A/N: 3000+ reads!
OMG. I AM DYING HERE. THANK YOUUUUUUU~! *le wild Eru glomps you*
So here's the Akashi fic lots of you wanted. Sorry if it's not that good. I meant to post a Midorima fic first - which I was working on for months. (Like one paragraph a week? LOL.) Anyway. Since today's Akashi's birthday, I made and finished this one instead. XD
Also, there's an OC in this fic. Kanazaki. As for his appearance. . . uh... IMAGINE HIM AS USUI TAKUMI FROM KAICHOU WA MAID-SAMA. Didn't really give it much thought. Haha.
You heaved a long sigh of relief upon finishing dusting the proofs of victory found in a shelf in your master's bedroom. There were medals, trophies, and certificates of all shapes and sizes which not only proved Akashi Seijuro's academic excellence, but also him being a sly tactician and a great basketball player ever since he was in middle school. You took a few steps backwards, admiring your cleaning work. The trophies and medals sparkled like brand new gold. Anyone who'd witness these would marvel on how amazing your Seijuro-sama is.
You walked out of the room with a satisfied grin, walking straight to the living room only to see the backs of your older colleagues (basically, you're the youngest servant in the Akashi household, being about the same age as Seijuro-sama is). They were huddled around the living room as the voice of the energetic announcer from the television made up for the silence of your companions.
Almost everyone in the room jumped for joy, even if it was really expected. Talks and plans about the celebration for the young master's victory started. The cheerful chattering of your colleagues flooded over the television's sounds of the crowd cheering for Rakuzan and others comforting the opposing team, telling them that they're still the winners.
Your eyes were completely glued to the red-haired male flashed in the television screen as the camera followed his team's every move. Your heart immediately did a back-flip as the screen zoomed to his handsome face, showing his emotionless expression. It was as if his expressionless heterochromatic eyes were staring at you as the reporter interviewed him about their victory. Of course, he gave oh-so-perfect responses. It has always been a mystery though; despite winning, he never smiled or even just showed a hint of being glad about it. Pride, could be. Especially today. There was something different. Something colder.
The program ended. Everyone went back to what they were doing. The others started cooking Seijuro-sama's favorite foods, making sure they are cooked to perfection, being the perfectionist the young master is. His personal butler, Kanazaki, who was two years older than you are, approached you with a smile that said everything. You nodded as you followed him outside.
Outside the Akashi Estate parked an expensive-looking limo. Kanazaki opened the door of the seat beside the driver's with a gentle smile. "After you, milady," he said, pretending to be a noble prince from the medieval times opening the carriage's door for you as he bowed with his right hand on his chest. You giggled at this gesture. "Why thank you, my fair prince!" you answered, getting inside the car as you pulled up your imaginary ball gown. He closed the door, went to his seat, then started driving.
"So you didn't go to Seijuro-sama's game today, did you?" he asked as the car took a left turn, his eyes not leaving the road.
You shrugged. "Shida-san needed a hand today; she told me in the morning so I had to go home immediately. Couldn't resist. I also figured Seijuro-sama needed a break from his personal maid." You giggled at you last sentence despite hoping that it wasn't true. As the young master's personal maid, you also studied in Rakuzan High School as his classmate, attending to him whenever needed. Also, you went to his every game, cheering him on at the top of your lungs - not only as his maid but also as a girl who's secretly crushing on him. Besides, he'd need someone to carry his stuff, buy his water and food, and other stuff like that.
Kanazaki chuckled as the car stopped in front of the red light. "Hm. . . I don't think so. I, myself, don't need a break from your presence."
You laughed at his joke. You knew very well that Kanazaki could be such a ladies' man. He's popular in his school and would throw casual but flirty jokes.
"I mean it. I like you."
You stopped laughing, eyeing his facial expression. You expected to see a smirk, a smile, or a lopsided grin. But no. The one he wore on his handsome face was anything but close to what you expected. He looked at you seriously with his emerald green eyes, his golden blonde hair hiding a part of his face. You shifted uncomfortably on your seat. You've never been confessed to - meaning you didn't know how to deal with this. Plus, you see Kanazaki more of an older brother than a potential love interest. You couldn't really imagine going out with him. "Kanazaki-kun, I. . . I don't know what to say..." you muttered, not even sure if he heard it.
"So it's a rejection, huh...?" Kanazaki laughed bitterly. "Figured." You could hear the hurt in his voice masked by his supposed cheerfulness.
You wanted to ease that pain, which, ironically, you caused. But you couldn't do it by being his girlfriend. It's just that you liked someone else. "I... I'm sorry, I---"
"Don't apologize," he said with a fake smile. He looked at you with his now sad green eyes. "It's my fault anyway. If only I worked harder, you would've fell for me instead."
You looked down to your feet. The car accelerated, meaning the light was green. He drove silently. This was not the cheerful and friendly Kanazaki you knew. But it's your fault that he changed personalities during the trip, actually.
Define awkward.
After what seemed like eternity, the Kanazaki pulled the breaks. He opened the door, letting the noise of the bustling sports stadium enter the car. He opened the door for you. You went out of the car, not daring to meet his eyes. "Thanks," you mumbled. Things just started to become awkward between the two of you ever since that rejection happened. The two of you made your way to the entrance of the stadium, where Seijuro-sama would be waiting for you.
Startled, you turned to face the owner of the voice, Kanazaki. "Y...Yes?" you asked awkwardly.
"Please forget what happened in the car. I don't want to ruin our friendship. . ." he requested, his voice filled with absolute sincerity. You nodded slowly, not even sure if you could really forget what happened. It might take an amnesia for you to forget such con -- moment.
A few steps ahead, you immediately saw Seijuro-sama, wearing an ever-so-stoic expression. You could sense him staring at the two of you as you walked steps closer to him.
". . . but I won't give up! I'll definitely make you fall for me!" Kanazaki added with a sly smirk before running off to approach the young master and leaving you completely dumbfounded. He leaned over to the redhead's ear, whispering something. You could've sworn that the young master frowned for a moment before returning to his emotionless face. What's that all about?
You approached the young master with a smile. "Congratulations, Seijuro-sama!" you greeted him, happy that he won though it wasn't much of a surprise. He always wins in any competition he joins. But you still wished you watched how he defeated the opposing team with his superior skill and strategy.
He nodded in response. You felt a different kind of coldness coming from him. "Let's go home," he said as he started walking to the place where the car was parked. The two of you followed. You shot Kanazaki a questioning look. He answered with a grin and a shrug. Confused, you shrugged the thought off your mind. Seijuro-sama probably fought against or met one of his former teammates from his Teiko Middle School days.
Kanazaki opened the back door of the limo for the young Akashi to get in; to which he did. You opened the door to the shotgun seat then sat. At the same time, Kanazaki sat beside you. He smiled fondly at you as if nothing happened earlier, which was actually kind of a relief to you, excluding the fact that he would still do his best to make you fall for him. He turned on the engine when Seijuro-sama called your name.
"What is it, young master?" you asked, turning around to face him. Your eyes met his unreadable heterchromatic eyes staring at you.
". . . My shoulders hurt. Massage them for me," he ordered with much authority.
You immediately went to his side, both worried and confused. He rarely says anything about his body's state. Either he hides the pain so well or he doesn't really feel anything. Maybe he pushed himself too hard during the match. Or has it always been there? This just meant you weren't observant enough as his personal maid. You started massaging his shoulders."Does it hurt here, Seijuro-sama?" you asked as you pressed an area.
He nodded. Kanazaki started driving. You continued massaging his shoulders. No one spoke during the trip back to the Akashi Estate. A few minutes later, you felt the young master's weight pressed against you. Was he really tired? Was he sleeping?
"Seijuro-sama...?" You looked over to see his face. Man, was that a great move. You saw a sleeping Akashi - calm and angel-faced. You felt your heart beat faster as a smile crept to your face. You were lucky to be his personal maid. You could see his different sides - including those that he wouldn't even let his family see. You continued massaging his shoulders gently, careful not to wake him up.
When the car stopped in front of the Akashi Estate, you were almost disappointed. "Seijuro-sama... It's time to wake up..." You nudged his shoulder, waking him up. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, before opening his red eye first before his yellow eye. Kanazaki opened the door, bowing as he did. Seijuro got out of the car, returning to his stoic demeanor. His "emperor state", as people call it. You followed after him. Kanazaki went back to the car to take it back to the garage.
The young master was welcomed inside the mansion by maids bowing in unison, saying, "Congratulations, young master." You trailed three steps behind him, carrying his sports bag. He didn't say anything as he walked straight to his room with you still following him for assistance. When the younger Akashi opened the door and went inside, Kanazaki called, "_______-chan~"
You faced him with questioning eyes. "Let's help out downstairs! They're kind of short on people!" he answered cheerfully, ironically. You nodded in response. You went into Seijuro's room then placed his things into their proper places before walking outside to close the door.
You peeked through the door to see Seijuro sitting on his bed, staring at you. "Yes, young master?"
"They have enough people downstairs. Stay here."
You gave Kanazaki an apologetic look before going inside the room. He made a lopsided smirk before turning around and walking towards the stairs. You went inside then stood beside his bed where he was sitting, pressing stuff on his touchscreen phone. You were used to this kind of thing. You do this everyday when you're not told by the head maid to do something else. During his basketball practices and games, shogi matches, horse back riding sessions, student council work - you were always there. He even handpicked you to be the student body secretary in Rakuzan High for you to fully do your duty.
". . . Um... Do you need something?" you asked after a few minutes of silence.
He tossed his phone to his pillow then looked at you. "You weren't there in the championship game," he said. There was something different in his voice. Something... friendlier? Disappointed? You weren't sure.
Oh. He noticed. It was hard not to smile.
"I apologize, Seijuro-sama. Shida-san needed help," you explained.
"Are you sure?" he inquired, eyeing you suspiciously.
"Yes, young master."
"Then . . . What's your relationship with Kanazaki?"
Taken aback by his next question you only got to say, "Eh?"
"Answer my question."
"We're just... good friends." You looked away. You weren't really sure if 'good friends' was still the right thing to say. After that confession and all. . . friends don't really do those kind of things. And to think that he might court you.
"You're lying, _________. I could see it in your gestures."
You immediately looked at Seijuro-sama, wanting to explain yourself. "I'm not, Seijuro-sama! Honest! We're nothing like lovers! I... couldn't see him that way at all!" you blurted out one sentence after another, defending yourself. You didn't want him thinking that you and Kanazaki were a couple. Not that you have a chance with the young master. . .
He sighed. "I'll believe you, then."
And then there was silence.
You wanted to ask about the chain of questions but you didn't dare. You knew he hated people questioning his authority and his actions. You looked at the window uncomfortably, watching the snowflakes fall on a cold winter night.
You then remembered about how different he looked earlier in the television screen. Maybe something happened? As his maid, you should know everything about him. "Um... Seijuro-sama... Is there something wrong? You didn't seem happy about your victory," you hesitantly asked with much concern.
For a moment, he didn't reply. You felt as if you asked about a touchy subject. You were about to apologize for asking when he sighed then replied, "Fine. I'll answer. I asked you a lot anyway. It was an unfortunate victory..."
What could be so unfortunate about a victory? You waited, hoping to hear him elaborate. And he did.
"The person I wanted to see me win wasn't there. It's as if something was lacking when we were announced as the winner."
His father? Before you could stop yourself, you asked, "Akashi-sama...?" You regretted saying it the moment the word came out of your mouth. It was seldom that he'd open up about his emotions and thoughts. After that question, he may never open up to you again! He'd see you more as a busybody than a friend. Darn it.
He stared at you with an unreadable expression which immediately made you feel uneasy. You were ready to hear hurtful words due to your careless tongue when he said, "It's not him... It's --- Never mind." He looked away, taking his phone.
You didn't dare press further. Another awkward silence came.
"I have a request. But you could refuse, ________," he said finally, breaking the silence.
You looked at him, surprised. "I'm not supposed to---"
He cut you off. "I give you the authority."
"O-Okay. . ." you agreed reluctantly. "What is it, Seijuro-sama?"
". . . Be mine."
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