, only to get your lips captured by his, making your poor little heart leap to the distant moon. You violently pulled away instantly, your fist making contact with his arm. This sly dog...! "Teppei!"
A hearty laugh was all you got for an answer, further frustrating you. It's unfair how his little intimate actions could easily ruin your composure, and to him they didn't seem to matter much. You tried wiggle out of his embrace and stomped your feet furiously, making him only tighten his arms' hold on your body. He nuzzled his face against your neck and shoulder, eliciting a muffled squeal from you.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," apologized Teppei though you could hear the cheeky smile on his face, his forehead settling on your shoulder. "You're just so adorable that I couldn't help it~"
You merely made a jab for his leg and said no more, a sigh of defeat leaving you. You rested your head on his body then basked in the warmth he offered.
"Hey, _______-chan?" he called you as he lifted his head away from its place on your shoulder, his voice now more quiet.
You hummed in response, your eyes closed. Teppei's body warmth had made you forget that you were drenched.
"Would you be mad if I told you I actually like this too?"
You opened your eyes, his gentle brown ones coming into view. His brows were creased apologetically, his lips stretched into a sheepish grin. He stared at you unblinkingly, possibly searching for the answer in your tired expression.
A small smile gracing your lips, you laced your fingers through his. His smile widened and made contact with your damp forehead, more than satisfied with your answer.
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