Chapter 20! - 12:00

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This is the biggest chapter so far! It's the most important one!!! Love you guys soooooo much!!! But you already knew that ;P


Belle's POV

I was walking on the other side of the bridge, where there was actual solid ground, just admiring the view. I leant on the barrier, staring at the beautiful hills before me. It was so perfect. The light hitting the tops of the mountains before me was mesmerising. I just stood there thinking. About mum, Thomas, dad, Ciara, the Guardians and Jack. When I thought about Jack, I found myself smiling so broadly my cheeks started to hurt.

All of a sudden, I heard a rumble and the ground beneath me started to shake. What?! I quickly pushed myself away from the barrier and stared at the ground as it shook beneath me. It was difficult to stay stable! I looked around me and there was snow slipping off some of the mountains around me, hurdling towards the ground at record speeds. Oh my god! I looked up to the steep hill behind me and saw small clumps of snow falling. No! I needed to run! I started running towards the bridge, but a massive chunk of snow hit it and it snapped, falling into the steep canyon below me with a large crash. Trapped with my heart beating almost out of my ribcage, I ran the other way.

No! No! Giant chunks of snow were still falling. Not only that, but it was following and gaining on me! I could hear it crashing into the hill I was on, right behind me! Run Belle! Run! I was running far faster than I thought I could! Then a chunk landed right beside me, obliterating the wood, and I screamed covering my head, tripping a little. Too close! Way too close! It was right behind me now and gaining fast! I mean it was so close I could feel the cold radiating off it.

Jack's POV

The ground was shaking beneath our feet. Earthquake! The whole workshop shook. Wait! If the whole workshop was shaking...!

"Belle!" I yelled. My body took over and I flew as fast as I could to the door and out a window. I stopped for a moment. Where is she?! Then I heard some of the cliff edge break off, bounce down it and smash into a hill in the distance. That was immediately followed by a scream.

I could hardly breathe. I flew as fast as possible towards the scream. I turned a corner and could see her running for her life as the snow caught up with her. NO! The northern lights lit up the sky, signalling we needed help. NOW! I sped off towards Belle and could hardly see her behind the falling snow. It was gaining on her! I needed to go faster! My eyes watered and I became so scared so quickly.

"BELLE!" I called, just as I lost sight of her behind the snow.

"JACK! HEL...!" and she was cut off. My heart stopped.

"NOO!!!!" I yelled, pushing harder to go faster. Then the snow stopped falling off the cliff and settled. Belle was nowhere to be seen. No.

Belle's POV

"BELLE!" I heard Jack call in the distance. Unless he were to grab me within the next five seconds, there was no way I would escape this.

"JACK! HEL...!" But the snow hit my back and within that second, I was pushed to the ground, covered and surrounded by snow instantly. I couldn't see anything. It felt like my whole body was broken as the pressure from the tonnes of snow sitting on me crushed my every fibre. Stabbing pain overtook my body and I tried to scream but couldn't. No! How could I escape something like this?! I could feel the cold flowing through me like a wave. I somehow managed to grasp onto the white rose I wore around my neck and with the other hand I reached out through the snow, hoping to reach the surface so I could dig myself out. But I could only reach more snow. My chest was burning as my lungs begged for air.

That's when my whole life flashed before my eyes. Images of my mum, my dad, my sister, our memories together, the happy ones. Moments where I laughed and cried and smiled. Meeting Thomas. Seeing Tooth. North. Bunny. Sandman. The yetis. Jack. The last thing I saw was Jack and I hugging. I never got to tell him I loved him. Then my whole body became weak and I couldn't move just as I began to lose my vision. The black peeked from the sides of my eyes before completely covering them. That's when I lost feeling in my body, my chest caved in and I felt my heart stop.

Jack's POV

I landed on the snow pile where I had last seen Belle and dug like crazy. Tears streamed down my face as I clawed at the snow. No. This can't be happening! No! I frantically dug like that for what seemed like eternity.

"Jack! What's going on mate?" I heard Bunny say.

"Belle's under! Help me dig!" I begged him, not taking my eyes off the snow beneath me. I didn't stop. I just kept going. Instantly, Bunny was beside me and we were digging together. We were doing it furiously too. Before I knew it, Tooth, North, Sandy, yetis and a lot of Tooth Fairies were fiercely bulldozing the snow.

We were there for hours. My arms ached and my eyes were dry from all of the tears I had shed. So much snow had been ripped up and thrown behind us. Then I heard a gasp.

"Jack!" I heard Tooth call. I immediately flew over and saw Tooth hold her hands to her mouth as she backed away from the spot she had been digging. Everyone froze. I looked to where she had been digging and saw a pale, almost purple hand poking out of the snow with a finger positioned to almost point out more.

"Belle!" I frantically dug around the hand and after a couple of seconds, the whole forearm was visible. Then I felt hair. I carefully yet quickly forked out her head and torso. Her face was so pale as her lips sat parted slightly. Her eyes were closed as loose bits of snow sat on her eye lashes. Everyone helped me dig the rest of her body out. I burst into tears when I saw her fingers clasped around the necklace I had given her. Once she was completely out, I held her in my arms. With shaky hands, I checked her pulse. Hoping. But there was nothing. No pulse. No breath escaping her lips. I swear I felt my heart literally rip in two pieces.

"She's dead," I somehow managed, holding her head up to my chest. I didn't think I could cry anymore, but I did. There was just silence as I sat there, sobbing, pressing my forehead against hers. I couldn't stand it. Belle lay dead in my arms.

I didn't get to tell her I love her.

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