Chapter 16 PART 2

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5 years had passed since that incident…

I had no longer remembered his face or his name…

And that pain I always endured has already gone.

And now, I’m completely different from my old self. A competent and talented new me…

I started as a model of a magazine then, met Meiko and became an extra of some movies and tv dramas, and later, became an amateur singer.

My only goal now is to become a well-known artist who’s capable of everything…


“Kyaahhh!!! Gakupo!!!!!”, a girl shouted.

“Gakupo!!!!!!!!!!”, another girl again.

From being nobody, here I am a person who’s being loved by everyone.

I love this change… I love this world I have now. It’s totally different from my miserable past.

“Look at me, Gakupo!!!!!!!!!!! Gakupo!!!!!”, a girl from the crowd called me.

Her voice covered up the noises and got my attention so I immediately looked at her but…

I got shock for seeing her…

That girl…

She was the one who said…

“Eww~~~ Disgusting.”

What a surprising moment…

“Gakupo!!!!!”, she screamed again.

So then, I gave her my sweetest smile of all.

“H-he smiled to me!!!”, she said while giggling.

“No!! He smiled to me!”, a girl said.

“No, to me!!!!!”, an another girl said too.

Seeing those people who made fun of me and crashed me down admiring me to the fullest…

I just want to laugh my ass out. *smirks*


2 years later…

My career bloomed more than it was from 5 years ago. I really felt so blessed this time.

And for my 5th album, I have my mini-concert in a mall…

I love all the screams and squeals of the people.

It’s very inspiring and motivating…

And so I did my best to return all their appreciations.

But in the middle of it…

I saw a blue-haired guy watching the concert on the end of the crowd.


Without knowing… I stopped in the middle of the song and dropped the microphone…

S I L E N C E . . .

I began to jump down at the stage and ran toward the crowd unaware of what’s going on.

All I thought on that time… I have to see that guy again…

But before I can make it to the line…

Meiko grabbed me. “Gakupo!! What are you doing??!!!”, she said in low tone with a pissed expression.

I got surprise and be on myself.

“You’re in the middle of your concert. Go back. GO BACK TO THE STAGE.”, she added with stressing.

“I-I understand… I’m so sorry…” I replied to her and looked again to the blue-haired guy though… he’s already gone…

I thought… I thought I have already forgotten about him… but why I reacted like this???...


“Gakupo~~~”, she (A random girl. As earlier, it’s been said that Gakupo was a Casanova) said as she giggled and kissed me.

I respond to her kiss.

“You must be so stress, aren’t you?”, she said and caressed my hair.

“Yeah…”, I replied and began to kiss her but…

“Here.”, a voice said and I remembered that blue-haired guy’s warm smile…

I stopped.

“What’s wrong???”, she asked worriedly.

I got up.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“I’m tired… I want to sleep now.”, I replied and left the hotel.


When I got home…

Uuuggghhh… What is this???... What’s his name again??? Uuugghh… I can’t remember… I can’t remember his face too… But… why I’m thinking about that guy again???…

And then, I just looked at the window blankly for the whole night…


Three weeks after…

“Yo, Gaku-san!”, Yuma greeted me.

“Yo.”, I replied.

“What’s wrong with you??? You’re always thinking deeply and you don’t have focus. That’s not like you.”, he said and chuckled.

ANNOYED. “Nah, I’m just thinking of someone I used to know…”

“Really??? Are you inlove???”

“Quit that damn teasing, Yuma.”

He just laughed.

Oh. Why don’t I just ask him about that guy? For what I remember, he’s so attracted with him... Maybe… he’s one of his fans now.

“Ei, Yuma. Do you know a blue-haired guy who always wears a scarf?”, I asked him.

“Blue-haired guy? Umm… I have met lots of guys with blue hair but always wearing a scarf??? It’s December now… how can I recognize him???”, he answered.

He got a point. I sighed.

“But even it’s not December; do you know a guy like that???”

“Totally no, Gaku-san.”

“I see.”


“Ah. Nothing.”

Impossible. I thought that guy loves him so much but it’s surprisingly that he’s not one of his fans today… I thought he would actually build a fans club for this guy… =____=

But in some points… I’m relieved…


3 years had passed… To count as 10 years after that incident…

I’m still not over searching that guy… =_____=

Is he a rat or a cockroach or something???? I can’t find him…

But… Wait…

What’s my reason for finding him from the first place???...

I’m crazy…

Riiinnnnggggg~ Rinnnnnggggg~

I answered my phone. “Hello.”

“Goodmorning~”, Meiko greeted me.

“What do you want???”, I said to her with piss.

“You’re really that mean… Well I just want you to go at my office.”


“Just go here!”, she answered. “Don’t forget to wear your boots, okay?”, she added.

“HUUUUHHHH????!!! Are you being serious???”

“Serious as HELL!! So get your butt move!!!”, she exclaimed and turned off the call.

AARRGGHHH!!!! I hate that woman!!! REALLY!!!!


In her office…

Looked like she’s still not already here… I yawned loudly.

I sat at the sofa and started to wear these DAMN BOOTS!!!! The worst was I forgot to wear my contact lens!!! AARRGGHHH!!!!

“Curse that witch!!!! I already told her that I don’t like wearing boots!!! How many times do I have to tell her???!!!!!”, I murmured.

But… after 9 or 10 minutes I still can’t wear them… I’m hopeless…



“Excuse me. Would you like me to help you out?”, a stranger said.

Huh??? Since when this guy’s here???

“No, thanks. I can do this.”, I immediately declined and started to wear my boots but can’t…

“I’ll help you now.”, he said and got my boot and gently wore it to me and the other one too.

Wow. He has a blue hair and… is it a scarf???… Yeah.. It’s a scarf…  Funny~ He’s like the person I’m still finding.

I got shock.

“Done.”, he said and smiled.

Badump Badump Badump Badump

That smile… even if it’s blurred…

Badump Badump Badump Badump

That smile… I knew it…

It’s still the warm smile I’d fallen of…

“Thanks. Who are you?”, I said immediately.

He stood up and bowed his head. “Ah! I’m Shion Kaito. I’m Meiko Sakine’s new assistant.”, he said.

Badump Badump Badump Badump

How funny~~~ How many times did I seek this person??? He’s just the one who’ll show himself to me…


But then… just like before… He’s still inlove with Yuma…

“P-please! Please stop! I-I’m inlove with Yuma!”

I know… I already know…

I want to convey my feelings to him… I want it to reach him but…

I always ended up… hurting him instead…

“You… You threw away my chance! I just want to know Yuma more!! But you pushed him away!! I.. I just want to at least, try to have a talk with him…”

Then, I’d gone so far and hit the nail…


It’s my fault…

I’m selfish after all…

But still in the end…

Loving a person who’s in love with someone… it’s… SUICIDAL…

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