Chapter 20

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Yuna's POV

We're currently in the meeting

My head on Chaeryeong Unnie's shoulder 

While Lia unnie is trying to give me some water

"I want to attack them"I said my voice is full of hatred

"But young miss,We are out numbered,most of the skilled guards are killed and injured,our guards together with the whole guards of the Green Dragon members are still no match to the Black Rose"Mr.Kim a member of Green Dragons said

The elites are gathered in the mansion after hearing the attack last night

I stood up


Chaeryeong unnie held my hand and to be honest...It calmed me down a little

"Yuna we cant attack them just like that,like Mr.Kim said we are out numbered if we attacked it might be the end of Green dragons,We have to gather more members who have high numbers of guards"Chaeryeong unnie said

"But almost all of the elites in South Korea is already a member of Green Dragons"Lia unnie said

"If we have to recruit members around the world then we will,we have to make Green Dragons stronger to avenge Ryujin and to take my sister back"Chaeryeong unnie replied

"Mr.Kim go around the world with Mr.Park and recruit more members for Green dragon's I dont care if they're elites or not as long as they have plenty of guards,don't comeback if we haven't reached 500 members"I ordered

"We will obey your order young miss"Mr.Kim and Mr.Park said and bowed

"Dismissed"I said

They all bowed before leaving

When everyone left I fell on my knees crying

"Yuna...Please be strong we're doing this for your unnie"Lia unnie said while rubbing my back for comfort

How?How can I avenge my sister at this state?

I feel pain whenever they call me young miss

My sister used to own that tittle

"We can do this Yuna,for our parents,for your sister,and for my sister,please hang in there,me and lia unnie is still here"Chaeryeong unnie said and hugged me

I allowed my self to cry on her shoulders

Ryujin unnie....

Please...I'm begging on how to be a great leader like you...

Yeonjun's POV

*6 months Later*

"My daughter is here to see you young master"Mr.Jeon said

"Bring her in"I said

He bowed and fetched her daughter

A girl with long blonde hair bowed in front of me

"Jeon So-mi am I right?"I asked

"Yes young master"she replied

"You're Mr.Jeon's Spy in the Shin's mansion 6 months ago"I said

"I am"she said

I smiled

"You did well,what brings you here"I asked and approached her

"I am here to join the Black Rose"she said

I smiled

"You are free to do that,but to prove your loyalty,you must reveal your real face behind that silver mask of yours"I said and held her mask

She slowly untied her mask from behind and she let me remove the silver mask from her face

She looked at me and I smiled

"Who knew you have such a beautiful daughter Mr.Jeon"I said as I went back to my seat

"Welcome to the group So-mi"I said

She bowed and went to her father

I went to my room where Yeji is locked up

"How are you my dear"I said and tried to kissed her but she looked away

"What do you want"she said

I chuckled

"I am here to inform you that,we have a new member"I said

"The hell I care"she replied

"I heard you didn't get along with her back in the mansion"I said

And that made her look at me

"Jeon So-mi remember her?who knew she's also Black Rose's spy"I said and laughed

Yeji's POV



Why did she join this hell of a group?

I thought she loves Ryujin,why is she joining the group who killed her

"It's been 6 months since your precious Shin died and yet you haven't let me taste that lips of yours"he said

"Stay away from me"I said

"I cant do that baby"he said and held my face

I quickly slapped his hands away from me

He pushed me on the wall and forcefully kissed me

I tried pushing him away but its no use

He started kissing my neck 

"Please stop!I'm begging you!"I begged

My tears started rolling on my cheeks

He ripped my shirt and continued marking my neck with his disgusting mouth

"Yeonjun please stop!"I cried out again

He was about to kiss my breast when a knock on the door was heared

And I thank all the Gods from above for sending someone to knock on the door

"Young master,you have a meeting with the elites"probably one of his guards said

"Coming"Yeonjun said finally letting me go

I quickly picked my ripped shirt up and covered my upper body as I cry on the floor

I glared at him with full hatred on my eyes

He left with his guard making sure to lock the door 

I hugged my knees as I cried on the corner of this hell room

God please end this suffering of mine... take me there with you

I cant imagine my self being touched by that demon...

"My Loveguard" prologue is finally out!its a Ryeji book again I hope you support it! <3


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