" I'd date you"

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    POV Abby:

   Looking at Max I bite my lip, "she's so hot" I say under my breath. "Did I just say that out loud?" I asked with wide eyes. Max backs away from me smiling. " Crap, Max I didn't mean that I swear." I say as my heart races really fast, I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. 

  " Wait." Max says hesitating. " You think I'm mad?" Max starts laughing and playfully pushes my shoulder. Everything goes silent again and max leans her head closer to mine. Looking from my lips to my eyes max sat there smiling. I bite my lip once more as she moves closer touching her soft lips against mine. She tastes a little bit like beer and the mint gum she was eating earlier. I slide my hand from her back,  to her face pushing her hair behind her ears. She breaks the kiss and looks at me. Max starts laughing nervously "wow. that was something" she smiles at me. She stops smiling and looks me dead in the eye. " You never answered my question" she says frowning. Did she really need me to say it, I mean we just kissed, and I'm the shade of a damn tomato. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

" It's true" I say without opening my eyes. I can hear the pattering of my heart. I wanted to get up and walk out the door, I didn't know what to do or say. Maxine kisses all of her friends especially when she's drunk so I doubt she Li. Max cuts me off, placing her hand on my shoulder she says.

 " Ok good." I raise my eyebrows.

  "Good" I say in a questionable voice. She smiles at me and leans over to my ear. 

" I like you back" she whispers in my ear. Shivers ran down my spine, I can't tell if it's from what she said or the fact that she just whispered in my ear. I start to blush really hard as Press comes stumbling up the stairs. " What's up Babygirl" he says squeezing my thigh. I closed my eyes really hard clenching my fists. 

" Get the HELL away from her" Max says pushing him into the coffee table. He punches the table and walks away.

 " Yeah whatever, don't be coming to me later Abigail."  I was shaking almost in tears oblivious to everything when I felt arms wrap around my body. 

 "Shh, its ok, your safe, I promise you." I start to break down in tears as I rest my head on Max. I nodded as she kissed my forehead. "Everything will be ok Abby, trust me."

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