Chapter 12 - You Owe Me

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I love cliff hangers after chapters so sorry about the last one, but you'll see how it turns out. Thanks for reading and stuff!


Jack's POV

I was trying as hard as I could to fight the black cloud of sand. When suddenly, I heard screaming. I looked down and saw Belle and Ciara falling. No! Belle manoeuvred herself over to Ciara to hold her close. Of course, I flew as fast as I could to them. They held each other tightly and I could see faintly tears flying off the backs of their heads. I couldn't let them die. Fighting back tears of what ifs, I reached out my staff, struggling to get close enough to them. It can't end like this. I can't just let them die. Eventually, I hooked my staff tip onto a body, hoping it was both, I yanked at it and Belle slipped into my arms. But only Belle.

"No!!" she screamed into my shoulder as her sister continued to fall. I was too late. I couldn't go after her now. Holding Belle while trying to get Ciara would be too difficult. But I had to try.

"Hold on tight! And don't let go!" I said to Belle. She tightened her grip on my jumper so I could controllably plummet towards Ciara. We were getting too close to the ground. Belle dug her head into my shoulder. I had to do this. For her. We were at the same height as buildings now. I couldn't risk Belle dying with me.

Belle's POV

Jack had saved me, but Ciara was still falling.

"Hold on tight. And don't let go!" he said to me. I clenched a full handful of jumper before we continued to fall. Please Jack! Please! I mentally begged him. Jack, Ciara and I were now going to slam into the ground. I had to close my eyes, unable to withstand the air drying them out, digging my head into Jack's shoulder.

Then he threw me out of his grip.

I opened my eyes to see the top of a building. Landing on it, I rolled, lost my jacket and scratched various parts of my arms. But I didn't care. If he threw me when we were this close to the ground... No! I scrambled up and ran over to look over the edge of the building. I was forty storeys off the ground, but looking down, I only saw Jack, laying lifeless on the floor. Across, on a lower building lay Ciara, awake and alive in Bunny's arms. Jack had thrown her to Bunny on a different roof top to save her.

"JACK!" I yelled. I bolted to the emergency exit and down all those stairs.

"No, no, no, no, no!" kept running around in my head as I skipped numerous steps. My heart was in my throat, my arms stung and my mind boggled over. But I didn't care. Right now, I only cared about Jack. Bursting through the door on the bottom floor, I paused for a moment, trying to remember where Jack was. Then I saw him laying on the floor in the distance.

"Jack!" I screamed, tears running down my cheeks. Just as the other Guardians appeared from the door to the other building they had been on top of. I skid a little as I came to Jack's side. I lifted his head up carefully, placing it on my lap.

"Jack! Please!" I said, stroking some loose hair from his face. Unconscious after falling from that height. Not a good sign. Tears streamed down my cheeks, falling off my chin and onto his face.

"Don't leave me Jack!" I begged him. The Guardians walked over and just stood there, knowing there was nothing they could do. Tooth gasped upon seeing Jack in such a state and turned to North who embraced her. I held his head close to my chest. I couldn't control my crying anymore. I just couldn't stop.

"You're more than just frost. You're more than just snow days. To the world, you may not exist. But to me, you are the world," I whispered into his ear. I looked up and saw his staff. Broken and battered. I reached over and picked up the two pieces.

"Belle you can't fix it. Only Jack can and he told us that was really difficult," Tooth said, pulling away from North. I noticed she was walking. One of her wings was twisted.

"I don't care. I have to try," I cried. Then I heard a menacing laugh I recognised.

"You really think you can help him?" Pitch asked.

"You tried to kill my sister!" I yelled at him.

"Hm..." Pitch said as if it didn't mean anything that we were almost killed. Bunny readied his boomerangs, Sandy his sand whips and North his swords.

"He's not worth it..." I said. They scowled at him before lowering their weapons. I held the pieces of staff in hand, one in each as I stood up, carefully placing Jack's head back on the ground. I could do this. I had to do this. For Jack.

"Please work," I said as I slammed the two pieces of wood together, holding my eyes shut. I focused on the staff and nothing but the staff. It's what helps Jack channel his ability to control snow, frost and ice. And maybe, just maybe, it could help him. I knew there was a strong bond between Jack and his staff, so perhaps fixing the staff would help him. If I could fix it, for goodness sake! Then I heard a spark noise and a crackle too. Opening my eyes, I saw a pink light as the staff fixed itself. Pink?

"It's working!" Bunny said amazed. I could only smile ever so surprised.

"No..." Pitch mumbled.

"You better run Pitch," I stated, half threatening him. My confidence was suddenly boosted. He looked worried and frightened at the same time. Almost immediately, Pitch flew off, disappearing into the distance. The light began to get brighter, causing the Guardians to cover their eyes and for me to squint. Then finally, the light dimmed and I looked at the staff. It was back together! Oh my god! One solid piece like it had never broken at all!

"I did it!" I almost squealed. I turned happily to Jack. I couldn't help but drop the smile when I saw nothing had happened to him. He wasn't awake. Surely it had done something! I rushed over to him again and held the staff firmly in one hand.

"I did it Jack. Please. Please wake up!" I said placing my forehead on his.

Suddenly, there was a groan.

I jumped back in shock as Jack slowly sat up, rubbing his head. My heart leaped in my chest, reaching the bottom of my throat.

"You're okay!" I uncontrollably squealed, jumping on him in a hug.

"Of course I'm okay. I'm immortal, remember?" he smiled, hugging me back.

"Are you okay? Ciara?" I pulled away and nodded.

"We're alright," I smiled. Bunny put Ciara down and she ran over to me with her arms open wide. I engulfed her and held her as close as I could. We had been so close to death, I hadn't realised how much I had needed to hold her without the thought of impending death.

"My staff... I thought it would have snapped, falling from that height...?" Jack said, picking up the staff I had put down. Ciara let me go and ran back over to Bunny.

"It did. It snapped in half," Tooth said.

"Then how..."

"Belle fixed it!" North said, very proudly. Jack looked at me amazed and shocked. I loved the way he looked. It made me feel so happy, seeing the joy and amazement in his eyes.

"You fixed my staff? How is that possible?" he asked, his amazement turning into a sexy half smile. I could only shrug at him with this massive smile on my face. I don't even know how I did it. I was just a normal person. I was, selfishly I suppose, proud of fixing Jack's staff as it made me feel special.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Pitch had said about Ciara, Jack and dad all having their greatest fears revolve around me. But Pitch is trying to get into my head, I kept thinking to myself. He wants me to question what he's said. That's why he told me all that stuff; to get into my head.

"We need to get Ciara back home. You too Belle," North said. Sandy nodded in agreement.

"What? Home? As in... to stay there?" I asked. I didn't want to go home. I was having such an amazing adventure with the Guardians. Besides almost dying twice of course. I didn't want it to just be over.

"We'll see. We'll talk to your dad, okay?" North asked. I lowered my head and nodded. I hadn't seen Sandy's hideout yet. Nor had I discovered my centre. I thought that was one of the points of this whole thing; to discover my centre. And to make me believe in myself, which wasn't really happening yet either. We had to walk back to my house. The only ones that could fly were Jack and Sandy, and considering how there were two of them and five of us, that wasn't really a good idea. Sandy suggested making a bus for us, but we protested, deciding it would be better to walk. That way we could have more time to talk.

"So, where were you guys when Ciara and I were 'talking' to Pitch?" I asked.

"Fighting off Nightmares," Bunny said.

"One injured my wing," Tooth said sadly.

"May I?" I asked, gesturing to the wing. She hastily nodded in reply and stopped walking. I stepped up to the wing and lifted the delicate piece of whatever her wing is made out of so it would stand straight like the other one.

"Jack could you please blow frost onto it?" I asked. His eyebrow was raised as if to ask if I was sure this would not hurt Tooth.

"It'll be fine. I promise," I smiled, ironically. He rolled his eyes at me before pursing his lips.

"This is going to be cold," I warned Tooth. Jack blew frosty air onto where the crease in the wing was and a frost pattern formed along the line.

"By the time the frost melts, your wing should be repaired," I smiled. I wasn't exactly sure how I knew that would work, but the idea had popped into my head so I thought I may as well try and help out.

"Wow! Thanks Belle!" Tooth said, fluttering her wings with a joyful grin on her expression.

"Anything to help." So we kept walking along the slippery footpath.

"Sorry we couldn't help more with the whole falling thing," Bunny said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Don't be! You were busy and we all turned out okay. Jack gave me one hell of a fright though!" I said, nudging Jack's side. He chuckled and I couldn't help but giggle with him.

"Thank you, by the way. For saving not only my life, but Ciara's," I said to Jack as we fell behind the others.

"I couldn't just let you die," he said, half smiling at the ground.



"Pitch told me some things when I was up there..." I gestured.

"Whatever it was, they were lies," Jack said almost immediately.

"So you don't like me and your greatest fear isn't losing me?" I nervously half chuckled. Alright, so perhaps that wasn't the best way to bring up that subject, but I'm an awkward teenager.

"He... he told you that?" Jack asked, moving in front of me to walk backwards, facing me. I just nodded.

"Is it true?" I couldn't help but feel nervous for his response. If what Pitch has told me wasn't true, then I would feel so stupid for asking, and for secretly hoping too. But if it was...

"Yes..." It felt like my whole chest caved in on itself and I couldn't stop a smile creeping across my face, though I lowered my head to try and hide it.

"What?" he chuckled, noticing my not-very-well-hidden smile.

"Oh nothing. It's just... I never thought my first crush could ever be Jack Frost!" I giggled, still nervous.

"You like me?" I looked up and he shot me the biggest smile I had ever seen. He looked so surprised and happy and the same time, I couldn't help but laugh. God, we were so cheesy! Like some preteens out of a kids book! No wait, movie. No kids read any more. How sad right? How no kids read books anymore. TV and movies have become a big part of their lives. I loved books as a kid!

Anyway, going off topic. Jack liked me! I felt like exploding!

"Why me? What's so special about me? My dad's greatest fear involves me, Ciara's involves me, yours involves me... the moon talked to me twice for goodness sake. I'm just a normal girl Jack. There's nothing amazing about me..." I stated.

"Maybe that's why we met you. To help find out why you're so special," Jack suggested smiling.

"...Maybe." Then there was silence.

"I don't know much about you Belle..." Jack gestured.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Uh... favourite colours?" How adorably basic!

"Green, pink and red," I smiled. He seemed to find this very interesting.

"Favourite flowers?"

"White roses covered in snow! They're the most beautiful things in the world!" I said, smiling. I truly thought they were. Jack found my enthusiasm funny and chuckled.

"What do you do in your spare time? Like... your 'you' time?" this question seemed more serious escaping his lips. Why? I didn't know.

"I like ice skating and reading mainly..."

"Have you ever been anywhere besides Burgess?"

"No. I want to travel the world, see everything I possibly can before I die. But I know I'll have to look after my sister until she's old enough to move out, and by then I'll have to look after dad so he's not alone..."

"What about you? When do you plan on living your life?" he asked.

"I dunno," I shrugged. I hadn't expected such a serious question from someone with such a playful character

"What about you Jack? What's your back story? Besides saving your sister. Who were you before you became Jack Frost?" I asked. I was really interested to know. Although dad had told me numerous times that Jack was real, he never told me his backstory. Or that of any of the others.

"Before I was Jack Frost? She was six years younger than me, my sister. Ciara reminds me so much of her too. The only memories I have of my life before, come from my teeth that Tooth has at the Palace. I know my name has always been Jack..." he chuckled, unsure of what to say next.

"The accident happened at the lake one day, the one down the road surrounded by forest..."

"You lived here?" I interrupted. He nodded. Wow!

"The Moon chose you because of the way your saved your sister, didn't he? Your centre... is fun?" I realised.

"Exactly! It took me over three hundred years to figure out and it took you less than two days!" he smiled. I had totally forgotten I was talking to Jack Frost. It was just like talking to a normal person, which I didn't do very often any way... but still.

"You looked different before, didn't you? I guess white hair and blue eyes suit the 'frost' theme more. But you've still got brown eyebrows..." I giggled. Then there was silence as Jack returned to my side.

"You're amazing Jack. Really you are. You saved your sister from drowning, by playing a game! That's incredible!" I said, nudging his side to try and cheer him up. There were so many ways he was amazing, I just wish he would realise it.

"Thanks," he half smiled, looking at me. Our eyes locked and I saw that beautiful shade of blue. They were once brown? He would look so different with brown hair and eyes!

"I owe you big time. For saving my life, and Ciara's."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jack teased.


It's kind of strange that I made one of Belle's favourite colours pink because I strongly dislike pink. I just think it's so stereotypical. My favourite colour is light blue but I thought I might make Belle a little different from me though her basic character is based on myself. That's just because I'm not great at creating completely new characters; I always base them off someone I know. Thanks again! :D

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