Battle of Siblings

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Wonder Woman picks up Cheetah and has her sword  ready to slit her throat but Harley Quinn shows up.

Harley: (shoots the sword out of  Diana's hand) She's had enough, Wonder Bread!

Wonder Woman: This isn't your business, Clown!

Harley: You heard Bats: no killing!

Wonder Woman: you lecture me?!  How much blood is on your ledger, Quinn?!

HARLEY: Oh, buckets full, honey.  I was tryin' too hard to impress the wrong
guy kinda like you with Superman!

Wonder Woman looks at Harley in anger at the thought her and Superman was like Harley and Joker. She goes and throws Cheetah to the side. She picks up her sword from the floor and rushes Harley who is shooting at her.  Wonder Woman uses her bracelet to block the bullets that were shot at her by the clown.  She gets to Harley and stabs her with her blade. Supergirl has only just showed up and was shocked and upset at what Diana had done

Supergirl: NO!

As Wonder Woman takes Harley off her sword, Supergirl flies in and kicks her away.  She lands next to Harley.

Supergirl: You're losing too much blood!  This is gonna hurt a lot.

Harley: (smiling) Heh even better

Supergirl uses her heat vision to stop the wound from bleeding. Harley screams in pain and agony. That is when Wonder Woman runs towards Kara and stops a few feet away

Wonder Woman: What do you think you're doing, Kara?!

Supergirl: (standing) Stopping you before you make a mistake.

Wonder Woman: That lunatic DESERVES to die!

Supergirl: Maybe but she's defenceless.  She's had no trial! You told me Amazons fought with honor!

Then they heard loud footsteps and looked behind them to see you standing there menacingly. You had you golden Ghidorah armor on and Diana looked shocked to see you. Harley gives a small smile as well as Supergirl. You approach them.

Y/n: I will take care of her Supergirl, get Harley to a hospital or something.

Even though she wanted to fight Diana, Kara nodded at you and looked at Wonder Woman. Still upset about what she has done to Harley.

Supergirl: (upset) I trusted you, Diana! (flies to Harley, picks her up) You're gonna be okay. (takes off with Harley) I'll get you to a doctor. Kal can protect you.

Harley: (weakly) Superman? (giggles) Oh, Blondie, yer funny.

Supergirl wonders what Harley meant by what she had said about her cousin as she carries her to a hospital. Meanwhile with you and Diana, you gave her a look of hatred and disgust. You had grown to hate her as she is not on your side of the war but her one the other hand was sad and angry. Angry that you hate her for siding with Superman and she felt sad because she was going to fight you.

Y/n: I can't believe you are daughter of Queen Hippolyta. How would you think mother would feel that you were fighting alongside an evil, power hungry tyrant.

Wonder Woman: I do not care, I love Superman and no one will tell me otherwise.

You two started circling eachother other and waited for one another to stop before she started to dash at you. She went to slash you with her sword but your armor took care of that problem as when the sword connected with the golden armor, it broke in two. You then tackled her into a wall and started beating the crap out of her. You kept punching and kneeing her except she wasn't doing anything back. You stopped and checked her pulse. It was still beating which was good. She was only unconscious and you walked away with her in your hands.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter, I will see you in the next one. Goodbye.

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