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{Skipping time/Still Freya's POV}

I wrapped a towel around my body before looking around to see there was no spare clothes, I facepalmed when I realised that I didn't grab any. Sighs before unlocking the door and walking to mines and Josh's room, I keep a grip on the towel before knocking. I hear giggling before the door opens and I'm pulled in and before pushed into Josh's gaming chair then circled by the other girls

"I'll work on her hair" Jenny said and grabbed the hair dryer

"I'll do makeup" Natalie said and grabbed the foundation

"I'll look for shoes and a bag to match her dress since we haven't found one yet" Tami said and went to the closet

"I'm so confused" I said

"Just sit there and do nothing" Tami said

"Nothing at all" Natalie and Jenny said at the same time before they got to work, I huffed and just relaxed in the chair

{Skipping Time}

"Done" Jenny said

"Done" Natalie said

"Guess what?" Tami asked

"What?" I asked

"Done! Now put the dress and heels on but no looking in the mirror, we'll wait outside" Tami said and they left, I stood up and dropped my towel before slipping on bra, underwear then the dress. I put the heels on

"YOU CAN COME BACK IN" I shouted and the door opened, the girls gasped before squealing

"We did a really good job" Jenny said

"Josh is going to have trouble keeping his hands off you" Tami said and winked, I blushed

"Great timing! Josh is waiting downstairs, well all the guys are waiting" Natalie said, Jenny handed me the clutch bag

"Can I at least look in the mirror first?" I asked

"Yea, go for it" Natalie said and I looked in the mirror (MEDIA) okay, wow. They did a really good job

"Let's go Freya, don't wanna keep the boy waiting now do we?" Tami asked, the girls let me out first before following me. I walked down the stairs and I felt eyes on me, I looked up to see them all just staring at me but I also noticed that Josh was wearing a suit. Well not a suit but definitely something formal (Basic words, what Josh wore at the Joe & Caspar movie premiere) Josh held his hand out which I accepted and he helped me down the last few steps

"You look beautiful" Josh said once I was stood in front of him, I blushed

"Thanks, the girls actually helped me" I said

"We expect our money now" Jenny said

"In cash" Natalie said

"No cheques or credit card pay" Tami said, I watched as Simon, Tobi and Ethan all covered their girlfriend's mouth

"They said nothing" Simon said

"Go enjoy your night you two" Tobi said

"Use protection" Ethan said

"And we are leaving after that" Josh said before grabbing my hand and leading me out

"BYE" I shouted as I'm pulled out the front door, I giggle and Josh unlocks his car before opening the passenger's side. He lets go of my hand

"Thank you" I said and kissed his cheek before getting in, Josh closes the door once I'm in then jogs around and gets into the driver's side. I put my seatbelt on

"Do I get to know where we are going?" I asked

"Nope! It's a surprise" Josh said and started the car

"Can't I have a little hint?" I asked as Josh pulled out the driveway

"Nope" Josh said, I huffed and just stared out the window

{Skipping Journey since they are boring to write}

Josh pulled up to a hotel and I looked at him confused

"Why a hotel?" I asked

"This is where I set the night up since I'm too tired to drive again" Josh said and I rolled my eye playfully before laughing

"Come on lazy" I said and took my seatbelt off, Josh got out and closed the door before jogging around and opening the door for me. I smile and he holds up his hand for me which I accept, he helps me out before closing the door. He lets go of my hand and holds his arm out which I giggle and link arms with him. He leads the way and I follow him into the hotel, we go straight to the lifts so I was guessing that Josh had the room key already

"So we are in a hotel for what? A date? Night? A get away?" I asked

"I'll say a date but a get away sounds better" Josh said and we walked into the lift, Josh hits the floor button

"Just a nice get away from the house" I said

"More like our crazy friends" Josh said and we both chuckled

"But you gotta give them credit for helping me" Josh said

"I will tomorrow but that's if the night goes well" I said

"It will, I promise" Josh said as the lift door opened, we walked out and Josh led the way

"Close your eyes" Josh said as we stood outside the hotel room

"Why?" I asked

"Just do it" Josh said and I sighed before closing my eyes, I heard the door being opened then I was picked up. I squealed and wrapped my arms around Josh's neck as he walked in, I kept my eyes closed. My bag was taken out of my hand then I heard another door open before Josh walked out, I felt a small breeze and Josh let me down

"Open your eyes" Josh said and I opened my eyes before smiling, it was a balcony date (Media) There was petals on the floor around the table, I walked over to the railings and looked at the view of London. I smiled at the city lights before looking at Josh

"Dinner for two?" He said and pulled out a chair for me, I giggled and walked over before sitting down. Josh sat on the chair beside me

"I hope you're ok with Nando's?" Josh asked and revealed the food, I laughed

"Of course" I said and Josh smiled before giving me a quick kiss then we both begin to eat

{Skipping Dinner}

I relaxed in my chair as we finished eating

"God that was a lot" I said

"I know, when I asked for meal for two. I didn't think it would be this much" Josh said and chuckled, I giggled and looked at him. He smiled and stood up before holding out his hand for it, I smiled and accepted. Josh helped me up

"You know I love you right?" Josh said and lead me to the railings

"Yea and I love you too" I said

"Freya, have you realised that a lot has changed since we started to date? I mean I moved places, started a group with 6 other guys who are now my brothers. We have been together for 5 years and going strong. The fans love you, the guys love you, the girls love you, my parents love you and I love you. I wanna be able to wake up to your beauty everyday, I want us to have a family together. I want us moving into a house together. I wanna be able to call you mines forever" Josh said and by now I had tears rolling down my face, Josh smiled and got down on one knee which made me gasp as I realised what was going on

"So Freya Nightingale will you be honoured to be my beautiful wife and make all my dreams come true, will you marry me?" Josh asked and pulled out a beautiful ring



"HE LOVES YOU" I looked around confused then looked over the railings to see the other guys and girls all stood there

"FREYA SAY YES! IT'S FREEZING OUT HERE" Harry shouted, Natalie and Jenny looked at Harry before slapping him across the head

"IGNORE HIM AND SAY YES" Tami shouted, I giggled and looked back at Josh

"Yes! A million times yes" I said and let more tears fall, Josh smiled and slipped the ring on before standing up and kissing me. We heard cheering and whistling from the idiots downstairs

"FINALLY" They all shouted before running off somewhere, Josh pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead against mines

"I love you" Josh said

"I love you too" I said and bite my lips, Josh smiled and picked me up before walking into the hotel room. I looked around and smiled since I now know what everyone was hiding from me. Today was officially the best day of my life...



I hoped you guys liked it, it was just something small and simple

Have a lovely day my lovelies and I'll see you on my next story which you should go check out :D

Tamiii x

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